
Chapter 320 The Intangible is Tangible

Chapter 320 The Intangible is Tangible

"Nameless Mr. Illusionist, can you give me your name?" Ye Qingxuan focused coldly on the what was left of the lifeboat. However, his gaze passed through the bottom of the overturned boat. There was a small air pocket between the boat and the water surface. Who would notice what was hidden in the narrow space?

"No need to keep hiding," Ye Qingxuan said lightly. "Your first fulcrum was the eye sockets of that corpse, right? You used the sound of the piece knocking against the ship to attract attention. Then you created a shock with the pathetic state of the body. Finally, one’s gaze would fall on the eye socket.

"You hid the fulcrum there. Seamlessly and unnoticeably, the people who saw it would fall into your illusion. The field of illusions that you specialize in is ‘into absurdity,’ right?"

No one spoke in the silence. The captain and sailors stared at Ye Qingxuan as if he was crazy. Expressionless, Ye Qingxuan pulled the trigger.

Ping! The harpoon in his hand shook and shot through the air with a steel rope. The already rotten corpse burst from the piercing. Foul fluid flew in the air. The harpoon dug into the bottom of the ship, piercing the darkness.

There was still no sound.

However, through the analysis of the Eye of Silence, there were small changes in the aether within the perception threads. The boat instantly became transparent in Ye Qingxuan’s eyes, revealing a black shadow that was quickly sinking.

"You want to leave?" Ye Qingxuan sneered. "Friend, do you know what an electric fish is?"

At his fingertip, Indrah’s Eye shone. Electricity surged down the harpoon into the sea, instantly illuminating the black waves. Burning electric light scattered in all directions of the deep sea.

Ye Qingxuan did not hold back this time. He had directly used his sub-originator and gave the guy an electric ‘treatment!’ This was his first time using Indrah’s Eye since becoming an official musician. Even he was shocked at the strength he had when he did not hold back. After leaving Avalon’s restrictions, the high density of lively aether created wild friction. Blinding white sparks scattered in the deep sea.

The lifeboat that took the brunt of the force was burnt to crisp; the body evaporated into dust. The electric light shot into the deep sea like a spear of lightning and pierced the black shadow.

Under the bubbling of water, a streak of lightning rippled in all directions. In its path, countless dead fish floated to the surface. The ship crackled and popped. Even protected, everyone’s hair shot up.

There was the weird smell of seawater decomposed from the high heat in the air. A scream sounded from the bottom of the sea. With a sharp crack, the burnt boat was broken through. The musician who had been attacked by Indrah’s Eye without warning screamed weirdly. He shot up to the sky; his boots were clearly not average objects. A gentle melody reacted with the wild wind and he flew up more than one hundred meters in an instant.

"Get back here!" Ye Qingxuan clenched his hand and a horn blared—Night on Bald Mountain!

This guy was not a demon, and did not sign a contract with a natural catastrophe, but Night on Bald Mountain’s basic effect still showed. Under the targeting of the perception threads, countless silver ropes emerged from thin air. They curled toward the figure like snakes and wrapped around his ankles. He yelled and his figure became transparent. However, moonlight flowed down the ropes and broke his illusion.

Boom! The ropes curled back and dragged him onto the ship. He slammed onto the floor. He tried to roll over and get up, but a foot met him halfway and stepped down onto his neck. Then, a smiling youth expertly reloaded his harpoon and aimed the coldly glinting thing at the man’s face.

"What’s your name?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

"Simon," the young burnt musician replied obediently. "Simon, a Siren musician of the Indefinite Earth."

"Oh?" Ye Qingxuan was interested. "I didn’t expect you to be from such a place…" The Indefinite Earth, Voodoo Crypt, and Fantasy Swamp were all prestigious houses of the School of Illusion. They were incomparable to the School of Royalty that was supported by the entire country, but they still had very unique and powerful techniques.

The Indefinite Earth was the best at large-scale illusions. The Siren musician was a profession of the School of Illusion that utilized the talent and research of the Siren demons. They specialized in using fog and water vapor to create large-scale battlefield illusions. When they fought on the sea, their fatality would skyrocket to the level of an entire battalion. They were comparable to the Wave Warlocks of the schools of Summoning and Modifications. However, Sirens were strongest in ultra-wide ranges and ultra-precise illusions. Otherwise, Ye Qingxuan would have had a much harder time.

