
Chapter 528 - The God of Green Lotus Swordsman

Chapter 528 The God of Green Lotus Swordsman

Li Mu finally figured out that this Virgin Goddess of the Devil Cult was a classic example of “cold hands, warm heart”.

As the Internet slang prevailing on Earth half a year ago went by, what she said was inconsistent with what she did.

Her bark was worse than her bite.

The fact that she had knocked away the sword that was thrust at Li Mu meant that she wasn’t a ruthless girl. Otherwise, she could have just sat there and let the young warrior in the blue shirt kill Li Mu to dispose of a nuisance.

“Fine, I can follow her to learn about the layout of power on this world.”

Li Mu followed her after thinking for a while.

After all, in her eyes, Li Mu was a nuisance who had not cultivated Internal Qi. What’s more, she couldn’t sense the circulation of the Chaotic Natural Qi.

Of course, Li Mu didn’t follow her blindly.

He had his plans.

His plans were very simple. Firstly, he tried to clearly understand the power of the world. Most importantly, he had to find out if this world belonged to developed stars and if it was related to the Brilliance Immortal Star Region. Secondly, he had to decide whether to go back to Earth to farm whole-heartedly. If not, he could also stay on this star to build a career and then connect with the Earth. At that time, he would be more confident of safeguarding the Earth.

With the space-time vortex in Nie Dragon Mountain, it was very easy to go back to Earth.

The passage of space time was even safer and quicker than the Path of the space time crack in the outer space of the Divine Land.

The only thing that concerned Li Mu was the purpose of the Giant Bear to enter the Earth. Was it by accident or by design?

If it was the latter, he should take some measures.

He had to prevent power from outer space from using this space vortex to enter Heaven on the Earth.

Half an hour later... “Can’t you go faster?” said Ye Wuheng impatiently, who turned and saw Li Mu dilly-dallying.

Li Mu: “...”

“All right.” Ye Wuheng directly grabbed Li Mu’s shoulder and flew at a high speed.

It was a piece of cake for her to take somebody to fly. After all, she was in the Celestial Being Realm.

Li Mu pretended to be ignorant, and said, “Wow, I am flying.”

For an instant, Ye Wuheng had an impulse to throw the savage man away.

“Shut up,” she said coldly.

“Well, okay.” Li Mu stopped talking.

After a while, he said, “Are you tired? If you are tired, you can drop me down on the land. In fact, I have great strength. I could catch you even if I run on the ground.”

“Shut up,” Ye Wuheng said coldly.

A breeze blew through her light green hair, unveiling her delicate pinna and earlobe. A ruby stud brought out her snow-white, soft skin. She looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Li Mu could only shut up.

“It’s the truth. Why doesn’t she believe it?”

At dawn...

They arrived at the outskirts of a big city.

It was over 5,000 meters away from Nie Dragon Mountain.

“There are no men of the Four City Alliance here. You are safe, but watch out for yourself... Get out of here. Be careful. Don’t provoke those powerful men. Keep away from men of the Four City Alliance,” said Ye Wuheng, who threw Li Mu on the ground casually.

She then turned and disappeared in the eastern sky.

Li Mu covered his forehead.

Ye Wuheng left so fast.

Li Mu thought that she would accept him as her disciple. However, it turned out that she just wanted to find a place to throw him away.

However, she was kind enough to fly over 5,000 meters to find a safe place for him.

“Good luck, girl.”

Li Mu made a wish for her deep inside. He definitely wouldn’t run after her.

Their bond was broken. Meanwhile, he wouldn’t pester her because of her beauty.

The road of the Jianghu was so long. Few people could come back.

He was about to go to the city to find a tea house or restaurant to ask for some information. Suddenly, the sound of breaking the sky came from behind him.

A green figure flashed. It was the Virgin Goddess of the Devil Cult, Ye Wuheng, who came back.

“Take it.”

She threw a gold bullion to Li Mu.

And then she flew away swiftly.

“Er...” Li Mu held the gold bullion and said awkwardly, “Is she afraid that I will starve to death because I have no money?”

Cold as the girl was, she was very kind.

An hour later...

Li Mu found the largest restaurant downtown and ordered some wine and dishes to ask for information.

When it came to floating in the Jianghu, tea houses and restaurants were a good place to ask for information. Travelers, men in the Jianghu, and businessmen were all here. After sitting for a while, Li Mu heard someone discussing the affairs of the Four City Alliance and the Devil Cult.

“Have you heard that the Four City Alliance united with the three sword sects, two big families to storm the White Emperor City, the headquarters of the Devil Cult? As a result, the Dragon King Ridge, one of the four branches of the Devil Cult, was almost annihilated. Afterward, they besieged an enemy stronghold in order to strike at the reinforcements. Another branch of the Devil Cult, the Moon Dao Sect, was broken by them. The Virgin Goddess, Ye Wuheng, of the Moon Dao Sect is missing, and no one knows if she died or not.”

