
Chapter 255 Before The Opening Ceremony

After the previous brief conversation, Lothur left alongside Viktoria and Annaliese, heading for one of this family\'s carriages.

It was time for the family to leave for the Province Conference place, an ancient coliseum in Peters City, where various parts of the competition would take place.

The Province Conference was a five-day event, beginning on Wednesday and continuing through Sunday. In it, little by little, the ranking of the local noble families would be made from the performance of their juniors.

During the five days of trials, not only combat skills were tested, since sometimes, as local history had shown, having advanced technologies was almost as good as having high-level warriors.

The Leopoldine family had experienced this in their own \'skin\' when conquering the ten autonomous regions when the Three Great Lakes Region had imposed great resistance to their conquest using high-level weapons.

Because of this, the imperial family of this state valued each of the spiritual professions, so they tested those fields during the competition that the juniors of their vassals take.

A family with good warriors and spiritual professionals would naturally have better future development than those without, which meant advantages for the empire.

In this case, those who most deserved the benefits of land holdings and resources and the benefit of lower taxes were organizations with good seeds.

Thus, the Province Conference had several fronts, with competitions for all kinds of spiritual practitioners and warriors.

But whatever skills were tested, all were subdivided into elimination tests that took place on each day of the competition.

In other words, on each day of the competition, there were tests for all the young people involved, with the grand final, the most challenging test, taking place for everyone on the last day of the event.

Because of this and the importance of this competition, the entire province had its eyes on this city during the testing days.

Even the Morning Star Academy would suspend its activities on these days!

Anyway, as the presentation of the competition, the tests, the order of the fights, etc., took place today from noon on, not only the Frost family was moving, but all the noble houses in the province.

Besides these families, many organizations from outside the province or even local ascendant powers were attending the event. So this city was on an atypical day, with great movement in the local hotels and carriages in the streets.

Lothur and his two companions in their carriage soon realized this as they encountered unusual traffic, with this man remembering a bit of his past life.

\'Soon, I will bring the problem of traffic on earth into the cultivation world...\' He laughed as he thought about his vehicle design, which would invariably increase the number of land transport means in this place.

Not only because his vehicle would cheapen the cost of maintaining a mode of transportation in this world but because there were fewer constraints on his design than on existing carriages.

Each carriage needed at least one animal or beast to pull it. But besides the limit to the number of these beings in the world and the problem of their cost, these beings took up space and left their feces behind, in short, a series of inconveniences.

But Lothur\'s vehicle had no such problems and had a good chance of winning the \'hearts\' of the people of this world.

That way, seeing a little traffic today, this fellow could not help but laugh at the thought of bringing the traffic of Earth to Concordia.

"What are you laughing at?" Annaliese asked as she saw her brother-in-law looking into one of the carriage windows.

Viktoria looked at her husband as well as he answered. "Nothing. I am thinking about how my projects will affect this place..."

\'It looks like I will bring some trouble to the mortals of this world, but hopefully, I will be able to fly someday...\' He thought to himself. \'That must be the price of convenience.\'


Meanwhile, Elke and her family were also moving to the opening of the Province Conference, also looking forward to this event.

Many families were competing in this contest, so even established powers took risks concerning losing benefits or not gaining new advancements.

Since some organizations always gained positions, if other mid-level organizations did not at least maintain their previous results, then they could have severe problems in the long run!

Thus, even powers like House Becker highly valued this competition and made their competitors do their best.

But Elke was not going to participate in this competition since she was not exactly one of the most talented in the family, even considering her considerable improvements in the last weeks.

With that said, she was not focused on participating in this event but rather following her family and watching her man whenever she could.

"It\'s a shame that you didn\'t meet young Lothur earlier... Otherwise, you could have the chance to participate and represent us." Gomeric commented in a sighing tone, inside the carriage where he, his wife, and Elke were.

He did not know about the Soul Bone or Lothur and Elke\'s fun. So this man attributed all of his daughter\'s advances to that \'special training\' with that \'different\' young man and regretted the time it had all happened.

Hearing that, Elke said nothing, while her mother closed her eyes and felt sorry for not being able to say anything to her husband and allowing him to speak such nonsense.

\'If you knew what you were suggesting, you would want to isolate yourself from the world in shame for suggesting that to your daughter...\' She pondered in shame for hiding the truth from her husband.

But Hilda knew that Gomeric was right, \'But it is a shame. If they had met months ago, Elke would truly be stronger.\'

"But the family was already prepared for all this, so it doesn\'t make that much difference..." Elke commented, enjoying not having to compete.

She had become more interested in cultivation after meeting Lothur. But even so, she was not least obsessed with the disputes common to talented young people.


"Elke is right, and on the other hand, it\'s for the best," Hilda said as she grew more serious. "It will be safer for her not to get involved. I\'ve heard some troublesome rumors about the plans of some families in this competition."

"Hmm, a lot is going to act against the Frost family to make that family\'s position worse, something that might even bring problems for others competing," Gomeric commented.

Elke worried about Lothur and asked. "Is there anything we can do? It won\'t be good for anyone if Lothur gets hurt because of this."

The Province Conference had its rules, but it was possible to kill enemies during this competition. That was not necessarily something that happened often or was encouraged, but in the past, challenges had opened up this possibility.

As a test that judged the value of families in the real world, the life and death of the competitors were part of the evaluation.

If someone could not survive their challenges, then was not that synonymous with weakness? A test was just a test at the end of the day. But the real world was merciless.

So the event made such a thing possible, which worried Elke.

Gomeric sighed and said. "Let\'s see..."

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