
Chapter 48: Momoka Warika

"Then do you know where the captain\'s room is on this ship?"

"From their inboard map, we know where it is."

"Okay then, arrange a few subordinates and take me to the captain\'s room. There may be survivors." Before Long Fei finished speaking, there was a sudden noise from the headphones.

"What happened? Why is there such a noise?"

"It\'s okay, boss, I was just taken aback and accidentally bumped into something. Then again, boss, how do you know there are survivors?"

"Discovered from video files of recording device."

Soon, Captain Bailieba took two people and took Long Fei to the captain\'s room.

In the captain\'s room, Long Fei took off the oil painting frame on the wall while hugging what Bickley\'s video said before he died, and then pressed the button.

The bookshelf in the captain\'s room suddenly opened, and there was a secret room inside.

Captain Barieba and the others were surprised, they didn\'t expect that there was a secret room in this room.

Long Fei took the three of Barieba into the secret room.

There is another door in the secret room, and there is a keyboard beside the door. Long Fei typed the password yzj00, the door opened, and there was another door inside.

Long Fei continued to bring the three of them in. He opened the door before, but suddenly it closed, and the three of Barieba immediately went to check.

The door was found sealed.

Suddenly, a force of gravity caused everyone who was floating in the air to sit down on the ground.

"What\'s going on?" Bariaba and the others were very surprised.

Suddenly, several holes appeared around, and white gas was ejected from the holes.

The helmet\'s scanning function scanned and found that the white gas turned out to be oxygen.

Then, the second door opened, and there was a faint light inside. Long Fei made a gesture, and the three of Barieba took off the rifles hanging on their backs, and carefully entered the room with the rifles in hand.

Sure enough, there are two refrigerated dormant chambers still in operation in the secret room.

"Boss, there are indeed survivors."

Long Fei went into the secret room to check, and sure enough, there was one person sleeping in each of the two cryogenic hibernation chambers, just like the video Long Fei had watched, it was the pair of blonde sisters, and countless frosts covered the two sisters.

"Captain Bailieba, if the cryo-hibernation chamber is opened directly, will it cause any harm to the sisters?"

"First of all, the two sisters\' sleeping cryogenic storage is very old. If you open it rashly without taking some measures to deal with it, your life will be in danger, especially the longer you sleep, the greater the risk of accidents."

"Then what measures should be taken to deal with it?"

"First of all, we need ssys60 thawing medicine, inject it on the target, and then put the target in the warm room. When the target can recover, not only depends on how long the target has been asleep, but also depends on the target\'s own good fortune."

"Well, Captain Barieba, from what you\'ve said, it looks like you\'re experienced, right?"

"The subordinates used to work in related industries, but after they couldn\'t afford the huge breathing tax and various taxes, they were finally thrown into the man-made poor satellite and worked as coolies with many people. It happened that the Tianyi mercenary group was recruiting soldiers. , and that’s what’s next.”

"Okay, the captain will leave this matter to you, and you can arrange it."


Long Fei walked to Tao Xiang\'s cryogenic dormancy chamber, and reached out to touch the glass mirror in front of Tao Xiang. Suddenly, Long Fei\'s whole spirit seemed to be pulled into a space.

In the space, Long Fei saw many images, all of which were memory images from Tao Xiang\'s perspective.

After looking at some memory impressions, Long Fei suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head, and his whole mind was driven out of the space.

"Ah!" Long Fei screamed and sat down on the ground.

Bailieba and the others quickly helped Long Fei up, and the three of them were very surprised. Why did the boss touch the mirror of the cryogenic hibernation chamber and screamed, and sat down on the ground.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Long Fei raised his hand: "It\'s okay." His head still hurt a little, and he was even visually dizzy. After shaking his head for a while, Long Fei\'s vision finally returned to normal.

Long Fei looked at Tao Xiang and found that this woman turned out to be a new human being.

"Okay, let me go, I\'m fine, you go to work."

"Yes, boss."

After the three of them left the secret room, Long Fei walked to Li Xiang\'s cryogenic hibernation chamber, and also reached out to touch the glass mirror in front of Li Xiang.

This time, although he didn\'t feel his spirit being sucked into the other party\'s memory space, he felt that his own spirit and the other party\'s mind were in harmony. Long Fei sensed an unknown fear deep in Li Xiang\'s heart.

Long Fei pulled his hands away from the front of the glass mirror and shook his head. The two sisters could only be brought back to the mother base after Captain Bailieba arranged everything.

Long Fei then returned to the previous room and continued to look at the information files.

Long Fei, who was looking at the document, heard a contact request from President Sakeqi through the headset.

"Boss, the King of Thrace has asked us if we can sell them a special Jim MS."

Long Fei thought for a while and said, "Tell the King of Thrace that after two months, we can sell the special Jim to them."

"Okay, boss."

"Is there anything else you want to report to me?"

"Recently, our company has caught some spies. Among the spies are secret service organizations from companies and some countries. The purpose is to steal our technology."

"Has any technology been stolen by them?"

"Currently, they have stolen the software technology of some drones and the technical verification reports of some individual weapons, as well as the design drawings of the frigates and destroyers that the Tianyi Mercenary Group has eliminated."

"Hmm." Although Long Fei was somewhat displeased with the stolen technology, such things are impossible to guard against. But speaking of it, the military technology that Long Fei handed over to President Sakeqi was not advanced technology. Of course, look at it from Long Fei\'s point of view, not from the technological level of the current world.

"Those stolen technologies, what measures did you take?"

"Regardless of whether the technology has been stolen, they have already applied for patent rights. Patent rights are protected by relevant laws whether they are in the earth circle or the colonial circle. If it is a corporate spy, legal means can be used to deal with it. As long as they have sufficient evidence, they can sue them in an international court, and let the party who stole them compensate them and return the technology. On the contrary, if they are spies from some countries, they will be in trouble. International law can be used to sue for compensation and return technology, but if it is a powerful country, it will be very troublesome, even if we win the case in the international court, those powerful countries may not abide by the court\'s judgment."

Long Fei exhaled hot air from his nose, and said: "There is no way, laws and rules can only restrain the weak and those who are not strong enough. If they are strong enough, laws and rules are just clouds."

In fact, Long Fei agrees very much in his heart, only the strong can ignore the rules, and the weak can obey the rules.

Sakchi continued to report: "Also, no matter whether it is a company or a national power, what they want most is the technology of Gundam, and there is one power among them that I am very concerned about."

"Which force?"

"Flying Military Science Company."

Long Fei narrowed his eyes, and ordered: "Sue if you can, and they must pay the worst price."

"Yes, boss."

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