
Chapter 416: SAS

Chapter 416: SAS

In the end, everyone was happy, Magnus got some new fluffy animals to play with, Ragnar got his vault, Emma found new wood and Severus got some strange book.

After dropping the animals in Camelot and the Nifflers back at Scamander’s home, it was time to finally return home. Tired by now and homesick as well, Magnus called Duck to help lift the entire vault and take it to Camelot to keep it stored. The school was over and they had already spent three days away from home. But at least Dobby had informed Grace about their whereabouts.

They dragged their bodies home. Severus lived nearby so he went home because he too missed his mum. Emma, meanwhile, remained at Magnus’ home since hers was not anywhere close.

Grace cheerfully hugged them, “CONGRATULATION! My lovely little princes have grown into fine adults, ready to enter the adult world.”

Ragnar giggled, “Hehe, mum, we’ve already done things most adults can dream of doing. And we’re going into space in a few months,”

“Oh, about that, sweetie, Magnus. I need your help, when you go up there, can you take a few samples of medical experimental material with you? I need to find out how it reacts to zero gravity.” She requested.

“Don’t worry, mum. Once I reach the moon, I will be able to see if we can use Portkey to here. If we can, then we will soon be building a real moon base and also a research facility as a space station.” He assured her.

“BIG BROTHERS… W-we made congo gift.” The triplets came running, a bouquet of flowers in their tiny hands.

They gave one bunch each to Magnus and Ragnar. But then the problem arose, they only had two, as Emma was uninvited. They looked at her confusedly, Emma chuckled and took out a single sunflower from the bouquet Magnus hand, “Thank you,”

“Where did you get these?” Magnus asked them.

Maximus proudly replied, “Oh, we picked them from the garden ourselves.”

“Can you repeat that?” Grace appeared behind the three, looking like a towering ogre to the three. They sweated immediately, “Uh… um… I mean, we… DOBBY DID IT!”

Magnus hugged them and ruffled their hair, “It’s okay, your big brother can fix it, but remember, what you just did is wrong, not picking the flower, but lying. If you have done something, you take responsibility, that’s how become a good boy and girl, okay?”

The innocently nodded. He decided to cheer their mood, “Okay, we’re eating food outside tonight, where do you want to go?”

“MOVIE!” they jumped together. But when it came to which movie, they started fighting. Maximus demanded to see Batman. Aurelia demanded to see Alien, a movie about a human space mission getting sucked into a wormhole and ending up on an alien planet.”

Clementia said she was okay with both of them. Magnus chuckled after seeing them bicker and trying to tell each other why they should choose their movie. He picked Clementia in his arms and stooped the other two, “Okay, I am not going to choose either of you, instead I will choose Clem’s side.”

“What does she want to see?” the two asked in confusion. Clementia was so silent most of the time that people didn’t even know when she even spoke.

“We’re watching both movies. But Clem gets to choose where and what she wants to eat,” he made a deal. It was quickly accepted by the two. Clementia also got something and didn’t feel left out.

That evening, they got in a big car after Adam came home, then the entire big family went to watch a movie, and guess who tagged along, the Queen. She loved spending time with the three little triplets. And she also had something to say to Magnus, “Thanks for taking the headache from me, in a few months I will be so liberated, so free.”

That was when Magnus realised, the Queen was not sad about losing power anymore, instead, she had taken his family as her own and now was relieved to be leaving the throne. She can do more fun things in life.

But Magnus had no such feelings, this was what he wanted. The more power and pull he had the more he could do.

Spending the night with his family watching movies and then having a nice dinner, they all retreated to their rooms. Of course, Emma went to Magnus, but they didn’t do anything as they had three little visitors who wanted to sleep with them and hear stories. How could he deny them, and possibly this was going to be his regular routine from now on as he’d be staying at home.

The entire year was packed for him, he had too many things to do. There was a mission to the Moon. Him taking the throne, visiting Africa to announce his next phase, also go to Thailand to inaugurate the Thai Canal that was in the last phase of construction.

But something took him by surprise when a letter came calling for his training to join the Special Air Service (SAS), an elite British military force. He was also interested in learning to fly a jet though. So he grabbed his stuff and went straight to the training facility in London. He was already a commissioned Captain ranked officer however, the training was just so they could make some numbers and records official. He only needed to visit the place and not take part actually, yet he denied and forced them to test him on the same criteria as others.

His reason was simple, if he wanted to earn respect from other officers, he needed to prove himself. It was the oldest Special Forces unit in the world, and also the best-known. The selection process is exceptionally gruelling and considered one of the hardest globally, with a dropout rate of more than 85 per cent

So, when he got into his battler dress, a lot of officers and soldiers came to watch, be it other trainees, instructors or existing members. They tried to cheer for him, but he knew many of them were sneering, thinking he’d failed. After all, royalty was pampered since birth. However, there were a few men who had some relations to the wizarding world due to a family member being one. They knew for Magnus this was a cakewalk.

The chief instructor came with a few helpers. “Your highness, there are a few physically exhausting exercises that you will go through in the coming few days, they are…”

Magnus interrupted, “Few days? I need to go for astronaut training tomorrow. Let’s do it all today, just tell me what I need to do and I will,”

The man wanted to argue, but a nudge from a representative from Buckingham Palace nudged him to do it. ” First you need to do more than 45 push-ups followed by more than 45 sit-ups and then a 1.5 mile run in under 9:30 minutes”

Magnus chuckled, it was a piece of cake, some of these men had forgotten about his and Ragnar’s crazy competition in Olympics. He first did the pull-ups, 100 in two minutes. Sit-ups were too easy, he did 100 in a minute. Then for a run of 1.5 miles, he did it in 5 minutes, basically sprinting the whole duration.

After this came water-related tests. The first was a jump into the water from a 10-meter tower. He happily did it with no fear at all. Then was the 25 metres water swim in full uniform holding a weapon. It was super easy, he didn’t just do it for 25 metres, he did it for 50. He needed to be the best not to boast, but because he was going to be skipping the months of training a regular soldier gets.

Then came 200m swim in uniform within 5-min. Again, he did it in record time. The underwater object retrieval and dive test was also a breeze. Then for the last was an 8-mile hill run in less than 60 minutes. They couldn’t go outside, so they used a big reclined treadmill.

Once on it, Magnus increased the speed that was no less than a point less than sprinting. Then, he didn’t even stop. He went past 8 miles in 30 minutes, then instead of stopping, he said, “Let’s see how far I can go,”

He went on to run 30 more minutes, covering a total of 16 miles in one stretch. Of course, not all wizards are this strong physically, he was special, not because of his blood, but because he’s been under constant threat for his life from the first day he stepped foot in Hogwarts. Since the age of 11, he has been training to survive by getting stronger. He was the peak of human strength.

Of course, this was just a qualifying test. The ones who pass these gets selected to further training. The training included battle command, medical training, gun control, vehicle control, survival training. He didn’t do any of these, as he was a wizard.

By the time he ended all these exercises that would have killed a man if done on one day, everyone was silent and shocked. He was only 18 officially, no 18 year old should be able to do this.

He laughed and addressed them, “Everyone, I guess I will be joining you guys. Don’t feel strange about all this, I have been training myself from the age of 11, thanks to my dad.”

Automatically, they all nodded, Adam was a soldier after all. With this, making big news, he became an official member of the British SAS. But, who would tell them, the astronaut training was supposed to be even tougher. The only one to struggle was going to be Bobby.

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You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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