
Chapter 12 - 12. THE INTERVIEW

Magnus spent a lot of time that time trying to talk to the locket after it had blinked. He knew now that secrets of his powers were hidden inside this and was also convinced that the dream he saw the night he slept under the strange tree in the park was real.

Also, he felt that he was changing too much. Albeit slowly but still, he could feel the changes inside his body. His memory had also become better by a lot. He also felt an innate need to find gold and hoard it as much as possible. But it was just a small thought at the moment and he shrugged it. ​​

Besides this, he also felt that he was getting smarter in school. More than all the kids in his grade. He had already learned everything his 5th grade had to offer. But this did not mean he was all intelligent. He tried 7th-grade books and found them to be very hard. Middle School subjects were different from the final year of elementary school. Still, 6th grade was fine for him.

3 days had passed since the announcement of the George Cross. It was big news because he was going to be the youngest person to receive this award. Previously, this record was held by 15-year old John Bamford who rescued his brothers from a house fire in 1952.

Magnus also wanted to get himself in The Guinness Book of Records as it was pretty popular and he guessed that his record won\'t be broken for a while now, after all, how many 9-year-olds go around saving people?

It was Sunday, meaning it was the day for his interview with the BBC channel to be recorded. He had already given 6 interviews to newspapers and it collectively gathered him 460£ (6533£ today). On average, one newspaper gave him about 80£ (nearly 1000£). His father told him that there were still 5 more papers from other countries. Also, BBC1 should be able to give him more than papers.

He was also counting on all of these guys coming back after he took the award and The Guinness Book of Records publicises his name.

"Magnus, let\'s go." Adam was taking him to the recording studio of BBC.

"Coming, dad." He shouted from his room. He put on some clean and nice professional clothes. There wasn\'t much in his wardrobe anyway except some t-shirts, some pants and nickers. He didn\'t want to show his legs on national television so he wore pants. He combed his hair and went out.

"Bye Bye, mummy." He waved.

"All the best, Magnus. I will tell your grandparents to keep an eye out for you tomorrow on the Telly." She encouraged him and caressed his hair to make them better.

After that, he was out. In the car, Adam told him about what not to say on the mic. He was supposed to stick to what happened and the events. At most, they will ask him about his favourite hobby or something.

After a 30 minute ride, they were outside the building of the studio. It was a big building, with the name of the company on it in bold letters.

It was going to be a pre-recorded show so they didn\'t have to do much preparation. They were taken to a studio recording room soon. Adam sat on the side, told to be silent and just observe. Meanwhile, Magnus took a seat at one end of a small table. There were two mics on it, one facing him and one the empty seat where the interviewer would sit. There were were also 3 giant cameras that looked too overbearing.

Soon, a man in a suit came in. He had average height and didn\'t look like a serious type, instead, he looked to be a friendly man. The News studio had specially chosen him to conduct this interview because he had the most non-serious face. He was the 2nd assistant for the main news anchor. He also dreamt of being on television someday but it was a tough road. He was the 2nd guy in the line anyway. But who would have thought that Magnus\'s actions would change someone\'s fate?

His name was Raymond Barry, a 25-year-old, London born. He came to Magnus, who although didn\'t look nervous, was indeed nervous. It was his first time being in front of a large video camera and mic. Giving interviews to newspapers was easy as they usually wrote or voice recorded everything.

Raymond sensed it. So he extended his hand, "Hello, Magnus. I am a big fan. Finally got to meet you. Not every day you get to meet such a young hero."

Feeling the relaxed manner of Raymond, Magnus felt at ease. He smiled back and shook the hand, "Thank you, uncle."

"Call me Uncle Barry. Don\'t think much about all these lights and cameras, just look at me and answer questions with whatever is in your heart. Remember, we are not taking an exam of you here, we just want to hear your story and how you feel about receiving the George Cross." Raymond said. Then he took out a newspaper from his suit pocket.

