
Chapter 203 - 203. Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire.


It was 6 in the morning. Chad the fat cat now had a new sleeping habit. This made him fall asleep at 8 in the evening and wake up at 6 in the morning. It was all fine till now, but then he needed to go poop as soon as he woke up. For this, someone needed to open the window. ​​

"Argh... Fine fine... I will open it." Magnus tiredly got up and went to the window.

"Go," he pushed Chad out of the house. He wanted to sleep more but seeing sunlight outside he didn\'t feel comfortable doing that.

Summer was still sleeping on her perch though. He went to her and scratched her head before leaving, letting her sleep.

He went to the kitchen and found the Nurse working there. Abe and George now disguised themselves as ordinary human chefs, just short in height but with long noses and ears.

"What are you doing so early in the morning?" Magnus asked her lazily.

She meekly replied, "I was preparing Ma\'am\'s breakfast. It must be perfectly healthy, filled with all necessary minerals the body needs."

~She won\'t need them as long as Ragnar is here.~ he thought.

"That\'s good. When do you wake up?" He inquired.

"At 5 in the morning, sir." She answered as if it was a job interview.

"Good good, are you satisfied with your job at the royal palace? What if a better opportunity came, will you go there?" He questioned.

"I love my job. It\'s the best... I get..."

Magnus rolled his eyes, knowing she was lying. "Just tell me the truth."

"It\'s tiring, sir. I want to go home every day after a shift. But at the palace, I have to stay all the time. I don\'t like this, it\'s tiring. They don\'t pay me so well either.

"At the start, I wanted to gain some experience. But even now when I have experience, I fear if I quit nobody will hire me." She answered honestly.

Magnus understood her problems in life. "Don\'t worry. Just a heads-up. A new mega-hospital is being set up near Richmond Park. Try it there, I\'m sure they will need a lot of healthcare staff."

After that, he started reading the paper. On the first page was the horrendous news about the country. That even though Britain became a member of the ECC, the inflation was getting bigger.

Soon, he ate his breakfast and went outside to his office. It was in the same building as MEDA and Tonk & Tonks. His office was lavish and on the top floor. It was a big corner office with big windows.

The first meeting was with a lot of Executive rankings of all his companies. They were Medtronic, Pfizer, Daily Mart, Chrysler Building Management office and a few more.

Magnus went into the conference hall. Initially, when he entered, most of them did not recognise him and just ignored him. But a few of them stood up. When Magnus took the seat they all got serious, some making embarrassed faces. He may be tall but his face still looks young and those who had not seen him before did not expect their boss to be so young.

"Let\'s be quick and to the point. This meeting today was called to analyse all your performance and accordingly reward you. But first, let\'s talk about the negatives. I have caught 2 executives from Medtronic selling secret information to outside companies for money. Their accounts were audited and now they are in jail for Industrial espionage, other than this, cases have also been filed against the companies they were working with.

"Next, two more executives are now in jail. They were part of Chrysler Building Management. They were found illegally renting office spaces in the building and pocketing the money.

"Pfizer is a new company so I couldn\'t find any wrongdoers there yet, but I hope the process of integrating Pfizer and Medtronic with my new super hospital is going smoothly. Both of these two companies will also have a presence in the medical college, so you can find talent or capitalise on any new invention or idea that some students might come up with. Now tell me about all your concerns." Magnus asked them after scaring them with the criminal cases he caught.

To be honest, each person sitting in this room had some dirt on them. All that mattered was how big it was. Theft of a hundred pounds by calling some personal expense a company expense was fine, but when you add more than three zeroes, that\'s when the problem comes.

The CEO of Pfizer raised his hand, "Sir, we have been facing losses ever since we started the merger with Medtronic. We hope that you will allow some extra funds this time to research a new drug for the liver."

"Hmm, I will do that. But if even one pound is wasted on something else then I will take the money back from your pocket. I am granting 8 million pounds for your research." Magnus decided and wrote some things in his notebook.

Just after that, the CEO of Medtronic raised his hand, "Sir, I also had a request. I do not need the money, but something else we are trying to develop"

"What is it?" Magnus inquired. He had already given them a patent approval to make and sell Grace\'s invented stents, and the company was already making millions in profits.

