
Chapter 484 - 484. Announcement

Chapter 484 – 484. Announcement

This fic is over, you can read it in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal. Plus, read 90+ chapters of the upcoming Marvel fic.


They had booked a nice private space of a 5-star restaurant. The table was a big one as too many people were invited. Adam, Grace, Emma, Magnus, Ragnar, Athena, triplets, Dumbledore, Elizabeth and finally, Elineen, Severus and Narcissa.

Magnus was surprised to see Draco in a young boy\'s suit. He was wearing pants and a blazer. His hair was neatly combed and he seemed to like those pompous boys from muggle British high-class boarding schools. "How have you been doing, Sev? And you Narcissa?"

Severus seemed to have trained his body and now had a visible macular build. His face also had toned down. Of course, his innate features such as his nose could not be changed but he looked good. Meanwhile, Narcissa still had the same charm even though she was in her mid-30s. She was certainly blessed with good genes. A miracle considering incest in pureblood families.

"As good as always, Magnus. Thank goodness these three are not as crazy anymore." Severus stared at the triplets, who shrank their necks.

"Haha, I gave them an earful in their first year after they hurt that boy. They straightened up after that." Magnus took their side. He had taught his siblings never to be bullies, even when they are trying to defend Clementia. Because he knew how far bullying could push a kid. Even kids who bully do it either because they come from such a badly behaved family or they had issues of their own.

So Aurelia and Maximus changed their tactics and instead became kinder to everyone, even if there was a bully, they would shame them into crying by talking sweetly. In no time the bully would confess and apologise.

"What about Draco? He will be going to school in three years, right? From 91? Lily\'s son will also be started from then," Magnus noted. Draco was sitting like a gentleman and hearing everyone talk.

Maximus was sitting on Draco\'s side, he patted his shoulder, "Oh, too bad, we will be in our 7th and last year when you come to school. But don\'t worry, one year is enough to teach you all about studying there. Which house do you want to go to?"

Draco looked at Magnus and blurted with pride, "Slytherin!"

Magnus sighed, shaking his head. Things have gotten out of hand at this point. Because of him, every second kid wanted to go to Slytherin, it went on to the point that Slytherin dorms needed to be extended and a Deputy Head of the house was needed to maintain everything.

"Why not other houses? They are the same as Slytherin," Magnus asked.

"No, you studied in Slytherin, I want to go there," Draco stated.

"Dad, what is Sli… Slither… in?" Athena asked him, sitting on her small high chair between Magnus and Emma.

"It\'s a school group where your dad lived and met your mum," Magnus replied.

Athena glimpsed between her mum and dad, then suddenly her eyes teared up, "I-I don\'t wanna go… I wanna be with daddy and mummy,"

Emma quickly picked her up and placed her on her lap, "No no, of course, you will not go there. You will forever be with mum and dad."

She hugged Emma and calmed down soon after. This was how babies act, she was no different. It didn\'t matter how smart or behaved she was, when it was about her parents, her inner instincts would kick in.

The dinner soon continued. They talked and ate merrily. Dumbledore made a few jokes every once in a while, he was the oldest person among them anyway so he started acting like the grandfather. Elizabeth saw him as a competition, however.

When dinner was over and everyone was having a cup of ice cream as dessert, Severus and Narcissa spoke up.

"Magnus, me and Narcissa have decided something," Severus said.

Magnus saw this coming from a mile away. He chuckled and let them continue, "Go on,"

Narcissa held Draco\'s hand who sat on her left and Severus\' who sat on her right, "We have decided to get married and…"

"Give me more grandchildren," Eileen blurted.

But she didn\'t even see what was coming next. Narcissa continued, "I am expecting a baby in April next year,"

There was a momentary pause among all. Then all of a sudden Eileen, Emma and Grace got up to hug her and congratulate her. Magnus and Ragnar pulled Severus with them, the triplets pulled Draco away to tell him how amazing it is to have a little baby at home to play.

Adam had to hold little Athena as he was still sitting. The little one fell asleep in her grandpa\'s lap, mumbling about lemon candies.

A distance away, Magnus and Ragnar held Severus by putting their arms around his shoulder. Severus knew this was going to happen, "Say it, what joke are you thinking?"

