
Chapter 79 079: Garden Of Secrets I

When he went back into the dining hall, cole realized that all of the candles that had served to give the place a little bit of lighting was gone. But given the carnage his fight with Farida and her party had wrought, it was a miracle there was still a thing left standing. Either way the reason why he was back here was because the bounty he just completed had a massive red flag he couldn\'t ignore.

The exact wording on the bounty to have it completed was for Cole to destroy the item that was responsible for the summoning of the eldritch gaze eyeball thingies. However he had not come across an item of the sort, or perhaps he had seen it, and he had just been too preoccupied with the fight in front of him to pay attention to it.

The room was awash with a dull red glow that was coming from underneath one of the many overturned chairs in the dining hall. Cole raised an eyebrow at that, then he pushed it down as he raised his hand up to rub at his raised eyebrow… it was becoming a habit recently, he didn\'t even know how to raise his eyebrow properly, he just thought it looked cool and was trying to adopt it.

He pulled out Blue obsidian and held the gun tightly with on hand in his jacket about to pull out a throwing knife if the situation called for it. Cole picked his steps slowly until he used a foot to raise the chair up then moved backwards using [Shadow Dance] in the process to get a little bit more distance, but it didn\'t work. While there was a significant amount of shadows there was no proper light to illuminate the area and create more shadows for Cole to jump into.

He stumbled backwards but gathered his wit about him quickly as he took a good look at what had been given off the glow. There was a sort of snow globe on the floor. The snow globe itself had an eye in it, a real honest to god eye floating in some sort of transparent purple liquid. There was something absolutely eerie about it, and it made Cole shudder as he drew closer to it.

He walked over and picked it up, and immediately he felt as if hundreds of ants were crawling allover his body as he broke into hives. If he had to give words to what he was feeling right now, Cole would say this… snow globe! Gave him a bad case of the heebie jeebies. And it was an item so there was a description to go along with it.

[The one Eye of Mormon// Cursed//?????]

That was all it said, just called it the eye of Mormon and left a whole string of question marks along with it, of course it also showed that the globe was cursed, and that freaked Cole out as he almost dropped the globe, before quickly having the forethought to throw it into his inventory.

He probably had to destroy it as the bounty had requested of him, but frankly speaking he didn\'t destroy it and the bounty was counted completed, which means this was something important to Titus. But beyond that perhaps the goblin had absolutely no idea that he hadn\'t destroyed it yet, either way, he was keeping it to himself, it could probably be sold to Bob for a stupid amount of money, or kept until the so called digital universe swallowed earth, then sell it to those other powers or maybe use it himself and summon himself an army of attack dogs that were eyeballs.

After he has fully understood what it was of course. Never the less he turned around after giving the dining hall a look over. While there was light on to illuminate anything, Cole on account of being a demon… or at least some sort of demon anyways could see in the dark. And since he could do so, finding his way out if the dining hall was not that much of a problem.

"Mr. Cole! Did you find an anything else in the dining hall?" Titus asked, looking extremely nervous as he rubbed his hands over each other and tried to peer past Cole into the dining room. Since Mr. Titus was a goblin, he was a nocturnal creature and had absolutely excellent dark vision, so he could probably see what was left of the place.

"Well I went back in there to gather the remains of the snow globe…. Eye globe? That was used in summoning those bloody gazes. Nevertheless, I\'ve gathered the fragments and would go dispose of it, I wouldn\'t want a repeat of what happened here anywhere else Mr. Titus, people could actually lose their lives." Cole said as he made his way back up the stairs.

"But Mr. Cole if I may, can you perhaps give those fragments to me, I will ensure that they are well disposed of, it\'s just that they are a family heirloom and it would hurt me terribly to actually lose them." Titus said as he hurried up after Cole, having a bit of trouble scaling the stairs as they were tall enough to give him a bit of trouble.

"I\'m sorry I can\'t do that, I have to take this to the closest police station and report it. They need to know what has happened here, we need to make sure that there would enough information disseminated so that something like this wouldn\'t happen again, and no one else gets hurt you know. People need to know better!" Cole said and turned around to give Titus a pointed gaze, causing the goblin to let out a nervous laughter as he said.

"Of course, of course… as you were Mr. Cole-ahhhh" Cole had to hold back a laugh as Morgan moved past the goblin, his massive body actually forcing the goblin to jump off the side of the railing in order to not get crushed by the mechanoid Dire wolf king. Cole got up to the landing then looked over the balcony at Titus sprawled on the ground amongst the remains of one of his many flower vases.

"Sorry about that Mr. Titus, Morgan didn\'t see you there."

"Don\'t worry Mr. Cole, I am perfectly fine… as you were sir… as you were." Cole scoffed, he was advanced enough in not just his physiology as a demon, but with his high perception stat to be able to hear the gritting and grinding of teeth coming from Titus Boris\'s mouth. Then following it soon after were the words.

"Just you wait boy…. I\'ll show you the folly of standing against me…. I will show you." Cole turned around then popped his head over the balcony, startling Titus who had no idea Cole had still been close by.

"MR Titus did you say something? I thought I heard you saying something about have something to show me, what is it sir? Do you have any more information for me?" Titus shook his little goblin head so hard Cole actually feared he would cut it off or something. He smiled, shook his own head then left without saying anything, there was no reason to do so. Cole had called his bullshit.

The next time they saw each other, there would be no need for anyone to pretend. Cole open the doors to the study and steeped through, it was absolutely covered in dust, but there were tracks over the place and they looked fresh. Cole furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation, he had taken a peek at the room but he had not gone in, and from what he could see the person was on the larger side so they definitely was not Titus.

Cole moved forwards, going past the massive desk in front of him and flipping the doors behind it open. The lustrous glow of a moon lit night met his gaze as he looked up. Cole was treated to a sight of two moons, so big and so bright that it was almost as if the night was day, or a version of it awash with a silver glow. He stepped out into the balcony, ignoring the chill in the air as he looked over the garden in front of him, then the factory in the distance.

There was a single winding staircase that wound up around a pillar leading up to the attic, then there was another that led him down to the ground. From here he could either pick his way across the garden in front towards the factory to complete the next bounty, or he could hunt that serpentis creature…. Decisions, decisions.

"Morgan remain on the balcony and keep watch for me would you, let me know if there\'s someone attempting to come up to the attic. I should be back soon, let me just check it out first then I\'ll get back to you and we can go find that bloody heirloom… be careful."


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