
Chapter 110 - 110 - The Three Leaders

Zou Yue walked back to his room, carrying his bags along.

"Ah, you are back, I told you right?" the blond girl mumbled, rolling in her bed.

"I guess I will leave in a few days," Yue dropped his bags on the same bed and laid down casually.

\'Now that I\'ve decided to stay I\'ve got to know their names, at least right?\' he glanced at them both. "I\'m Yue,"

"Xiao Liu," the blond girl mumbled.

The black-haired girl smirked widely. "I\'m Qu Juda, nice to meet you Yue,"

Zou Yue smirked at her.

  "Say who set the rules here? Mean who is in control of this place?"

Qu Juda sat down next to him on the bed. "It was set by An Chen and two others. Tsu Fai and Mao Fu, were also major contributors to it,"

"Who are they and how come they got control everyone" He curiously peered at them both.

"They are our college representatives of Engineering, doctorate and Arts major respectively. It was natural they took control of the people under each department." Lui mumbled from above. She turned over and peered at him with tired eyes. "A small warning, beware of Tsu Fai,"

Yue sat up straight. "Why?"

"He likes pretty girls," Qu Juda worriedly glanced at the ground. Weirdly so, she looked much more panicky as soon as she heard that guy\'s name. "Don\'t go anywhere near the doctor\'s campus. It\'s just too dangerous," she whispered.

Zou Yue nodded. Of course, he did not want any trouble. He just wanted to go home after a peaceful stay here. "What about An Chen and Mao Fu? How are they?"

"They are the sweetest people in this world. An Chen is too sweet for my liking. Anyway If there is any problem just go to them," Lui said, sitting up. "It\'s time for my shift again."

  Like an agile panther, Lui jumped down from the top bunk bed.

"Oh I forgot to mention Lui here is an ability user." Juda whispered with a wide smirk.

Yue looked at her carefully. That agile jump was that of a speed user. "I see,"

Lui just raised a brow. "You are not curious what it is?"

Even though Yue knew of it, he asked her, "What is it?"

"Speed," Lui smirked widely. "If you are in trouble, let me know. I will zoom to your rescue,"

"Yeah~" Juda cheered loudly.

The two girls did a weird dance together. "Come on," Lui pulled him up. Yue just laughed at their funny moves.

\'Girls are really lively.\' He thought to himself.

He looked at them both intently. They both were very beautiful, yet he did not felt.....


Zou Yue touched his chest, perplexed by his lack of feelings. \'Maybe I really am gay....\'

He had not thought of this topic before, so he was not aware. During his time being a model, he did not attend college and was not in contact with any female. Even after the apocalypse, he did not meet that many women. It must be the reason why he discovered his identity so late in his life.

\'Wait, I\'m not that old. I\'m just eighteen!! Eighteen y\'all. But mentally I\'m about a thirty. Why don\'t I feel more intelligent from before?\' He thought, shaking his head.

Lui stopped her weird wiggly dance with a pout. "I\'m going to work, gals. Bye~" she waved and ran out of the room.

"Well, what shall we do?" Juda looked at him with interest. "You want to come with me. I can show you how things work around here,"

Yue peered at her intently. "Yeah sure." He, too, was curious about how this small settlement was running. And he was super curious to see who the top three leaders were. 

Juda and Yue walked out and around the campus. Yue was quite familiar with the exterior walls and such. But Juda helped him get acquainted with the many building and their uses.

The engineering building was modified to become a weapons creation centre.

He also got to know that it was the young students who created that small remote control car as well.

The second building, the department of arts, was converted into a storage bunk.

Juda walked him inside. Each level had about thirty students guarding the stocks at all times.

\'They must have quite a bit of food here,\' was his first thought as he walked up and down the three story building.

  "How does the food distribution and food collection system works around here?" he said as they left that building

  "well... some of the ones with abilities apt of battle go out in twos and bring in supplies. The distribution works according to contribution. The amount of works equals to amount of food. By the rules, the ones who go out scavenging will get the bigger portion. If you don\'t work, you don\'t get food. But stealing and bullying is strictly prohibited,"

Yue listened keenly. Their system of distribution and collection was firmly in place, but the only problem was this system can easily fail depending on the people. If the one distributing the food illegally distributes it, then it will cause a huge food demand.

Same for the collections team. If the ones who are collecting keep the food for themselves, then the other might not get their food.

\'For initial stages it might be okay but this is going to fail soon...\'

Zou Yue really felt regretful that this place will be run out in a while. The students seem genuinely good.

And there was another issue as well. The college seemed to have at least a few thousand survivors. The food would not be enough if only some went out scavenging.

"Who is in charge of the food distribution?" he curiously glanced at her.

"Tsu Fai, he only got this role because he is the strongest fire ability here. He can hold back the other if in case of riots within." Juda cringed. "No one likes him because he is so annoying."

\'See, the weak point of this so-called relief group has been exposed. This Tsu Fai is a problematic person, but no one has the powers to fight him off.\'

This was the reality of the situation. Most settlement had a single person like that. One who is powerful and the other is unable to fight him.

Thankfully, in G city Fan Xui was the most powerful ability user. No one can fight him and win. It was rumoured that he can defeat anyone, living and non-living with just a small lightning bolt.

Just thinking about him made his heart hurt badly. He did not have the chance to warn him properly. His initial plan was to tell Fan Xui a few days before the apocalypse. But..... but all his plans went down the drain when the meteors crashed down a few days earlier.

\'I asked my mum to call him though... I hope they got to him and the others,\' he worriedly bit his fingernails.



"You just spaced out," Juda giggled.

Suddenly, she grabbed his hands and pulled him inside a lecture hall.

Yue just raised a brow.

"It\'s Tsu Fai." She mouthed to him, gesturing to the door.

Zou Yue swiftly crept close and opened the door slightly. He saw a tall, handsome man walking through the hallway in a gloating manner.

The young man had his hair slick up all neat and tidy, even in this apocalypse time. His white shirt did not even have a small smudge of dust or dirt on it.

"Fuck! She ran away again," the man groaned loudly. "Hey you!" he pulled another student from behind. "Find me that Juda! She has been running from me for a long time now. Tell her if she doesn\'t come to me she can\'t eat!"

Zou Yue frowned deeply. \'The girls are really at risk here,\'

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