
Chapter 306 - Lurking Threat...


Noah continued to fight against the monsters inside of his Divine Realm for hours after hours, trying out his new powers and magic affinities as he battled viciously. Noah was not a battle junkie or something, but he enjoyed his mindless slaughter from time to time…

He didn\'t worried about the monster population going down, as he infused more essence into the divine realm, and as if it were a dungeon, the monsters would be reborn with their souls intact!

After he finished fighting, most of the monsters he had killed were already back, wondering what the heck had just happened. Some thought it was but a nightmare and quickly forgot about agonizingly dying to Noah\'s outstanding might.

From this might, however, Noah had gained a lot of insights about how to use his newfound powers, and couldn\'t help but find that SSS-Rank Bosses were truly amazing.

"Every SSS-Rank monster I\'ve fought has given me a substantial power increase, and even the Blood Progenitor who was also an SSS-Rank Boss did so. His Core had given me all these possibilities, so it was obvious that if I consumed the Dragon Hearts of these Draconic Fathers, my strength would skyrocket even more… This was a fruitful discovery of my powers," thought Noah.

When he went back to the castle, Noah noticed that Iris was taking a nap, her belly was so big it looked a bit comical on her she slept, but Noah couldn\'t help but find a transcendental beauty in a pregnant woman, someone that was bearing the life he and she had created was something rather precious, even more, because it was Iris, the only woman he loved.

He quickly sensed that her aura had changed, however, as she exuded the Aura of an X-Rank!

"Excellent, she had also evolved, it seems…" thought Noah, as he had checked Iris\'s status and found that her Blood Soul Core had reached Level X and she became a Vampire Empress.

Her Phantasmal powers had evolved into an even higher level, as the twins within her womb had also evolved with her when she did, meaning that they had once again developed and accelerated their growth, meaning that soon enough they would be born… In fact, Iris\'s belly looked like it was about to burst open or something… But she was strong enough to contain the kids for the moment until they were truly be ready to be born.

Noah used his eyes over them, as he checked that their auras were blazing with even more power than before, two distinct auras, in fact. It seemed that they also held some draconic power now that Iris consumed Varus Dragon Heart.

Noah already imagined the powerful vampires they would become after being born and growing up… they would be born with even more talent than anyone here and would have an endless possibility for growth.

However, there were also new challenges that would arrive with them, such as parenting. Noah was sure to teach them how to be good little evil Vampires, of course, but he would also have to give them a lot of attention and love, so they grow attached to him and don\'t end up despising him because he was an irresponsible father that wasn\'t present for them.

Noah already knew that one of them was going to be a girl and the other a boy, as he had already seen their fetus bodies just recently and also before going to exterminate and eat Varus. They were twins too, so their appearances might be similar even as a boy and a girl.

Noah wondered if they would inherit more from him or more from their pretty mother, whose beauty was so immense it could make these children the most beautiful babies that could be born in face of earth…

Noah honestly hoped for them to be more like Iris, as he didn\'t found himself particularly handsome, although this was because he lacked self-awareness of his own beauty… Even when he was constantly praised by others, especially Iris, who always said he was a very handsome man, but he often thought she said it because she was in love with him.

Nonetheless, these were little thoughts that really didn\'t matter at all, they were just passing thoughts within Noah\'s mind that was busy thinking about many things, he decided that he had enough slaughter for today, and quickly took a warm bath and then went to sleep at the side of his wife…

Caressing her belly, he closed his eyes and decided to sleep for a few hours with Iris.

…Meanwhile, within the confines of outer space and the cosmos beyond earth, the Watchers approached the planet at a decent pace.

The planet was developing rather well, and its origin core was getting ripened, it was at the right growth level, and it would make for a delicious meal to boost their cultivation, although they would most likely gift it to their master.

The various aliens with a different set of suits glanced at the coordinates of the hologram of Earth, as they sensed something anomalous.

"Hm? Didn\'t we make more Dungeons emerge? Why… the surface living beings have not gone extinct yet?"

"We had surely sent Mana Core Meteors… Yet there isn\'t any change?"

"The Dungeons had been cleared… in just a month?!"

"Impossible, what kind of beings are those? They shouldn\'t be capable of handling that many dungeons!"

"Even weird… the Origin Core of the Planet seems to be regaining more independent power as of now. Now that the dungeons are not pressuring its existence…"

"Has a Deity-level being emerged in Earth aside from the useless God?"

"It… seems so. There is a large amount of power emanating all around the world, it was as if this being was everywhere within the planet."

"What an annoying ant, believing that it can make a difference by slowing down our job… Send the Mechanics and the Raid Beasts!"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am! Just get rid of that annoying pest, we need to work as swiftly as possible to not provoke the rage of our master… Now move!"


Please make sure to check out my other novels, I am sure that you will like them!

M y W o r l d T r a v e l i n g S y s t e m: The Harbinger of Death: A Story about a young man who is suddenly struck by li ghtning while sleeping with his phone, w hich awakened his ability and the World Traveling Sy stem!

D e m o n Q u e e n R e b i r t h: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!: A Story about a De mon Queen who lost everything, in t he last battle, her soul w as split in half and s he was reincarnated twice in her third life.

E p i c o f C a t e r p i l l a r: A Story about a mysterious man who died of a fever and reincarnated as a Caterpillar in the middle of a for est infested with monsters! He w ill have to so mehow survive as a Caterpil lar in t his world filled wit h cha os.

V a m p i r e O v e r l o r d  S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e: The Story of a young and bullied man born in an apocalyptic world, who is given the chance to become a Vampire and dominate this world as he pleases with a malicious and scheming mind!

E p i c o f I c e D r a g o n : Reborn as an Ice Dragon with a System : The St ory of a young adult man who died buried in an ava lanche and was s uddenly given wishes based on his last desires, suddenly reinca rnating in a N orse mytho logy-inspired cultivation world as an Ic e Dragon wit h a System!

E p i c o f S u m m o n e r: S u p r e m e S u m m o n e r S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e : The St ory of a young web novelist wh o is suddenly thrown into an interdimensional apocalypse but given a powerful System that lets him summon his novel characters to aid him!

E p i c o f V a m p i r e D r a g o n : R e b o r n a s a V a m p i r e D r a g o n w i t h a S y s t e m: The Story of a boy born with strange and myster ious powers who was held ca ptive and u sed as a guinea pig through his entire life, unt il the day he died and suddenly re incarnated as a Vampire Drag on Chi mera in a completely differ ent wor ld, create d by an insane Elder Li ch that claims to b e his f ather !

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