
Chapter 76 The existent- Part 2

"Come let’s teach you to skate for now," he said pulling me with his hand.

During the time Luke taught me, he gave many pointers on the dos and don ts. The whole time I was his center of gravity as he kept his eyes on me. It reminded me of when Charlie had spoken about Luke keeping an eye on me. At a point of time, I almost fell but he was quick to scoop me in his arms.

"How long am I going to live?" I asked him when we stepped into a common washroom in a restaurant after grabbing a bite of sandwich and soda.

"You were born as a human but you are the famous demon’s soul. No one knows if you’re going to age like an average human being or like us. Therefore I have no clue but don’t worry you’ll live as long as I’m alive," he said patting my back.

"That’s assuring," I said looking to his side as my cell vibrated in my pocket.

It was Canrart.

"Hey Lilly, is Luke with you?" I heard him.

"Yeah just a second," I said handing my phone to Luke, "It’s Canrart."

"What is it?... Yeah, I turned it off," Luke asked as I dried my hand in the hand drier machine muting the conversation Luke was having with Canrart, "No... Alright...I’ll be there as soon as I can."

"What happened?" I asked as he stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"Crossbreeds have attacked the local village that’s situated not far away from the castle and the situation has gone out of control. They’ve found six dead bodies," he said wiping his hand with the tissue, "I believe Marc is with them. Either with them or being held as a hostage."

"We have to go there quickly!" I was worried. Deep down I knew something like this was going to happen.

Crossbreeds were scary creatures and it was bad enough that Marc was one of them but which idiot would step into a trap!

"There is a medical box in the down right corner. Take it out," Luke said to me and I nodded bending down to open it but there was nothing in there.

"Nothings here- Luke!" He locked the door from the other side, "Luke open the door! What are you doing locking me up inside?!" I yelled banging the door with my hands.

"I’m sorry Lillian but this is for your own good. And didn’t I say I would keep you safe and away from any possible danger," I heard him behind the door, "Taking you along would only distract me. There is a window if you want your way out. See you later Lillian," I banged the door again but found no response making me groan internally.

My head hit the door with a light thud and I sighed. In less than three seconds Luke had decided to lock me up and not take me with him. How fast did his mind work?

"Hello!" I shouted loud enough for anyone to hear and in return received nothing but silence. Did he pay the people who worked here not to open the door?

I don’t know why but I felt Marc was going to be in deep trouble when he would come face to face with Luke. Luke never liked crossbreeds and it would only be easier for him to take Marc out of the picture.

Twisting the handle I kicked the door with my foot angrily. Looking around I saw the window Luke had mentioned near one of the sinks. Stepping on the edge of the basin I pushed open the window and keeping one of my feet on the tap that was fixed on the wall, climbing out of the restroom successfully.

When I reached the town were the crossbreeds were creating a havoc I saw Canrart and Luke covered in blood which was not theirs. There were few guards taking the town folks to shelter while the others were defending them from the crossbreeds.

There were more than forty of them and they were savage, killing anything in their way. I held the gun in my hand which was given to me by Luke in the Syrian country.

Even though Luke was quick with his attacks there were too many that were coming at him with the intent to kill. Marc was nowhere to be found and it was when I looked at every crossbreed that I realized that there was one of them who looked scrawnier and had a lighter shade of fur around it than compared to the rest.

"MARC!" I screamed his name making it stop what it was doing to look at me making the blood drain out of my face.

The crossbreed that stood next to him growled looking at me and he growled back. Too many of them were approaching Luke and in that time span, Marc caught both Luke’s arm in surprise, howling in the process and in turn making other crossbreeds howl.

"Marc please stop!" I yelled at the top of my voice but it didn’t seem to affect him, "Please turn back, no one needs to hurt anyone. Please," I pleaded to look at the brown-eyed creature. It looked like Marc was brainwashed by these creatures.

He howled again baring his teeth out near Luke’s neck making my heart beat drop instantly. Without thinking I brought up the gun and pulled the trigger making Marc stumble back as the bullet had pierced through his chest.

Taking two steps he fell backward on the ground while the gun in my hand slipped through my hand as it went to cover my mouth in shock at what I did. Running to where he was I sat down to look at him lying there motionless. I felt a drop of tear slide over my cheek as I continued to stare at his lifeless body.

I had taken Marc’s life.

I could hear gunshots pouring around me while I sat there numb. One tear followed another without an end.

"I killed him," I whispered.

"Lillian, let go of his arm," Luke said trying to gently pry my fingers away from Marc and I shook my head, "He looks dead but there’s still life left in him, after all, he is the leader. If we take him to Elvis, he might be able to help."

"That’s right, Lilly," Canrart said with an encouraging smile.

"Elvis is on his way to the castle and should be there in ten minutes. I’ll take her with me," I heard Luke say to Canrart.

"We’ll be going ahead then," Canrart replied taking Marc with him.

Reaching the castle Marc was taken to the medic room. Luke, Canrart, and Elvis were in the room and Heather took me to my room. She assured me that everything would be okay and I shouldn’t worry as Elvis was working on Marc.

An hour later Luke appeared to sit next to me.

"Is he okay? Is he going to survive?" I asked him worried.

"The bullet didn’t have the effect the way it would to a crossbreed so he should be fine," hearing this I let a sigh of relief, "Did you know you’re the definition of death?" He asked asked me taking me off guard.


"Where you go death follows like a trail," he said standing up and walking towards the window. I felt a sting of pain as he said that, "Don’t you think it’s time for you to die?" when he turned back I lost all my voice.


It was Alos, my father who wanted to kill me. His clothes covered in dried blood and his eyes tired.

"Is that the way to greet your father, child?" He asked me with a sinister smile on his face trying to get closer to me as I moved back.

"You are no father of mine," I gritted and called out Luke’s name just in time for him to appear through the door making Alos vanish in thin air, "He was here just now. I think he’s here Luke," I said frantically.

"Let’s go out of here, Lilly," Luke said taking my hand in his, "Having him around is dangerous for us and others as we don’t know whom he will portray to be. Marc should be fine. Come, we need to end this soon," and we left the castle.

He stopped when a small cottage-like house came by and I got down looking at the isolated place.

"Let me make a call to Canrart and see what to do," he said leaving me alone.

The cottage looked old, so old that the floors creaked as I walked on it. It was a deserted place.

I couldn’t believe that I had come face to face with Alos again. Luckily Luke was around but something didn’t feel right.

"Luke?" I called out his name as I looked for him.

Luke had a lot of pride to ask for anyone’s help. Moreover, the Luke I knew would say ’Bring it on’ facing the situation head-on.

"I believe facing one’s nightmares is the best way than run away from them," Luke had said that.

If my intuition was right, the man I thought to be Luke was not Luke but Alos himself! He had tricked me!

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