
Chapter 421 Problems

Chapter 421 Problems


The run to the city seemed to take forever. Traveling on Zev was always so much faster than when she had to walk. Yet this time it seemed like pouring honey, every step in slow-motion. Probably because her heart was pounding and her mind spinning a mile a minute. It felt like they were running to catch a something falling—and they couldn\'t know if they\'d make it, or be destroyed.

What was Nick bringing them? News that would help them? Or a plot to betray them? She couldn\'t know.

Her head buzzed with questions and fears, and her body was so tense it hurt. She kept forcing the muscles in her back and neck to relax. Or trying to, anyway. But as soon as she stopped thinking about them they would tense again.

Are you okay? Zev asked in her head.

Just tense. Do you trust Nick? I mean, could this all be a setup? Or do you think he\'s running ahead of the team to warn us?

It\'s impossible to know with him, Zev said, his voice flat and dark. If he has a reason to think it\'s better to play into Nathan\'s hand, he\'ll do it. But if he doesn\'t… he\'ll help us.

Can you tell when he\'s lying?

Most of the time. When it\'s something this big, he\'s more guarded, so… I think so, but I won\'t know for sure until we talk to him.

You tell me the minute you\'re sure.

I will. Of course I will.

Zev ran on for another minute without speaking, Sasha clinging to his back. She was getting better at moving with him as he ran so she didn\'t jolt on his back so much. But that didn\'t mean she was easy for him to carry.

You must be exhausted, she murmured into his head, feeling sad for him. Sasha was utterly worn out. She\'d only gotten a couple of hours of sleep the night before, and she\'d been on her feet most of the day. She couldn\'t imagine what Zev was going through. He\'d had to do far more than she had today.

I needed to run, was all he said. She didn\'t like the hollowness in his tone.

Sasha was about to ask what he meant by that when Zev seemed to stumble, then pitched forward slightly. It was as if the world vibrated. For a moment she thought she was just tired enough that his steps were beginning to jar her, but then Zev stumbled for real, and slowed so he wouldn\'t throw her off by accident.

And before either of them could say anything, they both felt it.

The ground trembled under Zev\'s feet.

Sasha sucked in a terrified breath and her hands tightened on Zev\'s fur. Her first thought was that they were too late. The humans were here and already waging war on the unsuspecting Chimera. Visions of weapons and blood and death swam through her mind and she swore. But then Zev stopped running and crouched low so she could slide off easily.

Then he returned to his human form, but didn\'t tug her behind him as he usually would when there was a threat.

"Yhet," was all he said, watching the trail ahead.

Sasha sighed with relief. "Does he know we\'re here?"

Zev nodded. "He has the wind. But he\'s still running." But there was a tension in him that made Sasha nervous. She went still. If Yhet knew they were there and he was still running for them—really running—there was a big problem.

"Nick," she breathed. Zev nodded, but kept looking ahead for their friend. Then Yhet appeared around the corner and Zev held onto Sasha\'s arm as the huge male\'s pounding feet made the entire forest shake under her like there was an earthquake.

"Sasha-don!" Yhet exclaimed, sliding to a halt just in front of them. "Patty is here! She came through just a little while ago and—"

"With Nick?" Zev snapped.

Yhet shook his head, his eyes intense. "She came through after him."

"Get her tied up, it\'s a trap!" Zev growled. "We\'ll come talk to her after we hear from Nick—"

But Yhet shook his head again. "No, no," he turned to Sasha. "Sasha-don, please. You have to come talk to her. You\'ll see. This is no trick. She\'s… she\'s been in another world and it\'s changed her. She\'s desperate. And she\'s saying you have to hear what she knows."

Sasha looked at Zev, whose hands were balled into fists at his sides. But he watched her, waiting for her decision. It was humbling—and terrifying. Why did they all believe she would know better? These people were humans, sure. But they\'d known them longer than she had.

Sasha tried to swallow her nerves. "They have to be linked," she said. "Right? This can\'t be happening with both of them at the same time unless Nick knows something."

