
Chapter 12: Im in a partnership?

Chapter 12: I\'m in a partnership?

In the Royal Capital.

The Royal Capital was a grand city, with towering spires and palatial buildings that gleamed in the sunlight. Its streets were wide and paved with cobblestones, lined with shops and businesses bustling with activity. As the capital of the kingdom, it was home to the king\'s palace, a sprawling complex of courtyards and gardens enclosed by high walls.

The city was full of diverse races. Elves with pointed ears and graceful movements mingled with dwarves, who were stout and hardy, working tirelessly in their forges and shops. There were goblins, too, often sneaking about in the shadows and alleyways, and humans of all shapes and sizes going about their business.

"Wow, this place... it\'s beautiful." (Serena)

"Oh yeah, that\'s right, you\'ve never been outside the estate before." (Lumiere)

To ensure no one saw her, I had to keep her within the bounds of the royal family estate. But, more importantly, I also had to ensure none of my siblings saw her.

There was the time Genny almost did, but luckily enough, she didn\'t - a story for another time.

"You know... if you\'d like, we could always come here again some time." (Lumiere)

"Like on a date?" (Serena)

"Y-Yeah, if... if you want." (Lumiere)

"I\'d love that!" (Serena)

Her face lit up.

"Then, let\'s head to the Great Market!" (Lumiere)

"What\'s that?" (Serena)

"Come! I\'ll show you!" (Lumiere)

I grabbed her hand and off we went.

One of the most famous places in the city was the Great Market, where merchants from all over the kingdom came to sell their wares. It was a bustling, colorful place, with vendors yelling out their prices and customers haggling for a better deal. The scent of spices and food filled the air, luring people in to try new dishes or exotic fruits.

As we walked towards the marketplace, I couldn\'t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was a whole new chapter in our lives, and I wanted everything to go smoothly.

I scanned the area for potential buyers. I spotted a wealthy-looking man browsing near the jewelers and made a beeline for him, dragging Serena along behind me.

"Excuse me, sir," I said, putting on my most charming smile. "Would you happen to be interested in a rare and valuable magicubella tree?"

The man raised an eyebrow, eyeing me up and down. "I might be. What\'s the price?"

As we were about negotiating the price, Serena leaned closer to me and whispered, "Do you think we\'ll get a good deal?"

"Trust me, I know how to negotiate," I whispered back confidently. "We\'ll get the best price possible."

I named a hefty sum (six gold pieces), and the man balked. "That\'s a bit steep, don\'t you think?"

I didn\'t break eye contact. "The magicubella tree is one of the rarest plants in the kingdom, and this one is of exceptional quality. I assure you, it\'s worth every copper piece."

"I haven\'t even seen this tree you speak so highly of.." (Man)

"Then let me show you!" I was enthusiastic to the core.

Serena\'s Unique Skill「Inventory」allowed her to store items within a pocket dimension. And more often than not, it preserved any item by keeping it in stasis.

Materializing the tree before his eyes, the man\'s mind surely exploded. Never did he believe we\'d be mages.

"Absolutely amazing! You both are mages!" (Man)

Thanks to a little showmanship, he was amazed.

In actuality, Serena and I weren\'t mages - at the time, she was a [Divine Summon] and I had gotten a class upgrade to [High Mage].

"Yes sir! We absolutely are!" (Lumiere)

Serena only nodded before reabsorbing the tree back into stasis.

The man looked thoughtful, and I could tell I had him hooked. "Very well. I\'ll give you half the amount upfront, and the other half upon delivery."

I nodded, satisfied with the deal. We were given the agreed coin pieces, and I made sure to count them before we left.

100 copper pieces = 1 silver

100 silver pieces = 1 gold

100 gold pieces = 1 platinum

100 platinum pieces = 1 white platinum

In my hands were 3 gold pieces.

Conversely, you could say I had 300 silver pieces.

Serena looked confused as we walked away. "I can\'t believe you negotiated that price like a pro. How\'d you learn to do that?"

I smiled, knowing I had spent years studying business negotiations in addition to magic. "It\'s all about knowing your worth and being confident in your abilities. Plus, it helps to know the market and the value of what you\'re selling."

Serena nodded in understanding, still looking awed. "I guess I have a lot to learn from you."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

After the deal was done, we headed back to the royal estate, more precisely the deepest forests there, to prepare the magicubella tree for delivery. We carefully wrapped the tree in layers of protective cloth and placed it in a sturdy wooden crate.

