
Chapter 292: I Never Thought About That Possibility...

Chapter 292: I Never Thought About That Possibility…


The giant and monstrous Gorilla chimera roared angrily, as Lilith played dirty on it and used her powers to make it regain its trauma. She also realized that these beasts were all mostly wild animals taken away and used as experimentation subjects to transform into these monsters fueled with the materials produced by the fragments of the Forbidden One.

Therefore, she saw it had gone through a lot of pain, and as of now, it was being merely controlled by these materials and the lingering malicious will of the Forbidden One infecting these materials, which were not even the true fragments.

But above all, there was also the pain inflicted by the cores, which caused the beasts to go berserk and bloodthirsty, although for some reason, they didn’t attacked one another and fought rather well as a team… well, as well as wild beasts could.


The Gorilla continued to fight against Lilith’s Illusion Clones, as they continued to detonate and damage its mind. The entire mind it possessed began to fragment apart, while its body was barely receiving much damage due to its self-regeneration factor.

Perhaps because she was not a very strong offensive magician but a trickster-type magician that abused her element to play with her enemies’ emotions and trick them with illusions and other things, she was able to inflict a different type of damage, mental damage.

Fragmenting the minds of a foe and make them pass out! It could even cause permanent damage and leave opponents in a permanent vegetative state…

This power was the ability of Illusion magicians, although many of them were not able to completely master, but Lilith had already grasped the basics of it, and was constantly inflicting damage into her foe.

The Gorilla beast began to scream louder and louder, until the very last moment…

“I’m sorry but… You’re only a steppingstone.” Said Lilith, as her last explosive clone reached the beast, and its mind was completely shattered.


The beast suddenly lost consciousness, as it fell into the ground.


Lilith looked down on it, it was still alive, but all of its mind functions were gone.

“Phew… Well, I couldn’t kill it but at least I debilitated it…” She sighed.

Lilith noticed that the rest of the beasts were ganged over by everyone together, and with their cooperation and the knowledge that Nesephise shared, they were able to crush their cores and eliminate them.

She was resting near the Gorilla, as she looked at the creature’s face sleeping soundly.

“I guess I should also kill you…” she sighed.

She took out a blade which she often used to cut things, she wasn’t good with it at all, but for now it would work well in butchering it.

She gritted her teeth and pointed it at the Gorilla.

“No hard feelings.” She sighed.

However, a second after, the Gorilla’s eyes opened.



Lilith’s blade barely managed to not pierce it, as the Gorilla jumped away.

“Damn it, you woke up already?!” she asked, as she was prepared to fight it again.


The Gorilla, however, seemed different this time.

It was… rather… well, how to explain it? Quite submissive.

It was standing there bowing its head.

“Huh? You’re bowing your head to me?” she asked.

The creature nodded.

“Eh? I-I tamed you?” she wondered.

The gorilla gave a little groan.

The rest of the party reached the side of Lilith while being alert.

“Lilith, what’s going on?! Aren’t you going to kill the beast?” asked Ifrit.

“I-Ifrit… It’s just that… the beast seems to not be aggressive, I think I tamed it…” said Lilith.

“You did what?!” asked Ifrit.

“You see…”

Lilith explained to Ifrit what she did with the beast, as Ifrit looked at the gorilla.

“So you broke its mind and then when it woke up it acted submissive? How strange…”

Ifrit inspected the guy and nodded.

“I guess we can add it to the group for now, if he acts weird we’ll kill him…” said Ifrit with a malicious smile, the Gorilla began to sweat profoundly in fear of the blazing demon’s ruthlessness, he ran away and hid behind Lilith while trembling.

“Geez! You’re scaring him…” sighed Lilith.

“Ah, well, that’s good then, if its scared it won’t try anything funny.” Said Ifrit while nodding.

And right after that, he suddenly felt weak, as if he grew dizzy, he almost tripped over the floor.


Lilith rushed to his rescue and held him in her arms before he were to fall over the floor.


Ifrit suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, covering his mouth with his hand.

He looked into his hand, which was covered in blood.

“Hahh… I think I overdid it with the secret technique… I am not as good as my brothers or my father yet…” he sighed.

“I-Ifrit… You used the Demonic Soul Flame Technique?! That’s dangerous…” sighed Lilith. Her eyes seemed to be filled with worry.

“D-Don’t worry about me, I am pretty tough.” He said with a smile, as he suddenly began to feel his vision blurry…

“Haha… I-I am beginning to see weird… Ah… D-Did I ever tell you that your eyes were so pretty? Ungh…” and he fell unconscious.

“W-What? Ah…! He fell unconscious?! Damn it… Who can heal?! Ah, Edward! Please!” Lilith tried to hold Ifrit with her hands but he was way too heavy.


The Gorilla offered his large hands, as he held Ifrit with them and carried him.

“Ah, thank you… How should I call you, little guy? Ah! How about Kong?” asked Lilith.

“Guroh!” said the Gorilla, it seemed to like the name.

Lilith rushed back with the rest of the group while bringing an unconscious Ifrit.

“Ifrit! He’s bad… He just vomited blood! Edward, can you do something?” asked Lilith.

“I-I think I can do- Eh? What is that?! That monster is helping us?” asked Edward in surprise.

“Y-Yeah, I think I tamed it…” said Lilith.

“Wow… Well, you’re an Illusion Magician, maybe you can tame beast using your mind control…” said Edward.

“I-I never thought about that possibility…” said Lilith.


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