
Chapter 23

Translator and Editor: Skye and Einna


Chapter 23

I was so moved by the fact that my bias came to rescue me. Of course, I knew the Duke would find me since that’s what happened in the original story anyway.

But Lucian found me first.

Yes, it’s worthwhile!

Ohhh, that’s my favorite. Did you come looking for this Noona* by yourself? I’m so proud of you.

I was just getting busy forgetting my current situation and just admiring my favorite.

The contrast is crazy! I’ve been thinking about how my favorite treated me at first! But now he’s grown up to be a person who cares about his sister first.

How can I not be moved!

Plus, he grew up so reliably.

Well, the keywords ‘regretful’ and ‘cold-blooded’ seem to be null and void now, right?

Lucian talked, as I was in the middle of my fan theories.

“Let’s go back, Rachel. Father is looking for you, too.”

Ah, right!

“Brother, is the Duke all right?”

Then I said “I’m sorry” while memorizing his facial features for a moment. Lucian held me in his arms and turned his head sideways.

“He’s okay.”

When he replied like that, I breathed out a long sigh of relief. I can’t help stomping in frustration because I couldn’t prepare myself for this incident, but as long as he didn’t get hurt then everything’s okay.

I’m also glad I didn’t get hurt either way.

Oh, but where are the restraints on your wrists? Can we figure something out with that?

As I looked around in a hurry, Damian approached and pushed the ball out of its hiding place.

“Master, are you looking for this?”

“That’s right, Damian.”

“Owner, I found it! If you’re going to praise someone, direct it at me!”

Doggy pushed out Damian from the spot they were at and raised his chin as if he was proud of it.

Is it his habit of lifting his chin when he wants praise?

I looked at the two men, while hugging Lucian, and whispered in his ear.

“Brother, can I take them with me?”

Lucian hesitated briefly at my question. It wasn’t that I didn’t know why.

My opinion and his didn’t really matter. It’s because the Duke decides whether we can bring them back or not.

I’ll figure something out. If you are indebted to someone, you have to repay them!

I’ll have to convince the Duke somehow.

I raised my chin with a triumphant look on my face as if following a solid hunch. I spoke to Damian and Doggy.

“Just trust this Noona and follow me.”

Lucian winced at what I muttered, but he still didn’t care.

Mm, you’re surprised at my power, too, aren’t you?

There there, my bias.

Even with those two around, you’ll always be my ultimate number one.

I patted him on the shoulder and hugged him tightly. It’s time to go back home.

As I rode Lucian’s black horse together with him, I held Doggy in my arms.

No matter how much of a strong shapeshifter he was, I’m still afraid he’d get hurt if he fell off a horse like this.

Damian, who turned into a hawk, followed us. On second thought, it really was a good thing that I could get back safely because of those two.

Just yesterday, I faced that crazy guy in such close proximity. I was relieved just to be able to get out of there.

Goodbye, trash booger king. It wasn’t at all nice meeting you, so don’t show even your hair to me the next time around.

I couldn’t care less if he was an illegitimate child of the Emperor. All I had to do was worry about my bias’ future.

Until the end of the original work, the Empire would be in an era of peace. What’s the big deal with creating a prince character like him?

It won’t be a problem for that royal weirdo. He’s already controlling the underworld and has a dark spirit already.

Besides, the only characters that die in the book were the main characters!

You know what?

Even the sub-male lead didn’t die.

Did that even make sense? Why were only the main characters the ones who died?

I got grumpy for no reason and almost snapped out at Doggy who was in my arms breathing steadily.

His thin eyes turned round and revealed his brilliant ruby jewel pupils.

Oh, his eyes are still so pretty.

In the original novel, there was a lot of praise for the appearance of the sub male lead, but I thought I knew the reason why.

I was really surprised to see his human form. I thought only my favorite had crazy good looks, but the sub male leads had those too.

I’m telling you, if you meet Noah later and betray us, you’ll never have soup!

I decided not to let go of the tension while preparing for the flow of the original novel.

You saved my life, and I will take you back so as a reciprocate for your kindness, but I will not turn a blind eye to your betrayal!

When Lucian and I reached the Ducal estate’s front gates, the knight guarding the gate opened it in a hurry.

Passing through the first entrance of the castle, the Duke was running towards us from afar.

No, Duke. Keep your dignity!

Contrary to my innermost thoughts, I looked carefully to see if he was hurt. Fortunately, I was relieved that there seemed to be no inconvenience in terms of his mobility.

It’s our real home. I finally felt a moment of relief after everything.

The Duke’s safe, Lucian’s safe, I’m safe.

