
Chapter 269

Chapter 269: 269

He’s looking at me like I’m talking about bigfoot and my group who knows how I usually discuss things with people are giving concerned glances. Being in charge of several establishments before this thing started, I do business where the goal is that everyone should be happy after a deal. I rarely put someone in a bind or use underhanded means to get what I want but this time I need to be an asshole to send my point across.

“You heard me.” I replied.

“…” everyone around us was silent.

“Excuse me? Are we even on the same page here? I’m calmly negotiating with you the terms you wanted so just I could keep everyone inside this City Hall safe. You’re the one bringing extreme risk to this place by simply waving around your guns by god knows where you get them and even trying to intimidate me in the process. What do you mean by saying that I need to cross this freakin’ line or I’ll lose this place? Can’t you see that this place is secure?” Iskoh said with a stern tone.

“Then where’s the rest of YOUR city? Not to brag but I never received assistance from the president when this thing started but my territory is bigger than yours. I didn’t expect you of all people to be holed up in this City Hall. It’s almost a month and half after the world has gone to shit and this is only the place you have saved. I know that the size of your territory doesn’t matter one bit but you shouldn’t be facing problems from a building this size!” I retorted.

“…” Rod is still watching us.

“You don’t know what happened here! Didn’t you even receive the news that we’re close to where it started?! A few kilometers that way is the pier! Do you have any idea what hardsh.i.p.s we faced just to reclaim this City Hall?! We were supposed to contain it when it began and our numbers weren’t this small when it started!” he started to get emotional.

“You’re not f.u.c.k.i.n.g getting it.” I was shaking my head.

He’s about to lash out but we’re all seeing that he’s trying to keep his emotions in check. His hands are clenched really hard and I could see a vein almost popping out of his forehead.

“Let’s talk in my office.” he muttered before turning around, leaving everyone.

“Hey, watch our crates here with Nikolas and Tatiana. Shoot anyone who comes near.” I told Jared.

“What? What if they’re soldiers here bro?” Jared replied.

“Shoot them in the leg or something, figure it out.” I waved him off and I followed with the president going to Iskoh’s office to talk privately.

When we reached his office, he was already seated and he had a glass of gin by his side. Only the three of us are inside since Kaley asked Micah to accompany her in searching for Jude.

“Mr. Ishiyama, please tell me again why I’m not freakin’ getting it?!” He said after taking a sip.

“That happening to you should’ve already taught you a valuable lesson. Why the f.u.c.k are a ton of the people here inside are acting like nothing is f.u.c.k.i.n.g happening outside?! You’re trying to shoulder all the work here with what’s left of your people and that’s only one of the many things I’ve f.u.c.k.i.n.g noticed!” I snapped back.

“THEY’RE THE FAMILIES OF THE PEOPLE I’VE LOST!” he roared in anger while slamming the glass down.

“So? I don’t give a f.u.c.k!” I quickly replied.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘SO’?! YOU!” his breathing immediately started to get faster.

“You’re really not f.u.c.k.i.n.g getting it, are you? I get that you’re feeling responsible for the people you’ve lost but that doesn’t mean that you’re gonna let those people they’ve left behind laze around and do nothing all day. Did the president even tell you what’s gonna happen to the supplies yet?” I’m starting to get annoyed.

When he heard the mention of supplies, his head snapped to the direction of the president.

“Mr. President?” he has looks of worry.

“I f.u.c.k.i.n.g knew it.” I thought to myself.

“I was supposed to tell you later but this would be the last.” Rod sighed.

“B-but how about the people here?! The famili-” Rod was the one to cut him off.

“You’re the person in charge here but listen to this kid if you want this place to last. I know you want to do good by them but what you’re doing for their families is too much. You’re too preoccupied with things you shouldn’t be preoccupied with and you’re forgetting about the other people inside and outside. Let me remind you, people die everyday. It just burdens us if the people who died are connected to us. You’re gonna have problems if you dwell into it too much. You have the biggest territory compared to mine in the early days but you have the least now. I just kept sending you most of the supplies hoping you could turn it around.” Rod said in a serious tone.

“…” he was silently giving a difficult expression.

“I brought this kid here since he has been successful at his place. I hoped that you two could work together since I’ve already lost contact with most of the other people in this island group. They might still be alive and fighting but communication with them has been hard ever since the power went out. You two are the only ones I have a clear contact with and the only problem is that both your places are far away from each other. It would’ve been perfect if your territories are close.” Rod explained.

“What happened to the mayor of your place?” Iskoh asked me.

“I don’t know. He could be dead for all I care. He’s a good guy and even his brother is one of our senators but I never saw both of them. They could be missing or hiding somewhere safe but I always assume the worst especially at this time.” I replied.

