
Chapter 163

Even though the devils had not climbed through the crack yet, Baiyi could smell the faint sulphurous odor from far away. Still, he was not worried nor was he nervous at the prospect of facing them. Instead, it reminded him of a similar situation from the past. Turning to the Void, he said, Looks like the assassins did not lie to me. They really don’t believe in God! The things that they believe in is the devil!

“I really have no idea which nutjob would open a crack in this place?” The Devil heaved an agitated sigh, “Somehow it appears that after I’ve left the abyss, the rest of the devils have becomebrainless!”

Don’t slander your own clan like that, Baiyi chuckled.

“Please don’t ever group me together with them lowly creatures!” The Devil snapped back.

Yeah, yeah, you’re THE Devil.... Baiyi sighed deeply before lifting up his hand to set off a Siren spell. Red fireworks began to explode over the town. Accompanying it was a burst of ear-splitting siren wailing that was a bit like the air raid alarm on Earth.

The townspeople were soon awakened by the noise. The few people who lived closed to the square pushed opened the door before the fireworks on top of their head was fully dispersed and saw Baiyi standing right in the middle of the square. Instead of asking what was going on, they were all exclaiming in astonishment, “Eh? Isn’t this the Viscount’s weird son-in-law?”

W-What? How did you guys came to this conclusion? Do you really think Mia can find a husband with that personality of hers? Baiyi was bewildered. Still, in order to avoid creating unnecessary panic, he shouted out loud reservedly, “Everyone, come out of your house and go take cover at the hill behind.”

The townspeople still had some doubts but soon after, a series of ‘whoosh’ sounds could be heard coming from the town entrance which was accompanied by a few burning fireballs that were flying towards their direction. It was clear that it was projected towards the position of where the alarm had went off.

Immediately, Baiyi raised his hand and a circle of red formation appeared in front of his palm. Multiple small fireballs were fired from the formation, flying towards the large fireballs respectively and igniting them in mid-air, where they exploded into balls and balls of fireworks.

“AHHHHH! What was that?!”

The townspeople yelled out in befuddlement.

“There’s no time for me to explain! Go to the hill now!” Baiyi continued to shout, “Leave your belongings behind! RUN NOW!!”

Unfortunately, his voice was soon drowned out in the hustle and bustle of the commotion. It was complete chaos. The townspeople did not seem to take his words seriously even though he was the ‘son-in-law’ of the Viscount.

Luckily, Lord Nolan and Mia arrived just in time in the chaos. The moment she saw Baiyi, she ran and threw herself into his embrace before lifting her head up and looked at him in concern. Lord Nolan was going to ask about the situation but another round of the fireballs from the enemy were fired towards their direction again. This time, the number was more than double compared to the previous round.

Still, Baiyi was able to contain the situation very quickly. He upgraded the Fireball Volley 1 to an intensified version and used his Psychic Energy to control each of the fireball precisely. Once again, he managed to intercept the enemy’s attack.

Seeing that, Lord Nolan was so shocked that his face turned pale in an instance. He was a man who had battled it out on the battlefield before. He had also seen those tactics and attacks from powerful sorcerers but he had never seen any other sorcerer who could release such a spell like Baiyi just did. Just as he was about to open his mouth to query, Baiyi turned towards him and said, “There’s a crack in the realm just outside of the town. I have no idea how many devils are making their way here so you better take the civilians and take cover somewhere safe.”

“D-Devils?” Lord Nolan was bewildered. The term was familiar yet strange to him.

“Yes, the devils. I don’t have time to explain. Take your people with you now!”

“W-What about you? Where will you go?” Lord Nolan quickly asked again. He could see that Baiyi did not have the intention to leave at all.

“I’ll stop them and buy some time for you guys,” Baiyi answered, “If they manage to enter the town, then the consequences would be disastrous!”

“I’ll help you! We have our own militia in town,” Lord Nolan announced. All traces of fear vanished from his face.

“Don’t give me any more trouble,” Baiyi snapped, “I only need Mia with me. Go take your people and hide at the hill behind,” Having said that, he held Mia’s little hand tightly and looked down at her. The girl was still wearing the beautiful dress that he bought for her and although that delicate face of hers was screwed up in a worried expression, there was no sign of fear at all on her face. She did not speak a word at all. Instead, the hand that was holding Baiyi’s hand squeezed tightly before she turned and cast a firm look towards her father, telling him the things that she wanted to say with her eyes.

“M-Mia? You...” Lord Nolan hesitated but after he saw the resolution in her eyes, he understood his daughter’s choice. Deciding to respect her decision, he looked up at Baiyi and said, “Please take good care of Mia, Master Hope.”

“Don’t worry. There’s not many people who can hurt her in front of me in this world,” Baiyi promised as he nodded towards Mia’s father before leading her towards the town gate.

Lord Nolan could only watch the two disappearing silhouettes in silence before he began to usher the townspeople to seek for cover.

