
Chapter 105: Meharb’s Departure

Chapter 105: Meharb’s Departure

“It was a pleasure meeting you, kind sir.” Compass Carburettor shook hands with Meharb, “Thanks to you, I have more confidence in my plans.”

“The pleasure’s all mine. I enjoyed going through all the knowledge you have given me.” Meharb grinned, “Though, it’s a pity that I can’t witness you killing a System. Just the thought of it fires up my inner youth. I hope you succeed.”

“Use my power to achieve that!” Saying his piece, Meharb’s figure slowly dissipated, having expended all the Mental Energy he had stored up. He was already consuming it to show Compass Carburettor many details. And, they had spent a lot of time here.

“Thank you for all your help, Meharb.” Compass Carburettor bowed once again upon seeing the figure of his opponent vanish, having a tremendously high opinion of him, “I’ll never forget your help.”

He could then feel a mysterious power envelop him as he exited the battle of the mind.

Right behind the Dungeon Gate to the Mohart Dungeon was the Dungeon Boss, still using his energy blade to block the Dungeon entrance, preventing Hekatra from entering. And all along, he was in a partial maddened state, gazing at the figure of Compass Carburettor on the ground.

“Son, why are you taking so long? Hurry up and come out. I cannot maintain my sanity any longer.” He groaned, desperately holding on while using up every last of his willpower to just hold on.

But, it had already been a week since he slammed his son’s Warble on Compass Carburettor’s forehead. And upon seeing how long it was taking for the battle of the mind to conclude, he was getting tensed, “Why is it taking so long? Did I choose the wrong person? Is he proving to be too much of a threat?”

He frowned in worry, muttering, “But, I could sense that this human was tremendously powerful as compared to the rest. So, if I had to pick anyone, he was the best bet.”

He then groaned, noticing the extent of attacks being slammed onto his energy blade, “Indeed as I had suspected. Something has happened to Hekatra. Did she fully lose her sanity? The timing is pretty awful.”

Slowly, when it seemed like he was unable to endure any longer, he was overjoyed when Compass Carburettor’s fingers twitched before he got up.

“What…just happened?” Compass Carburettor muttered, repeating everything Meharb told him to say, “It feels like I’ve been in a nightmare. We didn’t revive Mellatico, did we?”

“Son! You’re back!” The Dungeon Boss roared in happiness, “Thank goodness. Now, I don’t have to endure anymore. Son, quick! Hurry out! I’ll bridge a safe route for you to escape from here. Get to safety and live in peace from hereafter.”

“You don’t have to sacrifice yourself.” Compass Carburettor said, sporting a tone that Meharb would have used had he been in his place, “I’ve figured out the method for you to retain your sanity. You no longer need to suffer.”

He quickly drew the symbol of Secret Society on the ground, “This is Secret Society. It is something I figured out by researching through our Great Empire’s restricted records. The moment you feel some loyalty towards it, your mind would be cleared up. I was experimenting with this before committing suicide. And now that I have returned without any issues, it seems to be working perfectly.”

“Alright, let me do it.” The Dungeon Boss said, having unwavering confidence in his son’s words. Moreover, his son talked the same as usual, so he didn’t feel any suspicion.

It was not to mention the fact that he wasn’t at a clear state of mind, barely enduring from completely turning into a Haggon mentally. So, he quickly followed through.

It was rather surprising since Compass Carburettor noticed the loyalty stream between them seem green right from the get-go. There wasn’t a trace of red right from the start, causing him to realise, ‘Indeed, considering Meharb’s character, resourcefulness, and intelligence, it isn’t surprising for even the Emperor to rely on him.’

He quickly condensed the symbol of Secret Society and placed it on the foot of the Dungeon Boss, watching it seep into his body. And a couple of seconds later, the eyes of the Dungeon Boss cleared up as he was shocked.

He then looked around, for a moment alarmed at his staunch clarity of mind. It was no different to the time from when he was a human. Soon, he realised something, trembling in sadness upon looking at Compass Carburettor, “You’re…not Meharb?”

“No,” Compass Carburettor shook his head, “Your son didn’t wish to return. All he did was cram as much knowledge into me as possible until his figure in the battle of the mind dissipated.”

“I see,” The Dungeon Boss sighed, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, “Until the end, you are stubborn, Meharb. You could have at least seen me just once.”

“Lord Father, you will regain your prime glory once again through Secret Society. I hope you take care of your health and become the guiding ray of our Great Empire once again.” Compass Carburettor said while using Meharb’s tone, “This is what your son told me to convey you.”

Tears streamed out of his eyes as the Dungeon Boss became sad, “I am unworthy of having such a great son as you, Meharb.”

A couple of minutes later, he controlled his emotions, now gazing at Compass Carburettor as he said, “So, you are sir Domino Plottopia?”

“You can also call me Compass Carburettor.” Compass Carburettor said, “Also, Hekatra too became part of Secret Society. So, she’s recovered too.”

“I see…” The Dungeon Boss muttered, only now noticing that the attacks on the other side had died down. He then retracted his energy blade, watching the figure of Hekatra hurriedly enter before kneeling on the ground, proclaiming with all the power she could muster.

“I am honoured by Your Majesty’s return!”

“Long life His Majesty!”

“Long live the Great Megwest Empire!”

“It’s fine, Hekatra. You can get up now.” The Dungeon Boss said, “You don’t need to pay respect to a failed Emperor.”

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