
Chapter 526 - It's Time

Alan could see David understood his words, but didn\'t entirely believe him. 

He could understand why David didn\'t take his words really seriously. He sighed and then proceeded to explain. 

"Most people aren\'t privy to the information beyond the integrated Phaser Realm. And the institute would certainly not divulge such information either since its gety difficult to reach thenintwrgrated Phaser realm."

"The Integrated Phaser Realm allows one to the process to integrate with the ancient life force and wave length of the beast\'s genes they had genetically chosen and engineered to their body, giving one the strength of an ancient monster."

"But once the process reaches a hundred percent completion rate, the next stage would be the Atman Realm becoming one with the world, its almost like one would become a world on their own, having enough life energy they become practically immortal. Its said that a mortal\'s attack no matter how strong it is cannot affect them in anyway due to a membrane enveloping their body."

"With this membrane, even if you grind them to dust without penetrating thw membrane, they would recover, immediately returning back tk normal. Unless one becomes an Atman realm expert, killing one is basically impossible."

David\'s expression began to change slightly as he heard of this. While he didn\'t want to believe the words of this scheming young master, he was aware the young master wouldn\'t gain anything from lying to him. 

"They said some even have the ability to regrow as long as a single drop of their blood escapes is that true?" David suddenly asked.

The young master suddenly paused on his meat and gazed at David with a frown. "Where did you here such information from?"

David shrugged. "I was walking through the secular world and heard the legend from the mouth of an old mortal man."

Alan squinted his eyes and then gazed at David before he resumed slicing his piece of meat. "Do not blindly believe the words of a drunk old mortal, they exaggerate everything they see or hear, it\'s what they do apart from mindlessly reprocreating."

"So it\'s true." David nodded his head as though Alan has just confirmed it.

The young master sighed. "It\'s just the special ability of a particular gene when they reach a certain level."

"Hmm." David was deep in thought and he then asked. "Does one of the nine families own a gene like that?"

Alan continued to slice his meat, placing it in his mouth as he ate. 

David didn\'t mind the fact that Alan didn\'t reply him. Since he wasn\'t particularly curious about the answer. From his knowledge, only a genetic formula similar to that of the vampire genetic map couldn\'t produce such an astonishing ability at the highest level. If the entire body had been destroyed, but then a single drop of blood managed to escape, given time, that blood could regrow back to the body of the host and would regain the strength it once had. 

If David wanted to find out which family had a similar ability with their gene, he only needed to know the true names of the families and he would figure it out. He wasn\'t as ignorant as the rest of the people who didn\'t know what beast the Qillin was. 

David resumed the sumptuous meal. He wouldn\'t reject free food anytime. He devoured the large plate of meat before him, but before he could wipe his lips in satisfaction, a couple maids would scurry in, carrying with them another large plate of roasted, seasoned and stewed fat Red-strip cows. 

David was barely satisfied with the first one, in an instant, he resumed, consuming the fat, seasoned and juicy meat with fragrant oil almost dripping from the corners of his mouth. 

In just a few minutes, David had consumed the entire cow that weigh more than five hundred kilograms.

Waving his head, he ordered for more. Alan who was watch David was slightly stunned. He couldn\'t almost believe someone could eat this much food and still ask for more. 

Dropping his utensils, Alan proceeded by saying. "I called you because I have some news."

David paused his food. Like a gentleman, he brought out an handkerchief, wiping his hands and lips gently. "Regarding my master?"

"Not really, but it\'s something similar." Alan answered and then resumed talking. 

"Someone managed to exit the Ancient Battleground last night."

David\'s motion paused, the cloth he was using to wipe his hands disappeared as he leaned and asked. 

"Was it Mr White?"

Alan shook his head. "Regretfully, no. It was someone else."

David\'s fiat clenched softly, then he breathed out roughly. "Okay in listening."

"We\'ve figured out some information regarding the Ancient battleground. Only those at the Integrated Phaser realm and below are allowed to enter, otherwise, they would be attacked by the whole realm, struck dead without anything left."

David\'s expression immediately turned serious. But he breathed out a sigh of relief. Mr White was only at the Integrated Realm when he left for the mission, there shouldn\'t be any problem.

"What\'s within the Ancient battleground that makes you Nine family desperately wish to venture in?" David questioned with a confused expression.

There was no doubt that the nine family were already so rich even their future generation would only become richer even if they did nothing throughout their lives, which was why David was convinced that there was something the nine families desperate wish to acquire this object was within the ancient battleground. 

Alan remained quiet as though he didn\'t want to talk about it. "What comes to you mind when you hear of ancient battle grounds?"

David pursed his lips. "Isn\'t it a battle grounds for Phasers and Spryhers?"

"That\'s where you are wrong." Alan shook his head. 

"It\'s not a battle ground for Phaser, not even close. It\'s a battle ground that even Phasers wouldn\'t dare to recklessly enter. Because those who fought weren\'t just ordinary Phasers, but integrated Phasers and even Atman Realms fought within the battle ground."

David was momentarily shocked.. "That\'s impossible."

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