
Chapter 233 - 233. A Good Friend

"WOAH! This is so awesome, Mag. How did they make this?" Emma awed at mostly anything muggle-related she saw around herself.

Currently, they were at the Tube station, waiting for the train. She was wearing a jacket now, which she bought outside the station, it had big printed words "I love London" with a heart instead of the word love. ​​

"They made this with technology, Emma. We muggles aren\'t so backwards. And actually, the London Tube started back in 1890. So, this train system is older than many wizards alive." Magnus gave her some knowledge.

"Woah, that\'s amazing. So much hard work must have gone into all this. AH! LOOK LOOK!" She excitedly jumped seeing the coming train.

Magnus rolled his eyes while ignoring the chuckles from nearby people. He had put a charm so they didn\'t recognise him, but he didn\'t put other charms that hid them, as that would spoil the experience.

"Let\'s get on," he said and dragged her inside. She looked left and right once inside, awed at the long tube, as far as she could see there were seats and people standing.


Then the train started moving and she lost her balance, he caught her quickly with her hand, "Be careful when the train stops and starts. It\'s better to either stand by the opposite side\'s door or hold this."

She followed his movement. "This is moving very fast, Mag. I never thought there were such trains under the London."

"You didn\'t know much about this part of the world anyway. Have you ever eaten pizza?" He inquired.

"Of course, we went to a witch from Italy once, she made real authentic pizza," Emma replied proudly.

Magnus doubted though, he knew what real pizza was, and that\'s not very tasty. "Let me guess, it was made of bread, there was some red sauce on it and maybe a few onions or garlic?"

"Yes, that\'s it. What? Is that not a pizza?" She asked, now not sure.

"Haha, no that is the real pizza. But, what you ate is the first iteration of it. It was eaten in Italy by the poor, it was peasant food. But, when lots of Italians migrated to the United States, they got wealthy and experimented. Now, the pizza you get is much different, but much tastier also." He taught her.

"AWESOME! Take me there, I wanna eat a pizza." She pleaded.

"Fine, I know a place. I think Tonks & Tonks fought a case for that guy and saved his shop from getting demolished. Since then, I got a lifetime free Pizza coupon from them." Magnus said. He could of course buy food, but free stuff always tastes different and better.

They rode the train for a few more stations and soon arrived at a nice small pizza shop. Of course, the owner was an Italian but didn\'t make the peasant pizzas anymore. Now he made the more fatty cheesy pizzas because that\'s what gets sold.

Good thing wizards had a crazy high metabolism, so he and Emma could eat all they wanted.

He sat by the window and ordered the best selling 3 pizzas. Then they waited.

"So, where did you reach in the making of that broom I asked you?" He asked her to pass the time.

She sighed with a saddened face, "Still testing the best materials. It\'s really hard to make Magnus. I sometimes feel I\'m not even good at one thing I was good at."

Magnus took out candy from his pocket and gave her, "Ease up, you don\'t get success in first tries. If you\'re failing then that means you\'re moving forward. Just don\'t give up. I am bad at potions, but I still try making them."

"HAHA... yes, you made the poison. The best one at that." She laughed freely.

"Oh, I read about you in the paper in the morning. Your life is seriously filled with something crazy every single day. It\'s like... It\'s like God made you to be extraordinary. But I don\'t know if that\'s a curse or luck." She wondered.

"Definitely curse. Who wants to live every day in fear of getting assassinated? Who would want to always be on guard, look around and make sure nobody\'s plotting against you. However, to be honest, I feel safer outside than in Hogwarts or the magical world in general." He confessed his thoughts.

Seeing it now, he didn\'t really have any friends with whom he could share such things. Because both Severus and Ragnar lacked the soft and moral touch. Ragnar was a broken person, with problems of his own that Magnus tries to solve and Severus had his own dark past and ongoing unsuccessful love story, where he tried to help too.

But what about himself? To whom can he share his own thoughts?

