
Chapter 295 - 295. France Is HORNY!

He was swiftly granted the audience with Eugenia as she thought it was something about the World Cup. Although she was busy with Voldemort matters and the new army of Ministry that was being built, she still spared time.

He quickly showed her the letter. After reading it, she looked at his face in wonder, "What? Why are you showing this to me?"

"Madam Minister, his majesty is too young and inexperienced for this. You can help us. We cannot have an amateur play as the seeker, it\'s the most important position in the whole game." Jackson pleaded.

Eugenia looked at his face as if he was making the joke of the century. She coldly replied, "Do you have any idea what you are saying? You\'re suggesting that a wizard, so powerful, so skillful, who alone fought and won over a thousand werewolves, is too inexperienced? Are you telling me that a wizard who is so talented that he even makes his spells, a duelling champion, a rich businessman with superior intellect is inexperienced? Can you name me one player from the team who is more qualified than his majesty? If he wants to play, you should gladly accept him with open arms. You don\'t know yet but God has blessed you it seems. Now go back and prepare for the World Cup, make sure you bring the team far enough to let him join in."

Seeing her bad mood, Jackson retreated. He had no idea that Magnus was so much admired in the ministry. Even the minister was a fan. With a sigh of defeat, he accepted his fate and returned to his work.


December 1st,

As planned, the first week of December was supposed to be the inter-school tournament between Hogwarts and Beauxbatons Academy. A delegation of about 50 students reached the host school, Beauxbatons Academy, via a direct portkey from the ministry. Along with them came Dumbledore, to watch over and preside as the judge along with the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy, Olympe Maxime.

The location of the school was in the Pyrenees mountains of southern France. The school took many of its wizarding students from France, as well as large numbers from Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The Palace of Beauxbatons was a small castle with four floors. But it had a lot of surrounding open land.

All Magnus knew about this school was from many books. The school, just like Hogwarts, had houses. But, here there were only three. Bellefeuille, its house colours were soft green and white, and the house symbol was a leaf. Members of this house were lovers of nature and had a strong sense of bravery and loyalty to all they held dear. They were basically a mix of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff with a mix of nature.

The second house was Papillonlisse. Its house colours were purple and blue, and the house symbol was a butterfly. Students sorted into this house were naturally gifted in the arts, both visual and musical. They were very social people and sometimes abrupt.

The third house was Ombrelune. Its house colours were grey and navy, and the house symbol was a moon. The members of this house were often manipulative and cunning. They were very cool and calculating students who were averse to irrationality and prize people who make well-thought-out and logical decisions. They were the most ambitious of the Beauxbatons houses. They were very smart, logical and structured, and were highly curious and interested in the world and the intricate way in which it works. So they were basically a mix of Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

Magnus felt he matched with the third house the most on a personal level. The members of this house were explorers and seekers of knowledge. So as planned, he took his seat at Ombrelune house table during his stay. Ragnar, Severus and Emma followed him loyally.

However, Magnus failed to realise how popular he was. And another fact about this school. Since the headmistress of the school was a woman, she focused a lot on femininity. Hence, the girls in this school had a lot of freedoms. Even to love and show affection. The girls even seemed to completely accept this and were very open. Not to mention, there were a lot of beauties.

Hence, the moment he walked into the castle halls for dinner evening, he was surrounded by females of all school years. The small ones who didn\'t know anything about love and lust were just there to innocently shake hands with him and get an autograph. These innocent ones Magnus warmly welcomed. He shook their hands, smiled and even signed a few papers with fake signs. The problem was the horny ones though, these involved mainly the 5th, 6th and 7th years. These girls were uncontrollable tigresses.

Trying to take a piece of him as if he was a juicy sweet pancake. The boys felt jealous as they saw their crushes pressing their bodies on the Pendragon boy. There was Emma thought who was the maddest. She was trying to throw away all the horny girls and make her way to Magnus through the swarm.

Soon, Magnus sighed and took out his wand, "I will only count till three, if you all don\'t make way, I will make a move."






Magnus, for the first time, realised. Magical France wasn\'t like the muggle France. Magical ones embraced their friends across the pond a bit too enthusiastically.

"F*CKING HORNY BITCHES!" Emma cursed, trying to protect Magnus\' honour. Ragnar and Severus were just laughing from the side. Lily felt jealous and James too, who came with the quidditch team felt jealous.

Magnus, seeing no way out, created a small hammer from his wand and started slamming them lightly on all their heads. *BONK BONK BONK..."