“I’m sorry but I still can’t believe a young man like you could be this… cold.” Iskoh said.

“Yeah, thanks for the compliment.” I replied, faintly smiling.

“That’s not a… nevermind.” he drank another sip.

“Hah! Look at you two sons of bitches, I thought you would throw hands earlier.” Rod said.

“I’m just joking. It’s just that when you have access to everything and have seen a lot of deaths going on even from before this thing started, you began to get desensitized. It’s not like in the old days where news travelling from another town would take several days. It’s all instant before the world has gone to shit and not just me, most people who have access to the world would be the same way. Even more now when we get to kill those bloody figures who were once people, you just get used to it.” I explained.

“I clearly need help here. If that is the last of the supplies, I need to make some hard decisions. I know what to do but I’m just looking for more options to keep this place together.” Iskoh said, looking at me.

“If it was me, I’d leave this place.” I said and he immediately choked.

“Woah! Hold on there! I thought I need to keep this place together until th-” I cut him off.

“I’m sorry but this City Hall sucks ass. It’s secure but it’s all there is to it. The watchtower is awesome for a sniper but I think you have none. You could turn any other place secure if you’re given enough time and resources.” I replied.

“Hah! I knew this shit was coming.” Rod added.

“Is he really serious Mr. President?” Iskoh looked at him.

“Hah! Don’t look at me, look at him.” he replied.

“I’m serious. This whole place is just a huge block of stone. There’s no place to plant crops or even farm animals. The best way to go is to fin-” then he cuts me off.

“How a-about the Intramuros Golf Club next to Rizal Park which is freakin’ next to this City Hall?! Isn’t that land e-enough?!” He is stuttering a few times.

“No. Those places are too big for your soldiers to handle and it sits too close to the pier. I remember the president saying there’s also gangs roaming around. They’re mostly from Tondo, right?” I asked.

“This… you’re right. They’re mostly from there but there’s still a few coming from Baseco Compound and a few in Delpan. They survived the initial outbreak when it started and they’re mostly building their own turf. Although, they’re still not united and they don’t have much guns available. That’s why I’m trying to purchase all of what you have to avoid them getting guns at all costs. Do we really need to move?” he asked reluctantly.

“How about them going to PGH kid? It’s a hospital which is also next to the US Embassy.” Rod added and I rolled my eyes.

“Sure~ plant your crops atop the land next to it. That would be great.” I sarcastically said and Iskoh was faintly smiling since he knows what’s next to it.

“What is next to it? I’m not overly familiar in this island group.” Rod was scratching his head.

“The cemetery. It’s still f.u.c.k.i.n.g close to the pier even if you avoid the path where the road leads to Tondo.” I quickly replied.

“What?! F.u.c.k that shit then!” he was shocked.

“How about this place?” I turned to a map of the whole city which is in a frame on his wall and pointed to a specific place.

“Hmm.” Iskoh is in deep thought.

“That place is the Malacañang Park which is also next to the Malacañang Hospital. It’s Northwest of here and half of it is surrounded by the Pasig River so you’ll use less manpower and resources to maintain it. The park has a huge plot of land and there are trees bearing fruit growing there and I think it’s fairly obvious with the advantage of having a hospital.” I proposed.

“Oh~ Like your place eh?” Rod smiled.

“Yeah, something like that. That could be the best restart if you want to reclaim this city. It’s hard starting in the center of it and you need all the advantage you could.” I concluded.

Iskoh gave a very long sigh and it seemed that a huge burden was lifted off his shoulders. He offered Rod and I a drink and we finished it quickly.

“Thank you for helping him.” Rod looked at me.

“What do you mean ‘thank you’? That’s called a consultation and that cost you that S-76!” I retorted.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA~!!! You can have it you son of a bitch!” Rod roared in laughter.

“Don’t celebrate yet, we still have more work to be done here, especially you Iskoh. You need to step up and that would mean crossing the line.” I reminded him.

“I know. We would need to plan more of this operation though. How long would you guys be here? I need all the help I could get.” Iskoh said.

“I could stay here at most two to three days. I still have my own city which is the biggest to run though I’d leave a few of my soldiers here too like I did with the kid.” Rod replied.

“Lot’s of favoritism here, eh? I have to do a lot more to get stuff from you. I have another request from you but I’ll tell you when you go back. It isn’t much and it could be done when you give my Cargo Helicopter back.” I remarked.

“Bah! Isn’t three helicopters and seven of my soldiers enough?!” Rod exclaimed.

“No.” I quickly replied and we both laughed hysterically while Iskoh is just giving a faint smile.

The three of us started to discuss more things but the door to his office opened.

“Hey. Long time no see.” Jude monotonously said.

“JUDE?!” Iskoh fell to the floor.

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