
Chapter 298: Planning

Chapter 298: Planning


Edward had revealed something he had learned but that couldn’t properly share previously due to the exhaustion of the battle they had. He had felt rather dizzy after overusing his Mana to fight, and ended forgetting what he wanted to say, now that his mind was calm and he had eaten and drank something, he had remembered such a thing, and quickly revealed it to everyone.

However, a few questions emerged inside the minds of his allies, as they to wonder how it was possible for these people to speak important things if they were all talking nonsense after having their minds altered by some sort of mind-controlling magic.

Edward had a reasonable answer to such a question.

“The one that told me that didn’t seemed to be as affected, in between the insane words I couldn’t detect, there were certain things about a giant frog destroying a factory and making a fuss, he was constantly weeping about his Boss being a tyrant as well.” Said Edward.

“Hm, so whatever ability they used in these people, it didn’t completely deleted their memories? But even after Rot tried to interrogate them, only strange words came out of their minds and we couldn’t discern anything within the chaos of their minds…” sighed Abyss.

“That’s indeed the case. I believe that’s what happened, they didn’t had their minds deleted… their minds were simply thrown into disorder to the point their memories mixed together, this continued to mix together until they were left speaking completely insane things.” Said Edward.

“That makes sense… You’re very insightful, Edward!” said Belphegor.

“It is my job as the Librarian to have a good memory, is it only that, I don’t consider myself that intelligent.” Sighed Edward.

“What are you talking about? You’re pretty smart.” Said Nesephise.

“You’re flattering me…” laughed Edward, he had a charming smile. After all, he was an elf, so his beauty was without a question.

“Nonetheless… We were not able to get any useful information out of the other people we captured, right, Rot?” asked Natalia.

“No info… I wasn’t able to find anything… useful… Only rubbish words…” said Rot.

“Hmmm… I see, so I suppose there was some luck factor in Edward’s case… I don’t really remember anything of use from the people we interrogated.” Said Natalia.

“Me neither.” Said Yuki.

“Mine only screamed saying “Fariinnnnn geeeerrrrrr!” all the time, what is that even?” wondered Boxxy.

“Farin… ger?” wondered Edward.

“Perhaps the name of something? Of someone?” wondered Natalia.

“A name?” asked Abyss.

“Maybe if they were screaming his name, they could be like the ones I found that were screaming for their boss… but they didn’t knew his name. However, those others knew about “Faringer”… Would it be too much of a stretch to assume that the one that escaped… could be named Faringer?” wondered Edward.

Everyone’s minds suddenly felt enlightened once more by Edward’s words, his theories, although didn’t seem to make sense at first, quickly connected many dots together and suddenly made a lot of sense within their minds!

“Faringer! So that was the bastard that enhanced the power of the beasts by screaming so much? Well, knowing his name won’t do much, right?” sighed Belphegor.

“But it is something… We could ask someone within the nearby city about him, if he’s a boss or something, he should be famous enough to be widely known by the population, right? I doubt every single person we’ll meet will have their memories instantly shredded into pieces and mixed together, right?” asked Abyss.

“Hmmm… Abyss you’re right, we could just abduct some random pirates and ask them…” said Yuki.

“Oooh! Can we eat them after?” asked Boxxy.

“Depends on if they were truly deserving of being eaten, although most of the time, Space Pirates are bastards that had done many atrocities, Chaos-sama was very unforgiving of most of them because of the things they did displeased him, so most like you will be able to eat them.” Said Abyss.

“Yaaaay!” said Boxxy. She was a being that craved flesh a lot, especially the flesh of humanoid creatures, humans were within the palate of Mimics, being one of their favorite meals.

“For now, what else do we know? The name of the bastard and that’s it? With his name alone, we can’t really discern everything…” said Natalia.

“Yeah, for now we should adress what Nesephise said… Nesephise, did you said something about a city being near here, right? I remember you also said you came here once back then, what happened with that? How much did you explore?” asked Edward.

“Ah… S-So many questions… Well, as I said before, I did come here, I once was traveling across the swamp ocean, and ended being caught in a storm, when I woke up, I ended ashore… I think my Frog Spirit saved me back then… But my boat was destroyed…” sighed Nesephise.

“What?! That must have been hard…” sighed Abyss.

“Yeah, especially because I wasn’t as strong as I am now, even less as strong as any of you… I had to slowly gather wood and make up a new boat to go back home… I ended spending almost a year in the shores of this continent… A few times I infiltered a nearby city here, led by several organizations of Space Pirates, there were citizens too, but the streets were dangerous. I also remember seeing many slaves of my race, but I was… incapable of saving them back then…” sighed Nesephise.

“Slaves… These bastards of the space pirates really got a strong fetish with making slaves out of everything, don’t they?” sighed Natalia.

“Indeed… I wish I could had done something back then! Ugh… But now… I can… I can make a difference… However, I also remember feeling strong presences back then, they scared me so much that I never stepped there after I got what I wanted… I think those were beings at the same level of strength as the chimera beasts and perhaps those three thugs that were about to enslave the tribe… and there were many…” sighed Nesephise.


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