
Chapter 489 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 56

Chapter 489 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 56

Gungun, who does not bother with these sillies, puts the cards down as he says, “Go to sleep!”

After Wuyou and Zhang Li go back to their room, Zhang Li takes the bottle out again and says, “I will buy some at the bazaar tomorrow. It looks so gorgeous!”

Wuyou replies, “I will give it to you if you like it.”

“No,” Zhang Li puts the bottle back to Wuyou’s suitcase and says, “Someone gives it to you as a gift.”

Shirla doesn’t come back yet after Zhang Li and Wuyou finish taking a shower.

Zhang Li says with concern, “Should we call her?”

Wuyou is already on the bed, she says, “No need. She may hang out till dawn.”

Upon hearing Wuyou’s words, Zhang Li, who is stunned, doesn’t say anything at all. She can see that Shirla is different from them, who certainly isn’t an ordinary student.

When Zhang Li wakes up at midnight, she glimpses at the bed where Shirla is sleeping on usual days. As expected, it is still empty. While she opens her eyes in the morning the next day, she finds out Shirla is lying there, sleeping soundly.

“When did she come back?” Zhang Li runs to the bathroom where Wuyou is brushing her teeth.

“About 6 o’clock this morning.” Wuyou wipes her mouth and continues, “She said she wouldn’t have any breakfast. Don’t wake her up then.”

After they are done with their makeup, they go to wake the three boys next door, only to find out Gungun comes out alone.

“The two sillies went out to play computer games last night and didn’t come back until this morning,” Gungun locks the door and says, “Just leave them alone.”

Gungun’s two roommates and Shirla all sleep till noon. After having lunch, they will get off the cruise ship and arrive in Kai City, Ai Country’s capital.

The group leaders start to call out, “Check your luggage. Don’t leave your belongings behind. Blah, blah, blah...”

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It takes them an hour to get off the cruise ship. After that, they take the bus to the downtown. The whole schedule of the journey is quite a relaxing one. After they arrive at the hotel at about four o’clock, they have no other schedules. The group leaders advise them about when they should get up tomorrow and let them wander around freely.

However, the seniors at the high school department have to be responsible for taking care of the junior brothers and sisters. Gungun’s group, which is made up of six people, is in charge of taking care of eight junior brothers and sisters. It happens that Zhuang Qin is assigned to Gungun’s group.

“Seniors,” Zhuang Qin, who seems to be somewhat panicked, even says in a low voice before other students come over here, “Should I exchange my position with others?”

Gungun glimpses at Wuyou. Wuyou winks at Zhuang Qin, “No need.”

Gungun agrees with Wuyou. Otherwise, he will be deemed to have had an affair with Zhuang Qin...

As a result, the 14 people in total take a van and head for the most well-known bazaar in Kai City where they will hang around. On the way, the driver tells them that it happens that people all go to the bazaar on weekends, making the bazaar quite noisy.

“Never should you hang around randomly! If you are lost, check the electric map in the group chat where everyone’s location is shown. Got it?” Zhang Li reminds a few junior brothers and sisters, “If you run into any issue, inform us in the group chat and let us know. Don’t get anxious when you are in conflict with others. Nor should you confront them directly. Let’s deal with the issue when we are together. Do you keep my words in your mind?”

The junior brothers and sisters nod obediently, “Yes, we do! Senior!”

Two boys follow behind Shirla and say flatteringly, “We won’t go anywhere else but stand by the senior’s side. We will protect you, Senior!”

“Good boys!” Shirla winks at them flirtatiously.

The junior brothers, who are dazzled by the look in Shirla’s eyes, follow behind Shirla closely after they get off the van.

Zhuang Qin and other two girls stand behind Zhang Li in a hurry. They go into the bazaar together and are separated soon...

Gungun asks Wuyou, “Anything you want to buy?”

There are three girls ahead of them, one of whom peeks at them sneakily from time to time.

“Pang Lulu, why are you always staring at Senior Lang?” Her classmate finds out what she has been doing and clenches at her sleeve hurriedly, “It won’t be appropriate if Senior Wuyou finds out what you are doing.”

Pang Lulu twitches her mouth, “Senior Lang is so handsome. I want to stare at him. After all, I won’t do anything else at all.”

“What on earth do you plan to do?” Another girl named Zhang Mian rolls her eyes, “In your opinion, why does Zhuang Qin stop hanging out at the high school department all of a sudden although nothing has taken place?”

Pang Lulu asks curiously, “Why?”

The girl with short hair is eager to hear some gossip, “Do you know some hearsays?”

“I heard that...” Zhang Mian turns down her voice, “Zhuang Qin liked Senior Lang before. When Senior Wuyou wasn’t around, she went to Senior Lang every day and confessed her feelings to Senior Lang.”

“Is it true?” The girl with short hair covers her mouth, “Was she so bold?”

Pang Lulu says disapprovingly, “The way I see it, it is quite normal. She does nothing wrong to fall in love with a man. After she confesses, if the man also likes her, they can end up being together. If not, at worst, she will be refused and that’s all!”

“That’s different!” Zhang Mian glimpses at her and continues, “It is bold of you to confess to a man without any girlfriend. However, what is it if you confess to someone who has a girlfriend?”

“A mistress!” The girl with short hair adds, who seems to be quite virtuous, “It’s against morality!”

Zhang Mian drags them, “Alright. Let’s stop it. Senior Lang and Senior Wuyou are walking over.”

It is likely that their Asian appearances are too eye-catching. Moreover, half of them are young and naive kids. Consequently, they are targeted by some people. When Zhuang Qin and her classmates buy food in a store, their wallets are stolen. Zhuang Qin sees the one who has stolen their wallets sneaking into the store.