Magnus didn\'t joke, "Welcome to fatherhood, Sev. I\'m happy for you,"

"Same. I am happy for you, Sev. I was pretty sure that you\'d end up a loner depressed man, but this is a much better outcome. Narcissa is pretty and mature, exactly the kind of woman who could handle you," Ragnar added.

Magnus and Severus, however, didn\'t like him badmouthing. He had the least right to do so. "Says the guy who is still single. Man, you\'re 28, find someone and settle down,"

Severus agreed, "Yes, you have no idea how calming it is to have a significant other who you can trust and talk to at any time."

Ragnar scoffed, "I don\'t trust people enough to allow them to enter into my life, let alone be so close. I have a family and I am content with it. And if it\'s about sex, I just need to go to the middle of London and shout that I\'m horny. In a second, hundreds of hot women would come running on their buttcheeks with their legs spread wide."

"Ugh… why did I just imagine a hoard of women running on their buttcheeks," Magnus grunted in disgust.

"Still, the matter stands. As our words stand, you are generalising women. Do you not trust Emma? She\'s a girl. She was once not a family," Severus argued.

But Ragnar took none of it, "That\'s because she\'s been with us for more than a decade now."

"But at least go on dates, I\'m sure there are a lot of high born women who will be happy to try it out with you. You can make the final decision if you like her or not." Magnus suggested while fiddling with his phone.

Ragnar silently thought about it. He was absolutely not interested in marrying, but he was getting annoyed by constant pestering from his mum. If this shuts their mouths, so be it, "Fine, I will go. I care not about their birth status, they only need to be hot and not with assholish narcissistic personalities."

In an instant, Magnus dialled a number on his phone, "YES! He agreed, bring the catalogue tomorrow,"

(ಠ_ಠ) (●__●)

Ragnar and Severus stared at him awkwardly. Magnus quickly defended, "What? There was no harm in being careful. I just worry about my brother and I too want a cute little nephew or niece to play with."

"Ugh, what a weirdo, keeping a catalogue of women like a pimp, let\'s go, Sev." Ragnar pulled Severus away and walked to talk to Narcissa.


"OYE! I\'M DOING IT ALL FOR YOU!" Magnus ran after them angrily.

Godric Hollow,

"I-Is this where dad and you lived?"

Lily Potter walked around the abandoned house. It was luckily still in shape and clean because of the house-elf Magnus had hired to clean it once a month.

She walked around the house with the hand of her son in her\'s, "Yes, Harry, this is where you were born. We will be living here from now on. You will be going to school in a few years, making new friends, making a girlfriend. It will all happen here,"

Harry blushed and clutched his mother\'s hand tighter, "I will never love any other girl except you, mum. I will never leave you,"


All of a sudden a loud manly voice interjected. The door opened with a thud. Lily had her wand in hand, "W-Who is it?"

"Ah, come on, Lily. You don\'t recognise my voice?"

"UNCLE SIRIUS!~" Harry jumped excitedly and ran into Severus\' arms.

Lily calmed down, "You scared me, don\'t make such entrances from now on, please. I-It brings back memories,"

Sirius picked Harry up and apologised, "Sorry, I didn\'t know you were not healed yet. But, stop with this gloomy face, this house needs a revamp. Bright paint, wallpaper, bright light, beautiful curtains and some music in the background. But before that, I just talked with Severus. He\'s getting married to Narcissa soon. He wants you and Harry to come too and meet his stepson, Draco.

"Both will start Hogwarts together, it\'s better if Harry has some friends,"

Lily liked this idea, "*Sigh* I\'ve been away from everyone for so long. I wonder what has changed. I know Magnus has a daughter now, what else? Sirius, why didn\'t you get married? Harry could have had a friend,"

"Ugh… why work hard to plant a tree and care for it when I can taste the fruit whenever I want? I am popular, Lily. All right, get ready, Peter and Remus are coming too. We will go out for a nice muggle dinner," Sirius pushed her into her room.

Sighing, Lily relented. Sirius was as crazy as ever, but she appreciated it, she needed crazy to feel normal living in this house again.

[You can see Aurelia, Maximus and Clementia on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


[A/N: Marvel fic coming tomorrow.]


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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