
Chapter 48 - Strange Eyes

Chapter 48 Strange Eyes

Although they got the news that Su Li cooked, they obviously didn’t know the specific appearance of Su Li. Therefore, they were puzzled.

“This... miss.” The teenager patted the folding fan and smiled gently, while there was inexplicable indifference of refusing people thousands of miles away in his smile, “Why are you staring at us and is there anything wrong?”

Su Li blinked her eyes and looked at him from his body to his perfect legs.

The teenager immediately felt shocked, and Ling Mo was full of vigilance in his eyes. When he looked around, he found that the girl was clearly known to the young master. But...how was this possible? Even in Yunjing, there was few people who had seen the master’s face.

The atmosphere was deadlocked.

Su Li’s eyes flashed as if there were tears. After a long time, she said in a low and hoarse voice, “You... Do you know me?”

The teenager felt confused. He had never known the girl after he recalled his memories from his childhood to the present. But, from her reaction, it was clear that she knew him.

The teenager frowned a little bit and asked, “Do you know who I am?”

Su Li tightened her lips. Under the colorful lights, she looked sad with her hands holding tightly. As if she summoned up all her courage, but finally she gave up disappointedly.

“I don’t know...”

She had fantasized about seeing him again for countless times.

In her dreams, they met each other, and he showed his typical smile and let her rest on his knees and called her “sweetheart”.

When she was awake, they saw each other and he was like an old acquaintance who had known her for a long time, and they fell in love at first sight and continued their romance of previous life.

No matter how many the fantasies were, they were fantasies

The reality was colder than anything else. His complete strangeness and the indifferent eyes without any joy were like a bloody knife penetrating into her chest and making her a terrible mess.

Her tears flowed down. The flood of despair like the tide overwhelmed her and made her hard to breath.

This kind of expression in her eyes!

The teenager felt suffocated. A kind of unspeakable pain rose from his heart and spread slowly like poison.

“Why does she cry? Why am I heartbroken? I’ve never seen her before!”

The teenager couldn’t help but reach out his hands and wanted to wipe the tears on Su Li’s face.

Su Li turned back like she got an electric shock. She stared at the teenager and disappeared into the colorful lights.


The teenager felt inexplicably impulsive and wanted to chase after her, but he was stopped by Ling Mo.

“Master, be careful. Maybe there is a trap!”

When the teenager came to his sense at once, he found himself in a bad state of mind. If it’s under ordinary circumstances, he was so indifferent in nature that he wouldn’t impulsively chase a strange girl.

“Did the girl cast any mysterious tricks on me?”

The teenager weirdly talked to himself and beckoned Ling Mo to leave together. What happened to him today was really strange. He would like to go back and investigate the girl.

In the Jinyuan Court.

Mammy Li saw that Su Li’s red eyes when she came back. She felt so shocked that she quickly wiped her hands and came to ask Su Li, “Miss, what’s the matter with you? Did someone bully you? I’ll tell the Master!”

“I am fine, mammy.” Su Li forced a smile, “I just went out for shopping and a grain of sand got into my eyes.”


Mammy Li obviously didn’t believe her, but she could feel that Su Li was unwilling to talk. And it would be futile for her to ask any more questions. She could only comfort her in a quiet voice and boiled a whole barrel of bath water to let Su Li relax herself.

Half lying in the bathtub, Su Li’s disordered breath gradually restored calmness, and eventually became normal.

Su Li forgot her manners.

She didn’t expect to see him so soon, and now he was sound and safe. The whole person exuded the outstanding atmosphere of young talents. Not like his situation in the previous life, at that time, he was clearly less than thirty years old, but he was in a state of depression and couldn’t achieve his ambition.

In this life, she wanted to build up enough power to help him succeed. Even if he couldn’t succeed, she could help him succeed in escaping, so he wouldn’t become a handicapped person at the mercy of others like the previous life.

