
74 Chapter 74

The humidity and the waiting quickly started to wear on everyone’s nerves, and the water filtration system was working overtime to keep up with demand over the course of the next few days.

There was an incredible amount of new combat engagements being announced from all over the planet, even in all four cities that could be considered nearby the bridge. But nothing right where they were, only close enough to keep them on edge and fill their days with the sound of battle in the distance.

There was nothing Max could do about it though. With the speed of heavy mecha, the battle could be on them with under 30 minutes’ warning, and that’s assuming the attackers didn’t sneak by the other Kepler Mecha, because their own scouts would be lucky to give them two minutes from the first sighting.

Darkness was returning to mark the end of the second day since General Tennant was reassigned when the radio call they had all been both anticipating and dreading came over the secure command channel.

[Bridge defense, bridge defense. This is the Wrath of Carb]

[Go for bridge defense. This is Stalwart]

[Rebel activity with Cygnus reinforcements has forced us from our position to your northwest. Retreating to your position now].

[We will be waiting for you, Wrath of Carb]

[Everyone to intense battle positions. Get those new missile wagons dug in. Whatever is coming our way drove the Phalanx Class Wrath of Carb from its post.] Max informs the unit. Nobody is happy to hear that, but they needed to know.

[First incoming should be friendly forces. Hold your fire.]

Wrath of Carb was on the run, its main weapons had both been destroyed, and the half-meter-thick armor was pitted and smoking. With him came roughly 2 companies of infantry in an assortment of civilian and other light vehicles and one full company of mixed Mecha, all looking worse for wear.

[Cross the bridge and have your escort enter the entrenched positions Wrath of Carb. We’ve got a crater here large enough to hide half of even a Phalanx Class mecha.]

The arriving troopers raced across the bridge and jumped into any and every spot they could find along the trenches and in the nearby buildings, abandoning their unarmored vehicles and getting themselves set up to join the other infantry.

The mecha followed after them, taking positions further back, using the ruins and battle craters to obtain as much cover as they could. Those without functional main weapons retreated to the far side of the city near the lander to make more space for those who could fight.

[Are there any others coming?] Nico asked one of the two Crusaders who dug in near her.

[No idea, communications were jammed. We couldn’t hear anyone until we were almost on top of you.] The pilot responds with an audible sigh.

[Tarith’s Rage to Shining Darkness and Carpe Noctem. Wrath of Carb and allied forces have been driven from their position, now entrenched with our forces. Hostile forces incoming.]

That was all the message that Nico could force through the jamming signal, sent as a text to their mecha as well as audio, and she could only hope it was actually received.

[What is coming? We didn’t get much information.] Max asks the Wrath of Carb.

“Two heavily damaged Dreadnought Class Super Heavy Mecha, and 200 or more Reaver Class. No infantry or light Mecha survived on their side and they should be in worse shape than we are. This company was the reserves in our bunkers, the damage is from the attempt to exit the city.

The entire area was hit by an orbital bombardment, we never even saw it coming, but you could see the fleet battle from our position.” The pilot of the Wrath of Carb explains.

Max checked the numbers on the incoming Mecha, finding just over sixty light mecha and thirty Crusaders. If the enemy is damaged and low on ammunition the fight isn’t hopeless.

Max got on the Battalion comms [All units, prepare for incoming. A large number of heavy Mecha, with no light escort. Arm yourselves for the expected targets. Scouts, watch the skies, these allies were hit by an Orbital bombardment. We may be facing another wave of the Cygnus landing force.”

The light Mecha Company was busily rearming, while those already kitted for heavy Mecha brought ammunition cases and what replacement weapons they had to spare for the incoming forces.

“It’s like you knew we were coming.” One Crusader pilot among the group with no main weapons cheers when the infantry brings him a replacement Ion Destroyer and a case of missiles for his launcher on the flat deck truck.

“Our commander believes in preparing for the very worst. We’ve been salvaging parts from Rebel Mecha since we arrived here.” The Line Mecha helping the Crusader Class Mecha reload laughs. Four of them have been assigned by the wing leaders to run munitions for the Crusaders during this fight, keeping the heavy guns firing until all ammunition is gone.

[New arrivals, status report.] Max calls five minutes later when the enemy forces start coming into sight.

[23 Crusader units armed and ready, 41 light Mecha of various armaments also report ready. Infantry has entered bunkers per orders of your Bravo Company.] The Wrath of Carb answers.

Well, that’s a far sight better than where they were. And being dug into a defensive position, they’ve got an advantage that might even the odds.

[Wait until they get fully into range to start firing. We don’t have ammunition to waste on a force this size.] Max instructs.

[Wrath of Carb, kindly do not move. If they believe you are disabled they won’t target you immediately, giving our brave techs a few minutes to get your main armament back online.]

The repair attempt is either borderline Suicidal or incredibly heroic, depending on how you look at it, but if they can get even one of the two enormous main guns online it will be a blessing. But there are skilled techs among the convicts, and they believe that they can do it. The first priority will be the lightly damaged Ion Bombard Cannon, which System Scans show requires only a few quickly obtained spare parts. The Plasma Flamer on the other arm has taken more damage and will take a bit longer to repair.

[Got it Stalwart. I will be standing by. Unit Command is in your hands.] Wrath of Carb answers.

Fifty wide and 4 deep, the enemy comes at them in an organized rank. Not Reavers as expected, Mecha of an angular pattern more popular in the Cygnus Loop as heavy shock troops. The Warmonger, Max believes the pattern is called.

Nico searches her memories of studying during government server intrusions when she first saw images and details about these particular mecha. This pattern is more lightly armored than the Redemption Pattern Crusader Class Mecha that the Kepler forces are using. As such, they usually didn’t need to go overboard on penetrating power to fight them.

But more importantly, Nico recalls the greatest design feature of the Warmonger Pattern. [Be warned, these Mecha can likely jump the embankment and get to this side of the river.] Nico warned the troops as the Cygnus forces rushed to close the distance, being at an advantage in close combat.

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