"You’ve just reached the Resonance level?" Ye Qingxuan furrowed his brows after sensing Simon’s aether waves. "I’m just an average musician who hasn’t graduated yet. What did I do to attract the attention of the Indefinite Earth? The double illusion was very finely constructed. I’m impressed."

"Hmph, I don’t like the sound of your tone." Simon gritted his teeth; his eyes were filled with hatred and regret. "You’re not a pure Revelations musician? I’m going to argue with anyone who says you’re just a soft persimmon scholar. F*ck, none of you Angloians speak the truth!"

"Hey, I’m confused as to why I just randomly walked into an illusion trap!" Ye Qingxuan wrinkled his brows. "And ‘soft persimmon’? What does that mean?"

Simon blanched and gaped at him. After a long while, his expression grew incredulous and he cackled. "You don’t know yet? Oh my God, you don’t know anything. The moment you left Anglo, you entered the hit list of so many genius musicians! Hahaha hahaha…"

"I f*cking knew it!" Clenching his jaw, he turned toward Anglo. As if he could see a certain old man, he repeated the vilest curse he could think of inside his head. He had calculated carefully and was cautious, but he had still fallen in that old b*stard’s hands!

"You think you won?" Under his feet, Simon glared at him and sneered. "It’s not over yet."

Ye Qingxuan instantly felt a fleeting shadow flash over the distant sea. A cackle sounded—it was Simon, who was under his feet.

"Ye Qingxuan, it’s only our first meeting and you’ve already seen through the double environment." Simon glared at him. "If you can see through the last one, I admit defeat!" Then the shadow dissipated like a dream.

Ye Qingxuan looked down dumbly. Under his feet, Simon had somehow stiffened into a corpse. It was clearly a replacement.

"I can’t believe it’s a triple illusion!"

The hair on Ye Qingxuan’s arms instantly rose and he shivered. This guy had actually created a triple illusion, which was incredible. But when did he drag Ye Qingxuan into the last layer? Where was the fulcrum hidden? On the boat? In the sound of the waves? In his meal? A hint in the guests’ conversations? Or was it before he boarded the ship…

Ye Qingxuan instantly remembered the server who had urged him to hurry onto the ship. An odd light had flashed through his eyes—it had started then. No, it might have been even earlier. Or…

The youth trembled and he looked down furiously, suddenly stomping his feet. Simon, who had been playing dead, squeaked. He could not pretend anymore; his escape music score that he was preparing was interrupted too.

This time, Ye Qingxuan was decisive. He yanked the wind flute off from Simon’s neck, taking away all chances of fighting back.

"So scheming!" Ye Qingxuan spat. "You used the trick you prepared beforehand to fool me into thinking I’m still in the illusion. After I stop focusing on you, you’d be able to escape…Your plan is pretty good. You tossed alchemy equipment for making illusions into the sea beforehand, right? You can activate it when needed. It can trick your enemy and buy you time."

With his last trick gone, Simon had a defeated expression on his face. He had already been gravely wounded by Ye Qingxuan’s sudden Indrah’s Eye attack and had been forcing the pain down. With no hope in sight, he lowered his head and coughed violently. Blood seeped from his openings.

"I lost." His voice was hoarse and unwilling. "How did you discover it?"

"Any trick will lose its effectiveness after a few times," Ye Qingxuan said coldly. "It’s true that there is tangibility in the intangible and intangibility in the tangible. However, if you go past three, even the most incredible setup becomes a joke."

"I see…" Simon hung his head; he stopped fighting and spoke no more.

Ye Qingxuan pulled a small pouch from his waist and tossed it down. "Swallow this if you don’t want to die."

Simon followed the orders. He opened the pouch and swallowed the refined silver sand without caring if it was poison or what. Soon, Ye Qingxuan sensed that the sand had reached the stomach. He used Night on Bald Mountain to group the silver sand into clusters and block his stomach.

"Don’t move if you don’t want to be burnt to dust from the inside," Ye Qingxuan said coldly.

Simon felt the weirdness in his stomach. He could not help but shiver and nod like a bobble head.

The captain decided it was safe now and came over cautiously. He glanced at Simon, who was on the ground. "Mr. Ye, what do we do with him?"

"Lock him up." Ye Qingxuan looked down and smiled mysteriously. "I have use for him."

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