
Chapter 251: Magni and Modi

Chapter 251: Magni and Modi

Entering a small room within the village of Katala, I stared out at the spacious bedroom decorated with the pantheon of the Norse Gods. Studying the many relics and art depicting Gods, I could not help but feel observed.

"Lord Abaddon, you can say here." Sage Eluf respectfully said with a graceful smile, "Any being who has the honor of having the World Tree speak to them deserves our best."

Humming in response, I walked around the room, eyeing a magnificent Greatsword that pulsated with a powerful aura of Divine thunder.

"This weapon was used by one of Thors son, Modi, against his brother Magni before the civil war," Eluf told with a hint of excitement. "I can still remember that great battle. To win the heart of Lady Idun\'s only daughter, Astrid. These two gods battled for three years under the eyes of many."

"Oh, who won?"

Chuckling, Eluf stroked his long, well-groomed beard, "None, both were equal in power, so after years of battle, they decided of just taking Lady Astrid by force. Which strangely went over well with their father. From what I could remember, Thor laughed it off, claiming that is how real men act. "

"Encouraged by their father, Thor. Magni and Modi hunted down Astrid in an effort to force themselves upon her. Consumed by greed and lust, none of them understood they had walked into a trap set by Lady Astrid. One molded out of desperation and hatred. "

Narrowing my gaze, I frowned, "A trap? What was Astrid\'s divinity?" I questioned, knowing both Modi and Magni must have inherited a form of thunder and lightning from their father.

"Just as her mother, they shared the rare divinity of Life," Eluf whispered, shaking as he seemed to recall what happened. "She was so pure and innocent. But...

"Lady Astrid knowing she could not battle against both Magni and Modi, made a cruel deal with one of the darkest gods."

Arching my lips, could I not help but finish Eluf\'s sentence. "The Goddess of Death, Hel."

Nodding in agreement, Eluf sighed, "Astrid did not give up her divinity to Hel. No, she had the Winds of Helheim corrupt her very soul and divinity. Twisting her nature into something monstrous. She soon grew to wield the power of Death and some twisted variant of life. That day Astrid raged war within the land of Svartálfa, and blood ran like rain. "

"With the power of Lady Hel, Astrid attempted to kill both Magni and Modi, yet her quest was interrupted by The New King of The Gods Thor. Sensing the power of Thor, the Goddess of Death made an appearance to protect her new follower.

Staring at the Greatsword upon the wall pulsing with lightning, I smirked, turning to Eluf, "Can you tell me about Heimdallr and his order?"

"the guardian of the Bifr?st? Heimdallr is the protect..."

"I know that; tell me about his personality," I asked, turning to look at the other artifacts within the land.

Scrunching his brow Eluf shook his head, "I cannot say, Young Master Abaddon. Heimdallr is... He is quite reclusive. All I know is that he has eyes everywhere; the same can be said about his order. They do not act much, but when they do, their power is astonishing."

Not letting my emotions show, I nodded, turning to Eluf, "It\'s fine, but can you give me a map of the area? I wish to leave after I break through into Spirit Realm."

Shooting me a warm smile, Eluf nodded, taking his leave. Waiting for the door to close, I took out the mysterious scythe I acquired a few months ago. Staring at the sinister energy showering around its body, I could not help but smile, "Hel, or do you prefer a more feminine name?"

"How about Hela? That is a lot better, isn\'t it?" I lightly questioned towards the scythe. Not feeling the response I wanted, I did not become discouraged, merely pursing my lips, "Tell me, Hela, what do you think of ruling the Nine realms?

"Why are you talking to that scythe?" An enchanting voice resounded, causing me to smile,

"I am making a deal with its master Hela. Just like your Father, She controls all of the souls that enter her realm."

Sneering, melino? rolled her eyes, "Then you are going about it the wrong way. She has no interest in the Nine realms, just her territory. The underworld, or whatever they call it here, is a full-time job. She is probably content and does wish to do anything aside from her work. That is how my father is."

Opening my eyes, I smiled, "Then how would you convince your father?" I asked with a warm expression as she snorted, clearly seeing through my facade.

Opening her palm, a mischievous grin appeared, "Give me something good, and ill tell you."

Blinking in shock, I shook my head, "Fine, fine... How about I give you this weapon?"

"Huh? But..."

Tossing the scythe into melino? arms, I smirked, "Keep it, I am sure you and Hela will have a lot to talk about."

Glaring at me, I shrugged, "Yes, I am using you, but I am sure you are interested in speaking to the Goddess of Death. She may even be as powerful as your father, if not more. Bond over that... Hook your father up if you can. Be a good daughter, Ok!"

Opening her mouth wide, the hairs upon my back slowly began to rise as melino? pupils began to glimmer with crimson. Teleporting away, I could feel the Dao of Madness begin to leak as I shook.

"That shit is crazy; I hope I don\'t develop the Dao of Madness," I whispered to myself. Losing one\'s sense of self was not worth any type of power.

Turning my attention to the World Tree in the distance, I could not help but sigh, "Don\'t be mad, but I am about to use you... No, she would kill me if I survive. Maybe I am her first choice, and that is only a lesser root."

Using Ygg as a tool to block Heaven\'s Tribulations would be dumb. Guess I will just look into the Infernal Palace to see what they have. I have not entered since Bael left. But there is one final thing to do before I visit that realm.

Spreading my demonic wings, I took to the skies piercing through the heavens like butter. Feeling the chilling air pressing against my skin, I released a deep breath. Coming to a halt, I stared down before drawing inscriptions into the air to hide my body.

Using Bael\'s theories of reality, the lines of my formation began to grow more complicated with every passing second. Paling after a few minutes, I completed the formation before adding my emblem within the center.

Watching as my entire body vanished from the clouds, my gaze began to chill, "First off, I need to speak to him."

Slitting my wrist, I stared at the blood slowly trickling down like a work of art. A deep, profound light could be seen as I simply waited for more blood to fall.

"By my blood, I call upon the Infernal Lord that resides within the Sin of Wrath. Hear thy name, and know that I have requested an Audience."


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