She would also go to the place in Yunjing to find out the mystery of her mother’s death. If it was the man who killed her mother, she would kill him personally!

She would go to see Su Zipei’s future husband, if she could...she would definitely kill his family all and avenge the death of her child in the previous life!

“Three wishes. That’s enough.”

Su Li slowly closed her eyes. God gave her a new life and let her come here for revenge.

As for him, just forgot...

Forgot him!

Forgot him!

Su Li took a deep breath and sank into the water. For a long time, there was a repressed sigh in the room.

At this moment, in the best guest room of the Baiwei Building, the teenager was lying in bed and turned over for several times. His mind was full of the girl who was crying like a fragile porcelain bottle.

“What on earth does she know? Did she... did she come with me?”

The teenager muttered to himself. During the day he had found the identity of the girl. He even asked who Su Li was in this town. He and Ling Mo were ridiculed by others.

A girl who could cook delicacies of Huaguo Country like him, so was it really you? Xue?

The teenager closed his eyes, and in his mind, he couldn’t help but see the rigorous eyes before he had the time travel.

“Third brother, you really are the sharpest sword in my hand. Rest at ease. Later, the Ling Family will be handled by me, Ling Xue.”

For more than a decade, the cold words were still like a spell from the hell, often ringing a bell to him. From his previous life to his death, he didn’t understand why his sister, who had always liked him best, suddenly killed him.

Ling Mo sat at the table to have a doze and looked at the master in bed. His frowned slightly. From his childhood to his adulthood, he rarely saw the young master show such expression. Was it because the girl in the day?

There was a veiled homicidal intent in his eyes. She could make the master so sad, so he had to make a thorough investigation. He would reveal the identity of the girl and solve the master’s problems.

For him, the master was the sky. No matter what else, even if it was his own life, he wouldn’t care!

The red leaves of the maple trees fell very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, it was the day of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lights made of melons were everywhere in Dasu Town. The sacrificial rites in the Mid-Autumn Festival were one of the few significant festivals in the Dahan Country. People would wear their new clothes to celebrate the harvest on this day. They would set sacrifices at home to thank the gods’ benefits.

In the center of the square in front of the Baiwei Building in Dasu Town, a Buddhist pagoda, a few feet high, was standing there for people to worship in order to seek the safety of life after they put firewood in it and lit the firewood. When the firewood was lit, the pagoda would be like a fire tree on all sides.

Su Li was wearing a newly made light-yellow dress, and the flame reflected half of her white face. She stood in front of the pagoda with her sight drifting away. No one knew what she was thinking.

Mammy Li couldn’t help but sigh. Since the miss came back that day, she became silent. Mammy Li didn’t know what happened, but she was sure it was not a look of missing someone. She had been through the experience of falling in love she was young, and she could see the difference.

After paying respect to the Buddhist pagoda, Su Li straightened up and saw two teenagers walking in the crowd not far away. She blinked and turned into the Baiwei Building. Mammy Li quickly caught up and said, “Miss, the sacrificial rites are not over. How can you leave?”

The teenager seemed to feel something. He turned his head and only saw a shadow disappearing in an instant.

“Is she hiding from me?”

The teenager felt puzzled and he couldn’t understand what was in Su Li’s mind.

At this moment, Ling Mo came over and whispered, “Master, I know who the traitor is!”

The teenager immediately came to his sense and his eyes were full of energy. Then he turned away without saying anything

Ling Mo followed up with a sigh of relief. As long as the traitor had been dealt with and they returned to Yunjing, after a long time, the young master would surely forget the girl, and then he would not be melancholy.

“Mammy Li, I am a little tired and I’ll go back to the Jinyuan Court to have a rest. Then, you just stay in Baiwei Building for help.”

Su Li gave her order, and before Mammy Li could respond, she had put on her cloak and walked into the night.


Mammy Li called her in a hurry, and she was confused in her heart. Did the miss saw something stimulating? Why didn’t she see it?