"We are trying to make an improved pacemaker. You see, we have had a Lithium battery Pacemaker since 1969. But they are not very efficient and have a risk of the battery going haywire. The current pacemakers aren\'t good enough as they do not account for the atrium or upper chamber of the heart. But, even if we want to improve them, they are going to require more energy, which means bigger batteries..."

Magnus instantly understood what they wanted. "Fine, I will give you my dad\'s batteries. But you will not be developing them. You will still have to order and buy them from my manufacturing company. Of course, you will get a slight discount on them."

The CEO was very happy. If they could monopolise on this market, they can make billions. And his own bonus will be big. In the end, everyone in the room was working for money after all.

"Anything else?" Magnus inquired. It was nearing his time to go and meet the others.

"Umm... sir, DailyMart is having a problem managing all its warehouses and it\'s costing us too much time which increases the delivery time." Freya, the 40% owner of DailyMart, spoke.

"Contact FuterTek Industries and they will set us up with some computers with a warehouse management program and also some barcode scanners. It will make it easy to count the items as well, as long as you feed their correct number when they arrive in the store." He ordered.

With that, he stopped the meeting. There was nobody worth promoting here. Maybe Freya, but she was too slow in making decisions sometimes.

He sent everyone away and went to his personal office. Tom, Ted, Adrian, Edgar and Bobby were present there, talking and laughing. They were all cool with each other and didn\'t need to keep a professional mindset.

"How\'s everyone?" He asked.

"We\'re good, Magnus. What happened? Why did you ask us here?" They inquired.

But Magnus suddenly made a serious and angry face, "It\'s your highness for you all."

The mood turned tense and everyone looked at each other\'s faces. Wondering if all the power and money finally got to Magnus\' head, making him a pampered young master.

Edgar Bones decided to go with it, "You H-highness... w-we were..."

"BWAHAHAHA... look at all your faces. So frightened. Scared like little kittens..." Magnus burst into laughter all of a sudden.

Everyone else also sighed. It was a relief to see the goofy Magnus.

"Okay, I have brought a new lie detector machine here with me. It can sense the pattern in our voices and tell us if we\'re lying. Dad brought it home from the defence lab yesterday." Magnus said and put a big box in the middle of the table.

"Why don\'t you try it? Adrian, is this your real name?" Magnus asked.

Adrain agreed, "Yes, it\'s my real name."

*Liar, liar, pants on fire.* the box sounded and lit a red light.

Ted tried it next, "I am the best lawyer in the world."

*TING* the box lit the green light.

"Bobby, you can try it too," Magnus suggested.

Bobby nodded and spoke, "My name is Bobby."

*TING* the box showed the green light.

Bobby\'s brows creased, "This... my name is not Bobby. This is broken."

Magnus laughed, "Haha, it\'s not the machine\'s fault. You truly believe your name is Bobby with full confidence, that\'s why it can\'t tell you were lying."

Bobby\'s face was still not happy. He never liked being called Bobby in public. The name made him feel like he was a pimp or something.

"Anyway, today I asked you all to come here because I want your help in containing the worsening condition of the news media. They have lost their ethics and use question marks too much. I am not against freedom of the press, I am against them getting full freedom to write anything without fact-checking." Magnus started the meeting\'s agenda.

"What do you mean by question marks?" Bobby inquired.

Magnus thought for an example, "Well, I have noticed that these days that the news media, be it televised or paper, they put question marks at the end of a statement, to get away with it. For example, they can write "The queen is bored with her work?" Most people do not read that last question mark and believe the news. While these news houses get away with it and make money, it permanently destroys the image of the person.

"How would you feel if they wrote badly about you? For example, what if one day it wrote, \'Brandon Steel Armstrong still wets his bed?\'"

"HEY! I don\'t wet my bed!" Bobby protested. This was against his honour.

*Liar, liar, pants on fire.*

"Pfft..." Magnus snorted, trying to hold his laughter.

"HAHAHA..." But others didn\'t hold back.

[You can see the Lie detector Box on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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