“He-he, Ye Wuheng was known as the most beautiful girl in the world. She was so young. If she fell into the hands of the Four City Alliance, the consequences would be... He-he.”

“I heard that the war between the decent and the devil was attributed to this girl. Some fairy asked for her. He-he, she was really the first beauty in a hundred years who could even attract a fairy.”

The topic was shifted from the war to love affairs.

However, someone dismissed this opinion. He sneered, “What do you know? The real strong martial arts masters, like the four chiefs of the Four City Alliance, the three swordsmen, and the two leaders of the two big families, were influential fairies in the sky. Would they wage a war because of the temptation of beauty? It was just erroneous information, which was incorrectly relayed by common people.”

“Then you tell me, what was the real cause of the war?”

“You aren’t stupid, then tell me the reasons.”

That man proudly acted like an insider and sneered, “All right, I tell you shallow people the reason. Half a month ago, on the main peak of Mount Shu, a cave was suddenly opened. Mount Shu is located in the headquarters of the Devil Cult, White Emperor City. There are treasure light, Sword Qi, and the fragrance of green lotus flowing there. They erupted to heights of tens of thousands of miles. Probably, the legacy of the Sword God started.”

“Is this story true?”

“Legend has it that the swordsman was a guilty citizen.”

“Yeah, the war that happened a hundred years ago almost smashed our world. Fairies in heaven once descended to the world in order to kill the swordsman. If that really was the inheritance of the swordsman, no wonder the Jianghu, which had been peaceful for 60 years, was suddenly in dispute,” someone said with a sigh.

“Haha, buddy, I know you must be an informed powerful figure. I admired you so much,” said Li Mu. He flattered that insider ingratiatingly. He acted as if he admired him deeply.

“He-he, you have good taste. Haha.” This insider might have been a disciple of some big sect, and he was in his early 20s. Being flattered like this, he couldn’t conceal his happiness.

This is a common characteristic of humans.

Many men floating in the Jianghu were like this. Most of them were just average people who didn’t have much power, but they all liked boasting about some renowned figures as if they had a close relationship with those figures. In fact, they spoke thoughtlessly based on hearsay. Half of the news was false, but the listeners would be stunned by it. Then they would gain an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

This was the Jianghu.

Li Mu turned to the waiter and said, “Waiter, serve the wine. Serve this buddy with the best wine and all the specialties in your restaurant. I will pay the bill today.”

“Thank you, young fellow.” The insider made an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before his chest and said, “I am Ding Yi. People in the Jianghu all call me San Langshen. Who are you?”

Li Mu said with a smile, “I am only a little intellectual and interested in Wulin anecdotes. I can’t learn martial arts, but I love listening to those Wulin anecdotes and admire martial arts masters like yourself. Just now, you mentioned the Devil Cult. It attracted me a lot. Could you tell me more about it?”

Ding Yi said with a laugh, “Haha, buddy, you are asking the right person. Legend has it that the Devil Cult is the descendant of the God of Green Lotus Swordsman. After the swordsman disappeared, the Devil Cult collapsed and then the Moon Dao Sect, the Dragon King Ridge, the Out of Sky Pavilion, and the Water and Moon Sect emerged. The four branches didn’t get along well with the Four City Alliance for a long time. However, they were just infighting and never fought like this. Among the four branches, the Dragon King Ridge was the strongest, which occupied the headquarters of the Devil Cult, White Emperor City. The eruption of Green Lotus Sword Qi and treasure light was first noted by the Dragon King Ridge. They made great efforts to keep the news confidential. However, the news leaked out. Instantly, the Dragon King Ridge was under siege from all the decent sects. They suffered a great loss and had to ask for help from the other three branches in hopes of jointly safeguarding White Emperor City. The Moon Dao Sect and Out of Sky Pavilion all hastened to go to Mount Shu. However, the Moon Dao Sect was intercepted and killed by the Four City Alliance halfway. They also suffered damages. In my eyes, those decent must be the winner. Because fairies in the sky are paying attention to this battle.”

Li Mu said purposefully, “Fairies in heaven? Is there really a heaven?”

Ding Yi said, “Since you aren’t floating in the Jianghu, you don’t know. Maybe there is no heaven, but there are fairies. They aren’t on our bitter star but in the fairyland. However, they could also descend to our world.”

Li Mu was contemplating.

Insiders would know the meaning of Ding Yi’s words immediately.

The so-called fairies pointed to Masters Beyond Heaven. The bitter star was different from stars in the Divine Land. On this star, Masters Beyond Heaven could descend to the world without any cost. From this perspective, this star should be a highly developed and colonized star in the Brilliance Immortal Star Region.

However, this star didn’t have much value. It was a class-nine star at most because there were no sects from other galaxies like the Heavenly Devil Sect and Blood Sea stationed here. It was just a marginal star.

What really interested Li Mu was the God of Green Lotus Swordsman.

This swordsman who founded the Devil Cult was addressed as a guilty citizen. Maybe he had some bonds with the Earth.

There was more drama to watch.

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