Emma looked him in the eyes and firmly said, "Magnus, honestly, I don\'t see any other person in Hogwarts who has such big dreams and abilities like you. I\'ve only seen others dream about what they want to do, but you... you dream today and start working on it the next day." She took a long breath and gathered herself, "In the first year, before I even knew you or you knew me, you were attacked at the bank. You saved my dad that day from Death Eaters.

"And Magnus, in the magical world, people are very selfish, they don\'t do such things. He would have died that day and nobody would\'ve cared. It didn\'t matter if he was rich or famous. The value of life is not much to them.

"But you are so... different. I don\'t even know what to call you, brave or stupid? You put your life in danger again and again. And I admire that bravery, but also worry a bit about your life expectancy."

He chuckled, "So you follow me because I saved your dad?"

"No, I\'m not that gullible. I honestly hated all pureblood wizards. But I was stuck in Slytherin, filled with those I hate. Then you came, with your huge name and reputation. People constantly talked about you. I thought you were just another young spoiled lord. I even loathed you when you took a seat with Lucius and befriended him.

"However, I was wrong. When I saw you publicly denouncing the Dark Lord on Lucius\' face, I knew you were different. Maybe foolish, but different. I thought you wouldn\'t last long, Lucius was going to bully you. But just the next moment you defeated Lucius so badly.

"I follow you because I believe this is the right thing. I believe that by following you, I will have an aim in life, I will be worth something, and not just be married away after graduating to some rich family for my pretty face." She emotionally said all that in one go.

And Magnus, well he felt something click in his mind. A realisation of how different she was. She was far from the dumb and stupid girl he thought she was. Behind that goofiness is a thoughtful person.

Initially, he thought she was like other girls, just after his fame and maybe because of his name. But, it turned out to be different. The person he was treating like crap turned out to be a very good friend.

He moved and softly held her soft hand that was on the table. It was cold for some reason, so he warmed her up. She was startled and looked at his face. Magnus smiled back, looking into her ocean-like eyes. No matter what, Magnus was ready to fight if anyone said Emma didn\'t have the most beautiful eyes in the world.

The mood was romantic, Emma\'s heart suddenly started racing. This was not her plan, it was too sudden. "M-Magnus..."

Magnus continued to smile, but his smile soon turned devilish, "My dear Emma, you shouldn\'t be so narcissist. Pretty Face? Hah, only a fool would marry you."

Emma\'s dreamy smile disappeared and her eyes opened wide realising what was said. She angrily pouted and lightly slapped his face, "Huh, bastard. You have no manners of how to talk to a good lady, Magnus, with whatever the next long names are. Hmph..."

He laughed and laid back, "Hahaha... I was just pulling your leg. You\'re okay."

"OKAY?" She was triggered.

"Sir, your pizza." The shop owner came to his saving with pizzas. The man knew Magnus from the law firm. Also, he is a prince right now, so those who know him can recognise his real identity.

"Thank you, Mr. Bianchi. Tell me if you ever want to open another shop. I own lots of properties around the country." He offered and got to eating.

The owner soon left and they put slices on their plates. Like the animal he was, Magnus started hogging it, stuffing hot cheesy pizza in his mouth.

But, he stopped midway, the stretched cheese made an arch between his mouth and hand. He was outraged.

"EMMA! Don\'t use a knife and fork for Merlin\'s sake. Use your hands, this is where the fun\'s at. Only pompous spoiled brats eat with knife and fork." he instructed her with big warning eyes.

She shrank her neck like a little chicken, acknowledging she was wrong. Then, she used her hand and took a bite. A second later, her eyes widened.

And that is how Emma fell in love with Pizza. Her craze for it will only grow with time.

After eating, they roamed around the city a bit more. He showed her his old home, there were too many memories related to him in there. And call it narcissism or a smart move, he knew someday this house would become a museum to remember him. He knew that the things he was doing were going to leave a big mark in history.

When it started turning evening, Magnus called Abe to bring the car. Emma and Magnus rode back home while eating ice cream, talking and laughing.

But, as they were about to enter, Abe told him about the man that was still outside the house. Holding a banner about his son not being a communist.

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You can read 20(Currently 14) advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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