The sacrificial rites and the lantern festival in Dasu Town took place in the middle of the town. Su Li turned into two lanes, and couldn’t hear Mammy Li. There was only vague noise coming from far away.

Su Li’s eyes restored brightness after she took a long breath. She just wanted to step forward to continue walking, and suddenly, a very slight sound that something broke the air came to her ears.

Su Li’s pupils shrank sharply and she lifted her vital energy to avoid getting hurt on her crucial point.

Next moment—


Three cold knives with flashing light rubbed Su Li’s arm and nailed to the bluestone slab with a crisp sound. A shed of blood burst out.

Su Li immediately couldn’t feel her right arm, and then half of her body was numb.

“They are poisonous!”

Su Li saw the blue light on the edges of the flying knives, and immediately realized, then she put a homemade antidote in her mouth. At this time, she heard another three flying knives with the sound of breaking the air behind her and instantly came close to her heart from the back.

At the time of the crisis, Su Li didn’t panic. She lay down on the side of the paralyzed body and instantly avoided all the flying knives.

The man in the dark couldn’t help whispering. He could find excuses for the first missed shot, but how to explain the second missed shot. Did the miss of the Su Family practice the martial arts?

Didn’t the buyer say that it was just a little girl who was very weak?

When the assassin was anxious and doubtful, Su Li snorted coldly and stamped her feet. The bluestone slab was broken into powder in a moment, while Su Li disappeared as a shadow.

The assassin stood on the beam of the house and saw this scene. Instantly, he felt cold in his heart. The feeling of shudder was straight to the top of the skull from the bottom of his feet.

Damned it!

Was she physically weak?

The girl was clearly a senior in the martial arts circle! If he didn’t attack sneakily, he wouldn’t have a shot at Su Li.

Who the hell gave me the task? I was going to kill him!

The assassin roared in his heart, and suddenly he felt light on the back of his neck and then he could not move at all. But he didn’t see anyone approaching him from the beginning to the end.

“How horrible this is!”

The assassin was full of fear, “It must be a senior who has practiced more than the inborn fourth hurdle. I can’t even escape with the acquired first hurdle that I have accomplished! Is the girl really seventeen years old? Impossible! She must be an old monster who renews her youth!”

The scene he saw was constantly changing. It was getting farther and farther away from the Dasu Town. The assassin felt panic in his heart and wanted to ask for mercy. But he was under Su Li’ control and he couldn’t even say a word.

Su Li didn’t stop until she reached the deserted forest, and her expression was slightly pale.

Su Li didn’t expect that she was almost killed by this person just because she was not so alert for a while. Thinking of the risk just now, Su Li squinted her eyes and removed the assassin’s mask. It was a strange face.

The assassin found that his acupuncture point for muting was unlocked, and immediately asked for help, “Please spare my live, senior! I don’t intentionally offend you. It is really a mistake in organizing the tasks. Please spare my life. I’m willing to do anything for you as you command.”

The assassin spoke so smoothly that it seemed that he said these words many times.

Su Li chuckled for a while and her tone was as cold as snow that had frozen for thousands of years, “I ask you three questions and if you answer them well, maybe I will consider it and let you go.”

When the assassin heard that, he was so overjoyed and said, “You may ask any questions, I will tell you all I know.”

“Who sent you here?”

Su Li’s first question made the assassin smiled bitterly, “I don’t know. It was all set by the organization. I am a low-level killer of the Blood Refining Hall and I am not qualified to know too much.”

“Then you have no value.” Su Li said to herself in a casual manner. The assassin was horrified, and before he could go on begging for mercy, Su Li broke his neck, which made a sound of crack.

There was all calmness in her eyes. After she dealt with the killer’s body, she disappeared in the deep forest with several jumps of the martial arts. A murmur of sigh could be heard.

“Does the homicidal habit in the previous life still affect this life...”

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