
Chapter 296: Taking A Small Break To Assess Things Through

Chapter 296: Taking A Small Break To Assess Things Through


Abyss had been working more and more than she had ever done before, used to her work as a maid, she was now forced to become the leader of the entire group, and had been made to make decisions and to act as a responsible leader.

Although Belphegor supported her whenever he could, everyone obeyed her orders more than anyone because she was the second strongest of the group, alongside being in a romantic relationship with Chaos, which was already official and well known by everyone.

However, she had never experienced any of this before, so she often felt quite overwhelmed to have to work this much, but it was also helping her develop as a person little by little, even without Chaos, she was slowly evolving.

The responsibility of a leader was something harder than she had imagined, she always thought that Chaos never had many hardships in such a regard, simply telling his people to “go there or there” or “do that and that” and that was it, but she never imagined that Chaos had to take so many taxing things into consideration, such as how each of his members felt, if they were hungry, if they were injured, or what they thought about the situation.

There was a certain innate leadership ability that Chaos possessed, where despite not talking much, he was incredibly keen to his friend’s feelings and thoughts, and was able to even discern if any of them felt bad, quickly helping them to heal themselves, or deciding to take a break to eat and talk things out in more detail.

All of such things that she always thought that were done randomly were in fact thought and planned by Chaos inside of his mind, and now that she, someone that considered herself not talented in leadership, was forced to make such decisions, she was realizing how hard it truly was.

She had ended letting her fury get the better of her and had forced everyone to follow her towards their enemy, without realizing that most of them were tired, as they were not as strong as her or possessed as much stamina. Maybe she could had put them all inside her divine realm and continue, but she knew that she alone wouldn’t be enough to fight multiple gods at the same time.

Perhaps she could be capable of killing a god if they went one against one, but many at the same time seemed like a suicide, specially considering how she was running straight towards their hideout, the place where perhaps many of the gods such as Cutthroat’s team might be lying and commanding the slaves and other troops.

These space pirates were certainly not as piss poor and crappy as the ones from Ginnungagap, and it probably meant that they were not just stray pirates, but all belonged to a single and bigger organization that had way more power, perhaps across the entire solar system…

With all of these things considered, Abyss realized that she was making a mistake, and was brought to reality by her friends, at long last, they had arrived at the shores of the continent where most of the Space Pirates were located, but now they decided to take a break and eat something before continuing, Abyss herself had gone through a lot of trials by now, having to calm herself down over her nervousness and uncertainty of a future where Chaos wasn’t there to help her out was way harder than she could had ever expected.



“Ohh, this one looks big and yummy!”

“Nice catch!”

A gigantic catfish was suddenly brought into the shore, as Boxxy picked it up with her tentacle and carried it. She quickly asked Edward to set up a fire, while she and Yuki cut off its entrails and cleansed it of its guts, placing the giant fish into the fire and slowly grilling it.

Abyss looked into the vast ocean they had just crossed, it was perhaps over hundreds of kilometers which they crossed in just a few minutes, it was certainly a great feat that not many could had ever hoped to accomplish in this little time.

She looked down into the reflection of the water, as she saw herself, her face really looked tired…

“Abyss, how are you feeling?” asked Belphegor.

“Oh, I am fine… Don’t worry about it, Belphegor.” Said Abyss.

“You’re my lord’s future wife, and also a good friend of mine too, so I am worried about you. It is hard to lead people, but you’ve been doing a great job so far.” Said the gentle skull.

Abyss smiled gently.

“Thanks… It is harder than I had expected… But I am doing my best to not disappoint Chaos when he’s finally back.” Said Abyss.

“I am sure that Chaos-sama will be proud of what you’ve done. How about you come with the rest of us so we can discuss things better around the bonfire?” asked Belphegor.

“Sure.” Said Abyss.

Abyss was secluding herself because she felt ashamed of herself, she didn’t wanted to look into the eyes of her friends due to having disappointed them due to her lack of sensitivity with them. But it seemed that they had already forgiven her, and Belphegor simply wanted to bring her to talk with everyone else again.

Meanwhile, Ifrit was within Abyss Divine Realm, and was currently finishing the stew that Lilith had prepared for him.

“How do you feel now? Better?” she asked, with a sweet smile.

“Yeah, I feel rather well now… Thanks for being so considerate, Lilith…” sighed Ifrit.

“Don’t worry about it… How are your Pressure Points?” asked Lilith, trying to touch his shoulder but Ifrit reacted rather painfully to it.

“Ungh… I-It still hurts… Certain areas near these Pressure Points become very sensitive to pain.” Sighed Ifrit.

“I-I see… Do you think you can fight? If not, it would be better if you stay here for now… I won’t let you fight if you are not at tour 100%, did you hear me?” asked Lilith.

“Yeah… I know I cannot fight in this state…” said Ifrit.


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