"Look, did you read this? Haha, this newspaper did a survey. You are currently the most wanted student and son for many teachers and parents across the country." He sarcastically said. Magnus chuckled after seeing the article. Actually, Ramond was a bit shocked by how well-spoken Magnus was.

"No, I am just fine with my mum and dad." Magnus sternly answered.

"Recording in 1." The show\'s director spoke.

"Magnus, we will be starting in a minute. Drink water if you want by then." He advised.

Magnus wasn\'t thirsty. He just wanted for the interview to start.

"In 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." The cameras started rolling.

Raymond started speaking while looking at the camera. Magnus wasn\'t supposed to do this. He was supposed to look at Raymond\'s face. This way, his interview would look more authentic.

"Today we have a very special guest on our show. The hero the whole nation has been talking about for the past few days. An incident that scared and shocked everyone. A 9-year-old child, saving a bus full of children and his teacher. His name is Magnus Grant, also soon to be a George Cross holder.

"We will talk to him and try to understand what he was thinking when the incident happened and what he feels now."

The camera changed and now a close up of Magnus\' face was being recorded from over the shoulder of Raymond. Raymond turned to Magnus and asked his first question.

"Magnus, I am delighted to see you. You have made our country proud with this heroic act. But, many people are confused, how did a little child, just 9 years old can have the courage to act so brave in such a tense situation. Would you care to share your experience and what was going on in your mind back then?" Raymond asked formally yet kindly.

Magnus looked too cute and innocent with his handsome yet chubby face. He nodded, "Thank you. I... We were on the way back to school from the tour of Queen\'s house. Many were sleeping when the accident happened because it was a long ride. I wasn\'t asleep.

"When the accident happened, my head bumped on the soft cushioned headrest in front of me. Luckily, I was not injured. But I saw my friends injured. Then I saw Uncle Driver. He was caught in the fire." Magnus\'s face became sad. Raymond got worried. That was not the plan. They didn\'t want Magnus to remember the dead.

"How did you save your friends, Magnus?" He changed the question, bringing the story much further.

"I... I was very scared. But I didn\'t want to never be able to see Mummy and Daddy again. Mrs Jones tried to open the back door but it didn\'t budge. So, I tried to use the window. I used all my strength and was able to open it. Then I opened another one. But before I jumped out in the end, I saw Mrs Jones on the bus floor. I used all my power to bring her out in time. She had as...ast..."

"Asthma?" Raymond helped him.

"Yes, Asthama." Magnus finished. Actually, he had written this whole speech in the past 3 nights. He had decided to stutter sometimes to make himself sound like a normal kid.

"What message would you like to give to your fellow friends across the world?" Raymond asked.

"I was stupid. I put myself in harm\'s way and anything could have happened to me. But, I had no other choice. If I had not broken the window, maybe we would have also...

"I don\'t suggest that you run into a fire. But, if you find yourself stuck in a fire, then you must stand up and find a way out." That was a very strong message he was sending. That one must stand for themselves when in trouble instead of hoping for someone to help.

Raymond was very happy with this reply. Now, the dark and gloomy portion was done.

"So, tell me, Magnus. How do you feel about meeting the Queen? She will award you herself." Raymond asked.

"I met her that day too. She dropped her hanky so I helped her. She even patted my head." Magnus proudly said.

"Woah, I\'m jealous, Magnus. Tell me, what hobbies do you have?" Raymond inquired cheerfully.

"Umm, I like bicycling and eating pancakes. My mummy makes the best pancakes." Magnus said. This was the truly unadulterated innocent side of him.

"Hahaha, I bet. Would you invite me to eat pancakes someday?" Raymond asked jokingly.

"Of course, you, the queen, my best friend Bobby. All are invited." Magnus replied.