Again, Serena placed the crate in her inventory.

Once everything was in order, we set out on foot and made our way towards the buyer\'s estate.


The buyer\'s name was Lord Alexander Randolph, a wealthy nobleman with a taste for exotic and rare specimens. He owned a vast estate on the outskirts of the Royal Capital, where he indulged in his love for collecting all manner of unusual items.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by Lord Randolph himself, who welcomed us into his lavish mansion.

We were greeted by the buyer himself, who inspected the crate with eager anticipation. Serena and I watched as he opened it up, and he gasped in delight at the sight of the rare and beautiful magicubella tree.

"It\'s even more magnificent than before," he exclaimed, turning to us with a wide grin.

"(Well, that\'s because Serena used her enchantment on it again, but he doesn\'t need to know that...)" (Lumiere)

"You two really outdid yourselves. Thank you so much." (Randolph)

We grinned in response, pleased to see our hard work paying off. As we collected the remaining half of the payment, the sense of satisfaction in our success set in.


During lunch, my nose was filled with the appetizing scents of the feast set out before us. Mutton and venison pies, bowls of creamy vegetable soups, crusty loaves of bread, and goblets of mead and wine, everything looked fit for a king.

I sat prim and proper, trying to hide my nervousness and appear calm. I was still getting used to the customs of the outside world, and dining with Lord Randolph was no small feat. I had hoped to make a good impression, especially since it would determine the future of our relationship.

"So, Lumiere," Lord Randolph began, breaking the silence, "What sort of relationship do you share with Serena here?"

My heart skipped a beat. I knew this moment would come, yet I was not ready to divulge our secret just yet. I hesitated, but before I could speak, Serena piped up.

"I think I can answer that. Lumiere and I are engaged," she said with a giggle.

Lord Randolph was taken aback, as was I, who nearly choked on my soup. The declaration came as a surprise to everyone, and the lunch table erupted into laughter and cheers.

Soon after, Lord Randolph expressed admiration for our work and interest in furthering a partnership with us.

"You have a gift for finding rare goods, and I have a passion for collecting them," he said, raising his glass in a toast. "Perhaps we can work together to bring even more treasures to the kingdom."

Serena and I exchanged a look of excitement. We had never considered the possibility of partnership before, but the idea of working with someone as wealthy and well-connected as Lord Randolph was enticing.

"Of course, we would be honored to work with you," I replied, matching his enthusiasm.

My not so sudden rise in business was possibly as a result of the Unique Skill「Beginner\'s Luck」- purely speculation.

As the laughter died down and the talk turned back to business, I felt a glimmer of excitement wash over me. I had been thinking about the magical tree that Lord Randolph had purchased some time ago, and now seemed like the perfect opportunity to broach the subject.

"Lord Randolph, I was wondering what your plans are for the magicubella tree you purchased?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

Lord Randolph looked up from his plate, his expression thoughtful. "Ah, yes, the tree," he said. "To be honest, I hadn\'t thought much about it. It was more of an impulse purchase, if I\'m being honest."

"Well, perhaps I can be of use," I said, a hint of excitement creeping into my voice. "I\'m something of an alchemist, you see. I was wondering if I could have some of the herbs from the tree to make medicinal potions. I\'m sure there\'s a market for it, and it could be quite profitable for us both."

Lord Randolph raised an eyebrow, considering my proposal. "I see," he said slowly. "But what\'s in it for me? If I\'m going to let you use my tree, I should get a share of the profits."

My heart sank at the thought of having to give up a portion of my earnings. But I knew I needed Lord Randolph\'s permission and support if I was going to succeed. "Of course, my lord," I said, trying to sound grateful. "I\'m willing to split the profits with you. How does 50-50 sound?"

Lord Randolph snorted. "Too generous, my boy. I\'ll settle for 30%."

My heart sank even further at the thought of giving up that much of my profits. But I knew I had to make a deal if I was going to make any money at all. "Very well, my lord," I said, trying to sound accepting. "30% it is."

And with that, the deal was done.

I felt a mix of emotions - relief that I\'d secured Lord Randolph\'s permission, excitement at the prospect of making potions with the rare herbs, and a twinge of disappointment at having to give up so much of the earnings.

But this was just the beginning of my life in this world, there would be many more deals to be made.

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