
Chapter 311 - 311. Gift For Mother

"RAG, take this. Professor McGonagall also sent one for you." Magnus threw one sweater in his way.

Ragnar was amazed, this was his first time seeing such a gesture from that teacher. But again, the woman was probably going through some tough mental phase after being bitten.

"Hey Mag, will she be able to turn into a cat as animagus or a wolf?" Ragnar inquired.

Magnus had no idea, "I don\'t know, Rag. It\'s probably something for Professor to experiment on. Anyway, Bobby, I got you a present too."

Magnus took out a small rectangular box and handed it to Bobby. Bobby knew it was going to be something magical, so he excitedly opened it, only to find a bracelet, it was made of silver metal and there was nothing outstanding about it..

"What is this?" Bobby asked.

Proudly, Magnus explained, "This is a bracelet made with combining alchemical silver and a lot of magical spells into it. It allows you to somewhat know the hidden feeling of other people about you. For example, you will feel the bracelet vibrating when there is someone present who hates you or wants to kill you. It will go warm when someone who likes and loves you is near and cold like ice when someone who just dislikes you is there."

"WOOOAH! THIS IS AWESOME! I can better kick out directors from my company board with this." Bobby exclaimed. "AH! I FEEL WARM... Aw... you guys love me."

Adam patted his head, "Of course we do, you\'re like a son to us, same as Ragnar and Magnus."

Slowly, they exchanged gifts one after another. Eventually, only Magnus was left to give Grace a gift. She was waiting but Magnus didn\'t move.

Adam chuckled, seeing the disappointed look on Grace\'s face. He knew what was to come, as he was the one who designed the whole electric-transit system across the whole campus, as well as installed advanced security mechanisms, including high-tech CCTVs provided by FutureTek.

Magnus looked at his clock, it was 12 PM. The time for the event was 12:30. So he decided it was time to move. "Mum, I have a big present planned for you. Will you be able to move?"

Grace became energised once again, "Of course, I didn\'t even feel tired from yesterday. Where do you need me to be?"

"Just come with us to the car at the building entrance. From there, I will take you directly to the present." Magnus said. His voice clearly showed great excitement.

Grace could see it in his eyes. So she was helped by Adam and Ruby in getting ready, putting on makeup and new clothes. Then, they tried to put her in a wheelchair, but she outright denied it and stood up like she didn\'t just birth triplets a few hours ago.

She walked like a supermom, holding a baby on each arm. Adam followed up from behind with the third. The hospital was empty and the security was taught, they easily reached the entrance where a long roofless car was waiting for them.

It had enough space for 5 people to sit easily. Then, they headed to the big entrance to the whole Hospital campus. As the area was walled off, there were only 2 main entrances.

"What is it, Mag? At least tell me so I can prepare." Grace asked him.

Magnus chuckled, "No, mum. That would ruin the surprise. Just a few more minutes and you will know."

Bobby decided to chip in and increase the excitement: "I can tell you already, Aunt Grace, you will love it. It took us a lot of time to plan this after all."

They soon arrived at the closed gate of the campus. On the other side of the gate, a small stage was set with a podium. And on the other side, a lot of journalists had set their cameras and mics. The one peculiar thing though was the giant marble arc, which seemed to be inspired by arc de Triomphe but had its own uniqueness.

There was a red silky cloth covering something on the top. This made most people confused, including Grace.

"Mum, this is a triplet stroller for babies. Let\'s not have them get photographed by the reporters." Magnus suggested as they got out of the car.

It was a weird-looking stroller for sure but it was functional, as it covered the babies completely if you wanted to. So they put the three in it and moved outside the gates.

Sure enough, many big names were already present there, with the Queen being in the focus. She quickly walked up to Grace and Adam. "Congratulations, you two. The family just got bigger. May I see them?"

Queen\'s guards themselves covered around to let the queen see the babies without being photographed. The three were sleeping happily right now, due to Magnus\' spells, the noise was filtered out for them.

"Such cute bundles of happiness. I really wish you all permanently move into the palace. I\'d very much like to hear the happy giggles of children in that stone-cold place." She suggested.

Magnus intervened: "We will after the three grow up slightly. For now, my mansion is the safest place for them. You should know about what\'s going on, after all."

"Of course, dear. Oh, let\'s go, don\'t let me delay your plans." Queen Elizabeth merrily held the stroller\'s bars and started to push it. She was halfway really wanting to do it and halfway for the cameras.

Magnus helped his parents take seats on the stage. Ragnar and Bobby also took seats, along with Queen and Lord Mountbatten, who was now like a good Death Eater of Magnus, but a muggle one.

