
Chapter 406 Back to Hell

“I did want to train a bit in swordsmanship, the reason I came here is that you were strong and I was looking for a trainer…” Katherine said scratching her cheek.

Cain looked at her hand, the maze key he gave her was in the shape of a sword. Even though it was a magically generated glyph, does that mean it has a meaning? He started wondering if the others also had meaning to them.

“And then you found that I was a mage, not a swordsman? I could get my father to teach you or hire someone if needed. I wouldn’t mind a maid that could handle a few ruffians.” Cain smiled.


<Name: Katherine Powell><Race: Human><Level: 1/20><Exp: 0/300>

<HP: 15><MP: 7><SP: 15 >

<Strength: 16><Dexterity: 17><Constitution: 14>

<Intelligence: 12><Wisdom: 12><Charisma: 11>


[Dueling]: Allow the user to concentrate fully on a single target to maximize efficiency.

[Acrobatics]: Increased dexterity due to constant training, this skill will be lost if the training was abandoned for a long time.

[Athletics]: Increased strength due to constant training, this skill will be lost if the training was abandoned for a long time.


Cain’s expression changed, “Forget ruffians, couldn’t you just beat some adventurers? What have you been doing since the last time I saw you?”

Katherine looked confused, “I was training in my room as you found me last time, running around the mansion each day and swinging the sword blindly.”

She was clearly more built than him. Now looking closer at her, if not for magic, she could clean the floor with him.

“We could train together with father if you so want, he is a master swordsman after all.” Cain smiled.

“That’s right, you shouldn’t have needed to get to this point. And are you doing it or not? I already waited long enough.” Alice was getting a bit restless from sitting there for too long.

“I’ve already come all the way here, it will be a bit anticlimactic to just not do anything.” Katherine made a faint smile.

“You don’t have to do anything,” Cain said.

“If you wasted any more minute I will start minding it.” Alice was telling them to either get it done or just stop, she got sick of waiting.

Katherine thought about it for a second, “Then I guess…I would think about it later. I will stay to help if needed though.” Katherine made her decision.

“Fine, at your own pace,” Cain replied standing up. He quickly opened a portal to [Lisworth’s magnificent mansion]

Cain and Alice walked in after telling Katherine to take care of Selena in the meantime, just keep an eye on her.

After walking into the magnificent mansion Alice sighed, “She chickened out.”

“It’s your fault for trying to push her ahead like that, it can get people reluctant,” Cain said with an exhausted face.

“Even though most people would have chosen not to waste the chance.”

“That’s not it, fear of missing out due to time restraints can lead some people to give up. Next time try encouraging instead of pushing, it’s important.” Cain explained.

“It was her decision though, she can do whatever she wants within reason,” Alice said.

“Respect the wives, which was your only condition was it,” Cain said.

“How did you know?” Alice looked a bit confused.

“The little bird told me. It doesn’t matter anyway now, let’s go!” Cain lifted Alice and walked with her to the bedroom.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve been alone together…” Alice giggled as she transformed back into her devil form and stretched her wings.

“Have you gotten used to your body yet?” Cain asked as he started taking his clothes off.

“I’m better than before, I still need to stretch my wings from time to time. It’s like wearing a tight shoe, you get used to it with time but it’s never comfortable.” She started gently flapping her wings as if exercising them.

Cain notices that her nails have grown a bit longer and resembled claws. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that they aren’t like normal nails anymore.

Alice’s nails are black, long, and sharp, a bit thicker than human nails making them closer to claws but not quite there. They still felt like normal nails but they can scratch.

Now that Cain noticed more changes in her devil body, he started a lot of small changes in Alice’s body. Her horns were a bit longer, her wings had some muscle on them, and her fangs got a bit longer. Another strange change is that in her devil form she lost all of her body hair making her silky smooth. There was also the smell, it resembled incense.

“This is weird…” Cain mumbled.

“Don’t call other people’s bodies weird,” Alice exclaimed, she has been standing there waiting for him to compliment her after inspecting her body for several minutes and he just called her weird.

“No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just that, the devil lord also smells like incense, his whole castle does in fact because he lives there.” Cain explained.

“Can’t that be just because I’m a devil? We’re the same type of creatures, right?” Alice said with a confused face, if devils smell like incense, she should too.

“Most devils are like Spindle, having inhuman shape… only the upper ranks resemble humans…the stronger they are, the closer the devil’s appearance will resemble humans…” Cain started thinking and mumbling.

“Spindle did call me an upper rank, what is the problem in that?” Alice pushed Cain toward the bed, she was getting tired of him mumbling.

“Yeah, it’s just strange. You had a devil soul at the start before I made your body. That means the human soul of Alice was already dead and you were brought here by the failed ritual. I was just wondering where your devil powers originated.” Cain asked.

“Amaterasu created me, that’s why she guided me to you.” Alice pouted as she closed Cain’s mouth and started going at him with her hand.

“HARhul wit mo hail (Careful with your nail)” Cain tried to talk.

In hell, Tiamat landed on the first layer of a rocky mountain range. The air here is always better.

~It took you a long time, how were they doing~ a woman’s voice spoke in her head.

~A…Asmodeus, you have been watching so why are you asking me~ Tiamat was a bit irritated being called by her.

~You almost said my name, you know that is forbidden~

~I know that. Everything went great until the last moment~ Tiamat replied.

~I was watching, and I was hoping you will be able to contact more of them. AO said to make sure everything goes to plan after all~

~What happened to that idiot when I was out~ Tiamat asked.

The voice giggled, ~You know such a devil can’t beat me, he is rotting in the lowest room in hell. This has given silver a breather from all the fighting~

Tiamat felt relieved that everything was going as intended, ~A pest seems to be wandering here so I will clear drop her to the eight-layer. In the meantime get ready, I do need another healing session or I’m a goner~ Tiamat looked at her castle, another dragon seems to be residing there.

~You provide Mana, you do have a lot, after all, ~ Asmodeus replied with a hit of happiness, and she then immediately cut the call to let Tiamat deal with her own things.

At the first layer of hell, the castle of the devil lord. Sitting on the throne a blond devil smiled, in her hand was a staff made from a humanoid spine with a heart at the top.

“Things are finally moving…” She pondered looking at the terrified devils bowing to her.

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