"Thank you, Magnus. Now, why don\'t you tell us about your school? What do you like in school?" Raymond asked.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, Mrs Jones used to be grumpy but she is very nice now. Robin is still a bully though, but I stop him every time. Bobby is my best friend, he eats a lot. My PE teacher is very nice. He tells us fun games to play, but he likes our French teacher so he also learns french while letting us play"


"What about your studies?" Raymond changed the topic before Magnus revealed some plot to assassinate the principal of his school.

"Oh, that is very easy. Yesterday I completed 6-grade syllabus. But 7th grade is hard. I went to a big brother from 7th grade to ask questions but he chased me away after reading it. I reckon he didn\'t know how to solve it either... hmmm... " Magnus got into deep thinking.

"Aren\'t you in 5th grade right now? What was the question about?" Raymond asked while holding his laughter. He was seriously interested in this young kid\'s life now, It seemed too funny.

"Oh, can you solve it?" Magnus asked back excitedly.

"Of course, I will." Raymond agreed.

Magnus revealed the question, "It was about Algebraic Expressions. How do I find the value of xyz + z1/2 + x3y + (x +y)2, when x = 3, Y = 7 and z = 9?"

The smile from Raymond\'s face vanished.


There was a short moment of silence. Magnus\' dad, who was sitting on the side, facepalmed himself. ~Why did he not come to me or Grace? I\'m a mechanical engineer for god\'s sake.~

Raymond quickly smiled, trying to damage control. ~What the hell? Is he too smart or am I too dumb?~

"Sure sure, Magnus. We will solve this question after this interview is over. Anyway, how do you feel about getting George Cross?" He diverted the question.

Magnus scratched his head, realising he shouldn\'t have asked that. "I... Mummy said it is a great honour so I am honoured. YES, I am very honoured."

Then, he used a word he recently learned in school. He put special emphasis on it. "I am EXHILARATED."

Adam tried hard to hold his laughter from the side, hoping not to ruin the recording.

Raymond was taken aback by his vocabulary but gathered himself. He received a sign from the director to end it. Even the Director\'s face looked red because he was trying to hold his laughter behind the camera. Even the cameramen were in the same situation. But still, their small squeaks got recorded and it was only going to add to the whole experience.

"Hah, it was a great pleasure to meet you, Magnus. We loved talking to you and I am sure many in the country would like to hear from you." He said, and then looked at the camera. "With this, we will take our leave. Thank you for watch..."

The camera was yet to be cut and Magnus spoke up, "Are we going to solve the question now?"

Then the camera was cut and instantly, loud laughter resounded in the whole studio.

Laughingly, the director came to Magnus to shake hands, "Hahaha... that was an amazing interview, Magnus. A very good job. Please spare Raymond now."

Adam also came forward, saying, "Yes Magnus, let\'s go home now."

Magnus nodded. Only he was not laughing. Soon, they were given a cheque of 150£ (2130£ today).

They then left. Magnus sat quietly and Adam drove. He had a grin on his face. Then he suddenly burst into laughter.


Magnus asked, "What? I know I shouldn\'t have asked the question."

"Ahaha... no no... you did nothing wrong, Magnus. I\'m sure people are going to love your interview. Just.. never change. And why didn\'t you come to me or your mom to ask the doubts about maths? And since when did you start studying 7th-grade maths?" He asked.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you two... not that it matters now," Magnus said dejectedly.

Adam patted his head, "Don\'t be sad, son. Never feel bad for being smarter than the other person, but never be overconfident either."

Magnus nodded. After a while, they reached their home. Adam quickly told everything to Grace and she also burst into laughter when she saw Magnus\' embarrassing face. Well, Magnus was happy because at least it made them happy.

Then Grace went to him and caressed his hair lovingly, "My Magnus is so smart. He\'s going to be a doctor."

Adam quickly objected, "NO! He\'s going to be an engineer, or maybe an actor because he clearly has my handsome genes."

"Shut up, my son will be a scientist then. He\'s got a smart brain." Grace argued.

Magnus just stood there and smiled wryly, ~I have a feeling that I will become something they don\'t even know is possible to become.~

[You can see the big camera on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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