
Chapter 38 Treasure Of Alaska The Threatened...

At around the same time that Eros was bathing Commander Half Bra in the splendid essence of his manly custard, the merchant group, and Commander Full bra\'s crew were advancing steadily towards the goal.

Victoria was excited. Only a little more and they would be there.

She wanted nothing more than to make her brother proud of her.

At least this way, she was contributing to the abundance of her family.

*Cough! Cough! Cough!*

Jona suddenly coughed hard. This was not the first time this was happening.

It had been happening a lot since they got into the deeper layers of the cave.

Jona leaned on the wall as he tried to catch his breath.

Once more, the crew had no choice but to stop and rest.

"We should not be resting here!" Commander Full bra said in a stern voice.

However, Victoria did not mind her as she hurried to her elder brother with some water.

"This place is not safe, and we have a nasty pirate commander on our tail. Even though I sent word to Red big mama for help, I doubt that commander tender would be willing to hand himself over willing. We have to hurry this thing up and get out of here."

Commander Full bra complained.

Victoria waited for her brother to have had his fill of the water bottle before answering commander Full bra.

"Please be a little patient with my brother. You heard when he said that he was allergic to the smell of wet metal in these caves. He only needs to rest for a bit and we will be on our way!"

Commander Full bra came close to Jona. As she did, the natural perfume from her body entered his nose. It made his eyes go bright with delight.

She sniffed a little. As she did, her cat ears moved in response to her attention.

"Don\'t worry! he is fine." she pulled back from him.

"Commander Full Bra, are you sure!?" Jona coughed some more, "maybe you are checking at the wrong place." he had a weird look on his face that made commander full bra back off a bit.

"Don\'t worry! you are fine. Apart from the damage Ale is doing to your liver, you are even more healthy than some of my crew members."

"Are you sure!?" Jona asked again with a pitying look on his face.

Commander full bra looked away from him and continued on her way, "as I said, you are all fine. Trust me! cats have a way of knowing and sensing these things."

She moved along and did not give Jona any more attention. He gave her a very weird feeling when she was close to him that she did not like, and Commander full bra that was part feline in nature always trusted her senses.

After a few minutes, the team continued on their journey.

Once again, there was another block in front of them.

"Another blockage!?" Jona frowned. He was really tired of seeing these blockages that were placed on their paths to the goal.

However, Victoria was excited to see this.

"Big brother! this is it! According to the diary, this is the last blockade to the treasure room.

She ran towards the wall. Just like the others, it also had runic symbols on it. Except for this time around, it had one particular symbol of a jewel in the centre.

Everybody could see this jewel symbol. Naturally, even the dumbest person here could tell that this was the end of the line. They had finally reached their goal.

Victoria adjusted her glasses as she read the symbols. she frowned a bit.

"What is it!?" Jona asked.

"It says to insert the key!?" she replied.

"The key!? there is a key?" Jona asked rhetorically.

"Old up! let me see that." Commander full bra stepped closer. She sniffed a bit. Her nose searching for a solution.

She suddenly noticed a particular patch on the wall with little moss growing on it.

This was weird, and that was because green plants never grew on the black islands. Nobody knew why, but it was so.

It just never happened.

But on this particular space on the wall, some seeds of a moss plant grew.

Commander full bra immediately cleared the moss out of the way, and then a small rectangular space appeared.

All eyes remained focused on this space.

Victoria looked at the journal in her hand and then back at the hole and she immediately understood. This was not just a map and a guide to the treasure, but it was also the key.

she immediately placed the book in the hole on the wall.

As she did, the symbol of a jewel on the book\'s surface suddenly lighted up in a low red light. and then that same red light spread all around the place.

It went like the roots of a tree digging into the earth into the wall and into all the runic symbols.

Instinctively, everybody took several steps back.

*CLICK!* The wall pulled inward and a sound like a door being unlocked was heard.

The wall suddenly opened up from the center.

At first came the dust. But then the red light from the door suddenly lightened the room before them.

The first lamp on the wall was lite. And then the second, and then the third, and then a fourth.

It continued in that manner until the entire hall that was several meters high lite up.

"Oh my fucking ancestors!" Jona subconsciously muttered as his eyes stared wide open.

But he was not the only one. Commander Full bra also stared in surprise, as well as Victoria who wiped her glasses to be sure what she was seeing was not an illusion.

The merchants and pirates also looked on in awe.

This room was huge and grand.

But more than that, it was filled at every side with treasure that glittered so much and was piled so high that Victoria had to bend her head backwards to see its peak.

High up the first pillar in front of them, were words written in gold: Treasure Of Alaska the threatened.

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