Halfway on the road, Baiyi could sense the power fluctuations that was coming from outside the town. After roughly estimating the number of the devils, he patted Mia’s head, “This time we seem to have many enemies. Are you scared?”

The little girl looked up at him earnestly. Her lips were pressed tightly together as she shook her head. She said firmly, “The reason I learn magic it because I want to protect my people one day!”

“That’s great! Very good Mia! I like the you right now! But, you have to remember, next time, before you go on to a battlefield, you have to fully equip yourself first. Go change into the sorcerer robe now!” Baiyi nodded his head in satisfaction. At the same time, he raised his right hand again towards the sky. As he was speaking, he intercepted the enemy’s third wave of fireballs again.

“Be fast, okay?” He reminded her.

Mia quickly ran over into an empty house nearby and changed into the purple sorcerer’s robe that she had worn during her final exam. She took out the Ice-type staff from her pouch as well and once again, she transformed into the fairy-like beautiful girl.

“That’s right! We have to face the enemies with the most beautiful appearance!” Baiyi muttered under his breath.

At that time, the number of devils that were gathered outside of the town had already increased to almost 100, of which the largest number was a species of devil called Gog. That species had a relatively weak body but was born with the ability to release fireballs, therefore it was usually one of the main soldiers in the long-range troop of the devil army. The three waves of fireballs that were fired towards the town were their handiwork.

In front of the Gogs were the Fallen Imps that were not much bigger than the former. The imp was the lowest level of all devils and they had the fastest speed when travelling through the realm crack, making them suitable to become one of the main cannon fodder in the army. However, at that moment, they did not recklessly charged at the town crying ” WRAHHHHH WRAHHHH WRAHHHH” in an idiotic manner like how the The Devil described but instead, they were all standing orderly in front of the Gogs in silence, providing cover for the former.

Looking at such a neat formation, Baiyi deduced that the devils must have been trained by an abyss lord who was good in troop training.

Behind the simple array of military formation was the crack that was constantly exuding space fluctuations to the realm of reality. That crack looked like a hole that was perforated by a finger on a piece of parchment. All sorts of devils were climbing out from the crack and with the cover from the low-level devil soldiers, they safely came out from the crack without any obstacles.

After a few hideous yet stout Cerberus climbed out of the crack, a silhouette that resembled a woman’s body slowly emerged from the crack. The process of it passing through the crack was surprisingly slow. It was so slow that the process of the virtual shadow slowly condensing into an entity could be seen by naked eyes. Such a case only meant one thing, the figure that was passing through was no doubt a very powerful devil.

After a long moment, a female devil that looked somewhat like a succubus appeared in front of the crack. She possessed a body that was far more seductive than a normal human female and a look that was more gorgeous and feminine. However, what made her different was the two long horns that was on her head and instead of having a pair of bat-like wings at her back like a succubus, she had two pairs of legs on her back that looked eerily like spider legs.

As soon as the female devil was out, she breath in the air greedily through her mouth as the pair of stunning chest rose up violently. Sticking out her snake-like forked tongue, she licked her lips sexily and exclaimed excitedly, “Ahh, I can taste fear and despair in this dirty air! How yummy!This is the sweetest taste on the land! Thank you so much, my generous Master, for letting me come here!”

Then, she looked down at the array of the other clumsy devils. Some of them did not have the ability to see at night and the training they underwent was not yet at the Fallen Imps’ level. When they climbed out of the crack in a hasty manner, they had messed up the neatly arranged array and now the whole formation was in an utter disorder.

Annoyed, creases formed between her brows as she hissed loudly at the few Minotaurs that were the biggest in size among the group, “Lit the torch up first, you lowly creatures! You are even more stupid than the Fallen Imps! Why can’t you guys line up prope...”

Before she could finish her words, a magical wave suddenly materialized among the Fallen Imps array. A circle of ice ring that was shining brightly under the dark night surfaced all of a sudden, speedily spreading out.

That was a Level 5 Ice-type offensive spell, Frost Nova.

Before the group of brainless Fallen Imps realized what was happening, all of them were already frozen into ice sculptures. And because the array that they were arranged in was neat and densed, the Frost Nova was able to fully maximize its damage.

An angry hissing scream suddenly pierced through the sky. The female devil glanced around her surrounding and finally had her gaze locked in one place. With her right arm extended outwards, she released a black lightning towards the direction that she was looking at.

The air that was hit by the black bolt of lightning abruptly rippled like a calm lake that had a stone thrown into it. Bit by bit, two human silhouettes slowly emerged in that direction.

The other devils had already ignited several fire pits and under the illumination of the fire, the female devil could see clearly the two people who had hid themselves under the mist before. A little girl and a grey Soul Armature?

And that grey Soul Armature was giving the little girl a thumbs up at that moment, as if he was praising her for her good aim?

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