Zev growled. "I\'m going to make sure Nick tells us what he knows—"

"Sasha, listen!" Yhet demanded and Sasha blinked. His tone brooked no argument and his face was fierce, his hair flying wildly around his face. She looked at him, shocked, but Yhet didn\'t stop. "I am certain of it, Sasha. You have to speak with Patty first. She knows things. Nick tricked her. He sent her to another world because she knows things."

Sasha sucked in a breath and looked at Zev, whose face was thunderous. Was Yhet talking about what they\'d already discovered? Or was there something more?

That made the decision as far as Sasha was concerned.

"Where is she?" she said.

"They\'re bringing her. She\'s in a bad shape. She\'s been hurt. So she can\'t move quickly. I came to get you, to carry you to her if it was needed."

Zev growled, but swallowed it, shaking his head. Then, without a word, he shifted back to his wolf form and looked at her over his shoulder.

Sasha sighed and crawled back on. "Lead the way, Yhet."

She clung hard, her neck and shoulders tense and screaming as they began to run and Yhet\'s thundering footsteps threatened to put Zev off his feet with every step.


They were still a few minutes from the Village when the trail widened and began to round curve around one of the larger trees. Zev and Yhet both slowed just before entering the turn, and when they swung through the corner, slowed further as the trees opened and a group could be seen trudging towards them.

Zev trotted to a halt, then sank down on his haunches again for Sasha to get down, while Yhet looked on, his face tense and uncertain.

The group was a handful of guards, plus Skhal, and between them, a woman… but despite the cool night air, she wore no furs, just a ripped long-sleeve shirt and a pair of leather pants. She stumbled along between the males, eyeing them as if every time she looked at them she wanted to scream, but her jaw was set and she limped on. One of her legs didn\'t seem to be working properly.

Sasha barely recognized her. Patty\'s hair had been shorn so it was barely more than fuzz, all one length all the way over her scalp. She was covered in dirt, smears of what looked to be blood or scrapes on her skin, and the shadows of bruises that were dark enough even Sasha could see them in the dim light.

But then Patty caught sight of Sasha ahead and her eyes widened. She broke into a shuffling run, the guards around her keeping pace easily as she crossed the last of the space between them. She could barely run, one of her legs didn\'t seem to want to hold her weight, but she rushed toward Sasha as if they were long-lost friends.

"Sasha. Thank God… thank God," she sobbed.

"Patty?" Sasha said uncertainly as the woman threw herself into Sasha\'s chest. Zev growled, but she had no weapons and she looked exhausted. Sasha didn\'t feel unsafe. Patty was… ragged.

Her shoulders heaved—from panting breath or sobs, Sasha wasn\'t sure. But when Patty straightened, she held her shoulders and stared into her eyes. "I\'m so sorry," she said, swallowing hard, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I didn\'t understand. I wasn\'t… I didn\'t realize. I thought everything we\'d been doing was for the greater good and that justified it. I\'m so sorry!"

"Patty," Sasha said uneasily as the males surrounded them, unhappy about how closely Patty was holding her. "What\'s going on?"

Patty\'s face crumpled. "I\'m so sorry. I forgot you don\'t know… Nick told me how to focus when I went into the Gateway—he said it was dangerous for human minds to focus the same way Chimera would. He told me what to wish for—landmarks to seek. So I did. And when I got through I landed… somewhere else. Somewhere where I was weak and they took me and they… they hurt me. I didn\'t think I\'d ever get free. They were using me like an animal. I didn\'t know how that felt. I\'m so sorry!"

"Patty, calm down. You need to tell me what you\'re talking about. What are you sorry about? What didn\'t you understand?"

Patty slumped in Sasha\'s arms. Then she took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes her brow was crinkled and her eyes so sad it made Sasha want to weep. "I\'m sorry because… I helped the Board take your baby," she whispered. "I\'m sorry, Sasha. I didn\'t know. I swear I didn\'t realize what it was doing to you!"

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