Madam Maxime suddenly stood up and tapped her giant feet on the floor, making loud sounds. All the girls stood straight like military soldiers. Gone were the horny, they embarrassed discipline all of a sudden. "My dear darlings, please behave. They are our guests. Mr Pendragon is in fact an esteemed guest of the whole magical France. He must be hungry right now, so let him eat first."

"Yes, Madam. We\'re "hungry" too." The girls replied while taking a glance at Magnus. But they went back to their seats after that.

However, Magnus was shocked by Madame Maxime. ~WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE MEAN BY "LET HIM EAT FIRST"? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT?~

Magnus silently went to his seat. This time Emma stayed close to him, sandwiching him between her seat and Ragnar\'s. Ragnar was chuckling, "I guess they are very open about their sexuality."

"We call those perverts back in Britain," Severus commented.

Magnus however felt threatened and worried his stay in the school would not be simple. "Emma, how do you say we move around this hostile territory?"

"BY BLOOD AND FIRE!" Emma replied angrily.


However, suddenly a French boy came to Emma and introduced himself, "Gustave Bonaparte at your services, mademoiselle. Ah... your beauté has entranced me. Tu as de beaux yeux. Your eyes are like a thousand sparkling suns, going through a million explosions. Oh... let me drown in them."

"Pfft..." Ragnar held his breath as he saw Emma\'s face erupting in fury. Ragnar and Severus had both discussed it before and knew that Emma was head over heels for Magnus and would probably never want to be with anyone else in her life. They didn\'t name her Magnus\' Bellatrix just for nothing.

However, Ragnar\'s soft chuckle invited the attention of Gustave Bonaparte. He quickly walked to Ragnar and shamelessly touched his long, shoulder-length blonde silky hair.

Bonaparte looked him in the eyes with his face just a few inches away, "Oh monsieur... how did I not see this handsome homme. Such beautiful blue eyes... I want to swim in them. Such silky hair, I want to get tangled in them. Ah... such a manly body. Oh mon Dieu! Je suis amoureux!"

Ragnar was utterly creeped out by this guy, "MERLIN\'S TITS... they are too open with their horny. Hey, I\'m not into boys. I like strong, pretty women. Go away. Va te faire foutre."

Bonaparte turned back to Emma. But she just picked up her glass and threw water on him. "DROWN IN THIS, PERVERT. I\'m only Magnus\' girl."




There were sudden gasps and compliments as soon as they heard Emma\'s public confession. Emma, when she realised what she had done, shrank her neck and wanted to just hide under the table. Magnus stared at her with an awkward smile.

"BWAHAHA!... Took you long enough," Ragnar laughed and joked.

Severus meanwhile took out a camera from his expansion pocket and clicked a picture with flushed faces of both Magnus and Emma. *FLASH*

Magnus, meanwhile, was confused about what he should do. This was not the time to be lovey-dovey with girls. His life was on the line here, so why would he put hers in danger too? He can\'t allow her to be Eileen version two.

"MAGNUS, COME HERE." Just then Dumbledore called him from the teacher\'s dinner table at the end of the hall.

Magnus stood up, but rather than just leaving, he took out a handkerchief and transfigured it into a hat. He put it on Emma\'s head and tapped, "I\'ll be back in a sec."

He quickly went to Dumbledore. Emma took a sigh of relief with that. At least she didn\'t get rejected outright. That would have been too embarrassing.

When Magnus reached the two bosses of two different schools, they talked to him like he was their equal in everything, sometimes as if he was their senior. Madame Maxime was delighted to meet him personally. Dumbledore had made sure to say many good things.

"It\'s a delight to host you here, Mr Pendragon. It\'s always a great honour to meet people from old bloodlines who are not blinded by their grand past. What happened a month ago must have been very taxing. Know this, you will have full support from the French ministry as well as me. I may not be as powerful as Dumbledore here but I have good power in my big bones." She humbly said.

Magnus laughingly accepted her offer, "I will keep you in my mind the next time I get attacked, Madame."

Dumbledore then interrupted and told him about the reason he called him, "Magnus, as an official delegation to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, someone from our side needs to put some words with their name in school\'s register. This usually happens when one nation\'s delegation goes to another nation. But since I believe you have a higher status than me, it should be you. So write something, a quote maybe and sign your name."

Magnus was taken aback but agreed. He lifted the quill and started writing on it. These words were from his heart, to the people of the British magical community. But he knew that even the French would feel inspired by this.

"If you dare not raise arms to fight for freedom, do not cry when the dictators come marching on your doors. - By Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, 1st December 1973"

[A/N: I don\'t know if someone else said this before, but I did come up with this quote on my own without searching for anything on google.]

[You can see Madame Maxime on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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