
Chapter 907 907 The Past

Chapter 907 Chapter 907 The Past

It was as if a permanent souvenir about his trip down that unforgiving abyss. Aveus tried to stop the twitching with his right hand and in time, the two began to tremble as a great pair.

It was futile attempt at best.

"But why go back now, Griffins? This age has no more room for you to exist." Leland or more popularly known as Mad Shaman teased while hiding his real purpose.

He certainly did not like any competition at this time. Not when he was the one managing the world\'s affairs as a perfect stand in for his powerful master.

One should know that the Demon Lord would never waste his time in the lives of mortals.

"Nice try, Tom. But I\'m here to stay." Aveus Griffins spat back.

He would do anything even cut off his own flesh one inch at a time and eat them piece by piece afterwards just to avoid going back into that hellish prison.

The blind wizard gods knows that he had experienced far worse fates than that during his 40,000 years of incarceration. He was a fool to do what he did in the past.

After 150 years of service under the Demon Lord, he had grown arrogant thinking that he could escape this horrid reality by seeking death.

He wanted to be free since there was no more loved ones left alive for him to live for.

More than that, Aveus Griffins was disgusted with how he was forced by his master to gain immortality by using the vile means of horcruxes.

Unfortunately for him, the Demon Lord has not killed him but only punished him severely. It was a most haunting experience and one he would rather not try again in his life.

"..." Leland seethed with anger inside but he never showed any sign of it in his exterior.

He wanted to strike Griffins down with his wand and cook him alive but his fear of his master halted those dumb intentions completely. Thus, a deafening silence pervaded between them.

This uncomfortable stillness continued until hard footsteps could be heard in the distance. It cracked the floors it stepped upon.

"MASTER!" Aveus Griffins greeted even without seeing any form or shadow. He prostrated to the ground and kissed the pristine floors on the scene.

"Master!" Leland followed a tad late since he spent a few precious seconds to get stunned at the ludicrous behavior of someone who was the greatest wizard in the world.

Still, Leland\'s obeisance consisted of only a simple bow and no more.

"I\'m pleased that both of you are here." The Demon Lord appeared in time in his usual garb. He did not look a day older than when he first arrived in this world.

He took a close look at Aveus Griffins and Leland before turning his back on them.

"DING!" A portal opened in his path which promised worlds beyond counting.

Since he had unknowingly spent a thousand years in celibacy, he decided to address this pressing problem first. The Demon Lord would collect women and he would collect them all.

With that thought in mind, he walked into the blinding gateway and 2 other souls followed thereafter.





"Unidentified Entity Detected!"




"Initializing Defensive Counter Measures!"




"Defensive Counter Measures Projected to Fail with 99.99% probability."




"Defensive Counter Measures Shutting Down."





* * *

Name: Demon Lord

Abilities: Death Immunity, Wizard Magic, Ultimate Divine Demon Form (deleted), Cosmic Manipulation (deleted), Eternal Prison (deleted), Absolute Counter (deleted), Precognition (deleted), Power Replication (deleted), One Punch Secret Art (deleted), Book of True Names (deleted)




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"You are wise for a corrupted soul." The Demon Lord said as he looked upon the dark skies overhead. The promise of a great thunder retreating beyond the thick indiscernible clouds.

"..." The Demon Lord surveyed his surroundings from left to right before he disapparated from the place with a soft pop to leave behind.

"This is a whole new world!" Leland stated the obvious. There was great wonder in his eyes as he marveled at this epic discovery.

To know that there were other worlds in place other than the wizarding world and the muggle world has given him extreme delight for the myriad possibilities.

He turned around and was just in time to see the look of shock and pity fade away in Aveus Griffins\' face.

Leland wanted to rebuke the old man but then he remembered something else that has been nagging on his mind for a long long time. So he asked instead.

"I wonder, Griffins. How were you easily defeated by our master?" In truth, Leland has never seen the Demon Lord in action.

As for why he was enslaved in the first place, its details were rather comedic in hindsight. The Demon Lord has used one of his vile curses to bind him in eternal slavery.

Leland did not even know how his master has done it upon him but it mattered little in the grand scheme of things. He was merely a toy puppet in his master\'s hands today.

"Does it matter, Leland?" Aveus Griffins shook his head.

A tiny fragment of memory came back to him of a time long gone and how he could barely see the Demon Lord\'s movements in battle. It was akin to fighting with the wind itself.

Unseen and extremely unpredictable.

Nevertheless, Aveus Griffins has noticed a few significant clues in that fight.

Perhaps the most important thing was that the Demon Lord did not possess any flight ability in the initial portion of the battle.

But that detail mattered little when his enemy could topple down the highest mountains with a single punch alone. The major change happened after Hudson Chalks was killed.

It was at that time when he finally saw the Demon Lord perform wandless magic one after another.

Aveus Griffins stopped his late review of a fight that happened a thousand years ago. This was already history that could not be changed anymore. The past no longer mattered today.

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