
Chapter 255 - 255. The Nightmare Of Umbridge

*THUD* Dolores fell from her seat, eyes widened and face paled.

Dolores Umbridge was feeling the worst nightmare turning into a reality. She had tried her best, did everything she could, bribed anyone she could to remove her father\'s name from the records. But she had no idea there were more records left.

All these years, she knew that many people tried to investigate her, but none were able to find any dirt on her. However, somehow everything went downhill today.

"Lies, you are trying to deceive the members to get back at me." She barked back. She had to say something.

Magnus sighed and gave the documents for all to see, "These are the personal documents of the Minister of Magic of that time. Each Minister of Magic has his own copy of the names and designation of all the employees working in the ministry.

"Also, many of you here have been working with the ministry for decades now, how is it that none of you even remember the Umbridge surname. It\'s not that common." Magnus countered.

Everyone checked the authenticity of the document and only reached one conclusion, that they were fooled and Dolores is done now.

The Minister, Eugenia, seemed to be the angriest, as she had become fed up due to constantly finding some kind of a spy or dark lord sympathiser appearing in the ministry. Now, even the Wizengamot was compromised. The whole Ministry under her seemed to be working for everyone except the Ministry itself.

"Miss Umbridge, stand up and face everyone here. We want to know the truth, what did you do to the records? How did you change them? We need to know everything." She ordered Umbridge, as Umbridge had already lost her privileges of being a member anyway, she could be treated harshly.

In a panic, Umbridge looked left and right for a way out. But, even if there was a way, so many powerful wizards had gathered here that running way was impossible. Some of them now even hold grudges against her.

Magnus scoffed, "Why would she accept her crimes? For a person whose whole life is based around lies, how can we expect that person to tell the truth? Did you all know that I even met Professor Slughorn regarding Miss Umbridge, and what I heard worried me.

"He told me that she did not have a good relationship with him, and he considered her to be an idiotic woman. He said he never liked her due to her bad attitude. She was a person who would do anything to achieve her goal, even if the road to success goes through a bloodbath, she was ready to follow. She was also never given any position of power during her studies, which made her feel deprived, and she never truly enjoyed her time as a student at Hogwarts. She had no friends there and spent her 7 years in near isolation.

"That is why her ambitions in the Ministry were overflowing from her body. Everyone in the ministry knows about one Dolores Umbridge, the annoying lady with a nose that wants to interfere in everybody\'s business. She wanted to rise and pull you down if she could. She hated everyone, no matter who. Because she believes that the world owes her after what she went through."

"BASELESS ACCUSATIONS! Mr Pendragon, your slandering will not work here." She shouted.

But he just shrugged, ~It seems to be though.~

"Miss Umbridge, I have a question for you. Can you please tell us where your mother and squib brother are?" Magnus asked. Of course, he had other intentions behind this.

Panic clearly appeared in her eyes, "T-They... I did not see them after they left the home."

"Isn\'t it correct that you continued to blame your own mother for your brother turning out to be a squib, didn\'t you blame your mother for all the shortcomings in yourself?" He asked her.

This possibly touched a soft spot and she shrieked, "YOUU... don\'t talk about my family like this. I loved my mother greatly."

Magnus turned colder, "Then why did we find skeletons of a woman and a boy in the backyard of your old house on the muggle side?"

Everyone felt a chill run down their body in the hall. Even the families against Magnus wouldn\'t feel good killing their immediate family, especially a sibling or a mother, and would only do it if that was the last resort to something harmful to their own lives.

"You have no proof that they belonged to them." she rejected his accusation.

Magnus had prepared for this too, "I have actually. The proof was provided by matching your hair with the bones\' DNA. They matched yours. I also sent them to Saint Mungo, and the report clarified that the bodies had a direct relationship with you." [A/N: DNA tech is highly rare in this era, Magnus as the prince was able to have its access.]

"Members, it is clear that Dolores Umbridge not only lied to the ministry but also deceived us on a personal level. She has also gone and killed her mother and brother, in the name of embarrassment, because having a muggle heritage would put her in trouble with certain people she wanted to impress.

"She also left her father alone, since he was an unremarkable wizard, though his mistake was being a very weak one, so, she also forced her own father to quit the job and go into hiding. Again, I won\'t be surprised if he\'s also dead as none have seen him since then.

"Everyone, this woman is a vile sociopath and her only place is Azkaban for life. She is a danger to society, her brain is a mess of constant machiavellian plots to rise in power and pull down others."

There was silence at the end of his speech. They were disgusted at the information about her. Many purebloods who happily mingled with her felt disgusted by themselves. Angry too as they often paid her money or helped her, thinking if she climbed up into the organisation it\'d help them. But, if she was this kind of a psychopathic rogue horse, why should they invest in her?

In the end, this decision was Eugenia\'s since she was the boss of the Ministry. And after thinking a little, she announced, "First of all, Miss Umbridge is dishonourably discharged from the Ministry, all the money she made by being a worker here shall be taken back from her because she attained that on the basis of her fraud details.

"Next, a detailed investigation will be done to check all her previous work. And after fully scrutinising the evidence, the court will be held again and the verdict will be announced. Until then, she is to be held in Azkaban\'s non-dementor part of the prison."


She slammed the hammer and closed the case file. The sound of the hammer felt like nails in Umbridge\'s chest. She motionlessly stayed on the floor, looking at nothing but air.

Magnus walked by her while whispering, "Good luck, I hope no dementor takes fancy of you, but seeing how your mad brain consists of no good memory, they\'d probably befriend you."

Umbridge\'s eyes widened, "You... You looked..."

Magnus nodded, "Yes, how else could I know that you killed your mother and brother and buried them behind your old house? Tsk... you should have known, Miss Umbridge, I don\'t show mercy to my enemies. Goodbye..."



For the past decades, the small African nation had been going through its own countless troubles. Although it was called the territory of Britain, it still had a lot of autonomy, but it still hoped that someone would come and stop these wars between tribes and various groups.

Eventually, the British came, not only the army but also doctors and teachers. The people welcomed them with open arms because they needed all this help.

Slowly, the soldiers not only protected but also helped in many construction projects. This gave people new confidence. Then, the company of the royal prince, Emrys Construction, came and started creating buildings at a shocking speed. But a few tribes were still against western white folks, sensitive due to past experiences that didn\'t end well.

However, slowly Britain helped Zimbabwe develop places. Schools were developed, children were taught and helped to go to school and also some colleges. Because of Magnus\' influence, there were some British colleges too who would sponsor the best students to come to the United Kingdom to study.

The speed at which the economy was getting rich was good. And slowly the attitude of the people towards Britain was changing, now people had started to see them not as enslavers or colonisers, but as true friends that helped.

Now, Emrys Construction was creating a new dam for the country that would provide electricity to nearly half of the population.

And behind all this, secretly Magnus was trying to get the idea of merging with Britain in everyone\'s head.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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