Magnus took to the podium and spoke to the guests and the journalists. "Thank you for coming. All the guests, you already know why I invited you. And journalists, you probably think this is about the birth of my cute little siblings.

"But you are wrong. Although their birth does deserve a big celebration, I would not do it here for sure. No, today, I have asked you all to come due to what stands behind me.

"I presume most of you and the people watching us right now already know what\'s behind these gates. The largest hospital even made in the world. With the state of the art technology and some of the best doctors the world has to offer. Research facilities that will soon be pumping out innovations like a floodgate just got opened here.

"I know our economy is not very good right now. Many have lost jobs. But we are improving quickly, as seen by how we\'re still growing while the world is falling due to the oil crisis.

"This hospital was a dream for me. Something that I started building a year and a half ago. All with my own money, that I made through inventions and innovations. Bobby here can explain you later in the interview.

"Basically, I have wealth, but I do not want to waste it. So, I built this hospital. Not only is it connected with the NHS, but it also provides total health insurance to all of the thousands of employees that work for countless companies I own or control.

"But there is also a very personal reason behind making this hospital. My mum and dad always taught me humility and how to work hard to achieve dreams. My mum also had a dream.

"It was to create a reliable and good hospital, specialising in cardiology. So, I decided, why just cardiology? And here we are. Granny, mum, will you come here please?"

Magnus allowed the queen to pull the rope to unveil the name of the hospital as she was the eldest here and if he didn\'t allow her the people would talk. Meanwhile, he held Grace\'s hand and told her, "Look up there, mum."

Grace by now had already realised what the gift was, and she was overwhelmed by it. The entire hospital was made by Magnus for her. But, these were just the initial shocks.

The queen pulled the golden rope, and like a leaf falling, the red silk cloth fell down slowly. But for Grace, the world had seemingly stopped. She heard no cheering or words, nor the intense clicks of the cameras.

She just... continued to look at the top of the arc. "MOTHER GRACE HOSPITAL"

It was clearly written in bold capital letters. Her eyes became watery, but she kept the tears under control as to not smudge her makeup. She just held Magnus\' tightly and looked at him, "You... As a responsible adult, I should reprimand you and tell you not to spend money like this. But... at the same time, I am so... so proud of you."

Magnus smiled gleefully. "Ever since I could understand words, I\'ve seen you working hard and saving money to make a hospital, to fulfil your dream. I know you gave up on that dream after all the royal family-related stuff started. But how can I forget it, my dear mum?"

Magnus then spoke in the mic once again, "Mother Grace, she created the new stents that save lives every day. She created the new cholera cure, which has already started to show its effect, reducing deaths rates in refugee camps in South Asia from 85% to just 7%.

"If she is not like a mother to all those whom she has saved without even knowing, then I don\'t know who is. And I promise, not just Mother, but this entire facility will keep on coming up with new ways to save people. And if not now, soon everyone will truly understand why there is a mother in the name of the hospital, as the tagline of this hospital is, "Caring Like A Mother."

"Thank you,"

Grace, who was already like an angel in people\'s eyes, due to her work in medical science and beauty, now was elevated to near-saint like status. Of course, unofficially. Now, she was going to be a national treasure, and she will be the reason why many regain their faith in the crown, and this trend will continue to increase as Magnus and his family slowly enter the official spotlight.

He moved back with Grace and let Lord Mountbatten take over the mic, who started to explain the entire hospital to the people. There were about 12 huge building complexes that housed all the departments of hospitals, research labs and also the medical college. Their names would also be revealed on the field tour coming next for all the guests and journos.

All the journalists will be taken in the Electric Tram around the campus. But Magnus would show Grace around in the roofless car.

But after they sat down in their car, Grace hugged Magnus tightly. "You have made me feel so proud, Magnus. And thank you for this present. You naming this hospital after me... I don\'t think I deserve this, but I will accept it as a badge of honour."

"I HUG TOO!" Ragnar jumped in for a hug as well.

"You too, Ragnar. You two have made me the most blessed mother in the entire world." She hugged them.

Magnus chuckled, "And there are three more now."


Chad also notified of his presence and jumped in for a hug. But then Magnus whispered something in her ear, "Mum, Dad also helped a lot in building this."

Grace nodded and let them go. She turned to Adam and all of a sudden hugged his neck, then pecked his cheek. "Thank you, my dear husband. I don\'t deserve you."

"You do not, you deserve someone better. Which is basically me from the future, so, anything for my queen." Adam smugly replied and hugged her back.

Magnus silently smiled. But he was secretly excited because he had planned surprises for Adam and Ragnar as well.

[You can see the Stroller and the Gate on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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