“It’s your man who is the thief! And you are denying it!” Zhuang Qin and her classmates almost burst into tears.

The owner of the store is a man in his 40s. He grumbles in English, “People from your country are low. You don’t want to pay for your food. Instead, you made an excuse that your wallets were stolen.”

“What we say is true,” Zhuang Qin opens the bags of hers and her classmates’ and says, “Check it by yourself. There is no wallet inside.”

As the store owner glimpses at the cell phone of the latest style, lust flashes across his eyes as he says, “I don’t care about it. If you don’t have any cash, pay for the food with other items. This cell phone looks quite good.”

“Are you out of your mind?” Zhuang Qin yells, “This cell phone costs more than ten thousand dollars. How much does your taco cost?”

“Then pay with cash!” The store owner sneers and points at the entrance, “Since my business is affected by your presence, you surely need to make it up to me besides paying for the taco!”

Zhuang Qin’s classmates are so angry that they almost burst out crying. They press the recording key of the group chat in secret, sending the recording of the store owner’s words into the group. Soon Shirla and two junior brothers arrive first.

“What happened?”

As Zhuang Qin’s classmates are crying, Zhuang Qin relates to them what happened with red eyes.

“I swear I saw the thief sneaking into the store, right behind!”

The store owner looks at her with a fierce look in his eyes, “Nonsense! The place behind my store is used for baking tacos, where no outsiders can get in!”

“Then in your opinion, what should we do?” Shirla smiles, “My junior sister insisted the thief was right there. If you insist, we have no choice but to check what’s going on inside together.”

“I said outsiders couldn’t go in,” The store owner refuses as he says, “So unhygienic.”

Shirla curls up the corner of her mouth, “Let me go inside and have a check. If nobody is inside, I am willing to make it up to you by doubling the price.”

“Triple!” The store owner is stubborn.


Upon hearing her consent, the store owner smiles proudly, who seems to have got what he wants, and lifts up the cloth curtain as he says, “Go inside and check it by yourself!”

Zhuang Qin and a few junior boys run inside in a hurry. While Shirla frowns, knowing that she may have been tricked.

As expected... Zhuang Qin runs out in panic soon.

“Senior, no one... no one is inside!”

The two boys point their fingers at the store owner furiously and question him, “It is clear that there is an exit behind. Senior, he tricked us on purpose.”

“I didn’t say that there was no exit behind!” The store owner smiles viciously, “You don’t find anybody there now. Make it up to me with three times the price of the taco quickly!”

Zhuang Qin is so angry that she also cries. They start to argue with the store owner. At that time, Gungun and Wuyou, who are far away from them, also arrive.

Since the store is so small that it can’t accommodate them all. Gungun asks the junior brothers and sisters to wait outside.

After hearing the details, Gungun asks, “How much in total?”

The store owner stretches out his fingers. Gungun takes out the cash and gives it to him.

“Let’s go.”

Upon seeing them walking out, Zhuang Qin asks in a hurry, “Senior Lang, what did that man say?”

“Nothing. Is there anything important in your wallets?”

A female student cries as she replies, “There are several thousand dollars inside as well as a credit card in my wallet.”

“My situation is better. My credit card is placed separately in another card wallet. There are only several thousand dollars in my wallet.” Zhuang Qin holds her classmate in her arms and consoles her, “What should we do now? Although they took the credit cards away, they couldn’t use them at all.”

Shirla smiles and says, “Leave the issue to us. Use your classmates’ cash first. We will inform the police later and let them take care of it.”

Thinking that turning to the police will help a lot, the innocent junior sisters continue hanging around hand in hand.

“The police are of no help at all.” Yuan Yiming chuckles, “This kind of sneaky stealing happens every day. No one will bother with it.”

Zhao Shen and he also ran into a thief a moment ago. They, who were wary, caught the thief right away on the scene.

“We were also at a store at that time. Do you know what the store owner did?” Yuan Yiming says furiously, “Surprisingly, he stood in our way on purpose and let the thief get away from us.”

“Based on the current situation, they are likely to be partners.” Zhang Li continues with concern, “Riot is going on in every corner of this place. Can we get the wallets back?”

Shirla glimpses at Wuyou and says with a smile, “Of course, we can. Let’s go!”

After the sun sets down, they go back to the hotel. Zhuang Qin and her classmates even come to them and ask whether the police have found the thief or not.

“It won’t be that quick. Go back to your rooms and wait for our update.” Shirla coaxes them into leaving.

In the evening, Kai City becomes quiet after nine o’clock while only the lights shroud the whole city quietly. Glimpsing at her cell phone, Shirla finds out it is 1 a.m. at midnight and sits up.

Shirla sees Wuyou sitting up too.

“Shall we go there together?”

Wuyou nods. After getting changed, they leave the hotel sneakily.

In the room next door, Gungun stands on the balcony and watches the two figures walking more and more faraway. He strolls over repetitively, goes inside to make a cup of coffee, and takes a shower. In the end, he picks up his cell phone.


Upon hearing his words, Tang Cao says gladly, “At a time like this, it should be at midnight in Kai City, right? Why did you call me at midnight instead of going to sleep?”

“Nothing...” Gungun pauses for a few seconds and continues asking, “Is... is it true that Wuyou is quite amazing?”

“In what aspect are you talking about?”

Gungun says, “Fighting skills.”

Tang Cao bursts into laughter, “Of course! What happened? Did Wuyou beat you? It can’t be... Wuyou treats you nicely. No way will that she beat you. Were you caught by her while hooking up with another girl?”

“Bee, bee, bee...”

“Hello? What the hell! Badass! You hung me up again...”

It costs Wuyou ten dollars to get the location of the store owner’s family house. It is located on a street not far away from the bazaar.

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