With a peal of laughter coming from me, Lucian stopped talking. It was inevitable because the Duke was just around the corner.

The Duke stretched his arms out to me. When I saw his blood shot eyes, my heart fluttered for no reason.

I don’t know how much he cared about me.

I know his strong feelings are because of my father, but his affections have forced me to become weak to him.

I realized how happy it is to receive endless affection.

“Ahh, Rachel.”

With me in his arms, the Duke trembled.

“My daughter, your father is sorry for not being able to protect you.”

It’s okay. It’s okay. That was supposed to happen anyway.

Think of it as stepping on the poop sooner rather than later.

“I won’t be satisfied even if I tear off all of their limbs until they die.”

His voice quivered with anger this time because he felt sorry for what I had to go through.

“Once I catch them all, I’ll let them know that there are some things scarier than death.”

Aigoo, Duke. Stop, stop. You’re really scary.

Again, the Duke is a man who would definitely do stuff like that.

“My daughter, you’re in this state now.”

I pouted my lips for a moment and then I sneakily put one of my arms around his neck, smiling as I whispered to the Duke.

“I’m glad you’re alright, too, Duke.”

At my words, he turned his head to look at me, and his angry expression melted away. Instead, a serious but kind expression took its place.

“Thank you for coming back safely. Thank you so much.”

“…Yes, I’m glad, too.”

I didn’t even want to think of that booger king. As expected, home is the best. I didn’t doubt I’d come back safely, but I am also glad I came back safely.

When I answered with a slight smile, the Duke relaxed and let out a smile. But when he turned to Lucian, his good mood had all evaporated.

“I’ll talk to you later.”


Lucian did not answer the Duke. He only did a light bow and listened to his words. The Duke turned around hugging me.

The butler and the commander of the knight’s order, who were waiting behind us, bowed to me.

After a while, the commander spoke to the Duke.

“I’ll tell the knights who captured the bandits to launch an investigation into this situation, Milord.”


I pulled out Doggy in my arms when the Duke finished speaking to the Knight. The Duke didn’t seem to know this child existed because he was only looking at me.

This has worked out rather well. I better get his permission before we go in.

“Duke, do you remember this kid?”


As I thought, the Duke had forgotten Doggy’s existence. I dropped the tips of my eyebrows and lips into a pouting expression, then I showed Doggy to the Duke.

Make sure you do it when you beg! Be more pitiful!

“It’s Doggy that I released two years ago. But this time, Doggy helped me. With Damian.”

The Duke grew his eyes wide because of what I had said. I beckoned Damian while he was wandering in the sky.

Damian swooped down quickly when he saw my hand gesture. And turned into a person in the air and landed gracefully in front of us.

Wow! So cool!

I almost clapped without realizing it. The Duke must have felt the same from his expression.

He was looking at Damian carefully, and also gave Doggy a glance.

As if he had waited, he jumped out of my arms and rolled once, and turned into a human.

Oh, this is cool, too.

The Duke, the commander, the butler, and the other employees nearby looked at the two children with their eyes shining.

I was proud of myself for no reason. I raised my chin like a trophy winner, and spoke triumphantly to the Duke.

“They’re still following me around saying I’m their master. So on that note…”

The Duke, who immediately knew what I was going to say, said in a bargaining tone.

“If you call me Dad, I’ll let you.”

Now, a man who knows how to make a deal like this is king material. This is how deals work.

It’s not even worth comparing, but I have to do it.

I have no choice but to accept it. I nodded with my eyes cast down.

Seeing him grinning brightly at my answer, I felt as if it had made my chest tighten.

I’ve been prepared since I accepted the adoption, but he has still insisted for me to call him Dad.

I bit my lips as I recalled what I had experienced before.

This is not the first time for me to be adopted. Even before my transmigration, I was also an adopted child.

Although the happy times were short, I felt like I had the whole world in my hands at that time.

Receiving affection meant for me alone carries a feeling that seems similar to the creation of my own private world.

Though the wonderful and happy lifestyle of the world I had created for myself at that time was changed overnight.

It’s different this time, Hyeyoung.

Confronting myself, I put some strength to my arm that was clumsily wrapped around the Duke’s neck.

The Duke will be different.

It’s okay, I won’t be abandoned this time.

I hugged the duke hard, hiding my anxious thoughts in the deepest part of my mind.

Duke, Lucian, and the Duchess.

I thought it was a perfect step into this bizarrely complicated house.

qc/n: Rachel sometimes refers to herself as Noona (older sister) because she considers herself as an avid fan of Lucian most of the time and not really as his ‘younger sister’.


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