
Chapter 129 - Everyone Wants To Be Inside Noah


Noah spent most of the day with Iris and even taught her how to meditate and move the energies around her body, as he discovered that she had figured out some way on her own, but that his teachings were of great help to let her achieve a greater result.

As the night came, both had a nice dinner with their subordinates, and afterward, Noah experienced yet another steamy and intense night of passion with Iris.

Feeling like such a relaxing and carefree day went flying by, the next day finally came, and Noah and his subordinates were ready to move into their next step.

However, not before yet another passionate morning.

It seemed that Noah and Iris were incredibly fitting for each other, as they often mated like wild rabbits on heat.

Arthur and the rest thought that it was a matter of time for Iris to become pregnant…

The sound of the bed resonated, as Noah embraced Iris with his strength, grasping her body and making her his.

The sweat made their pale white skin glossy, like a steamy and warm atmosphere formed around both of their bodies, they had started doing it an hour and a half ago,

Noah gently bit Iris\'s neck, giving her a strong shock of pleasure through his sharp fangs, as Iris moaned, biting Noah\'s neck back.

Yet another wave of seed filled Iris\'s womb, as both of them rested in bed, Noah above Iris, gasping for a bit of air, as Noah slowly moved away from his member from within the depths of Iris womb.

"Hahh… You filled me so much… I am… definitely pregnant now…" sighed Iris.

"Haahh… Good. Some descendants wouldn\'t be a bad thing," said Noah.

After their passion, both Vampires quickly went to the bath and took a nice and relaxing warm bath, as they finally put on their clothes and walked downstairs dignifiedly.

"Noah-sama, Iris-sama, good morning," said Arthur.

"Good morning," said Noah expressionlessly.

"Good morning Arthur, everyone!" said Iris with her brightest of smiles, it seemed that their lady was quite happy today morning as well.

The party then chatted for a while as they enjoyed breakfast, until the topic of today\'s activities finally came to the conversation, and Noah enlightened his subordinates about what he has been doing within the shadows.

"About the Military School, I have made my pawn, our teacher, to sign some documents for our forced expulsion of the establishment. However, today I will go to school, find Fernand, and brainwash him if possible. It shouldn\'t take too long so you all don\'t necessarily need to come with me," said Noah.

"I would rather accompany you… Well, if you want to go "by yourself" you can always let us enter your blood through Blood Storage, right?" asked Iris.

"Oh right, the ability you use to save your Blood Servants… You can use it with us too, right?" asked Arthur.

"Yeah, we may as well accompany our lord through such a method," said Timassa.

"I had thought about that, honestly. But I believe that it might not be of your liking to be in such a place… But fine by me," said Noah.

"Why wouldn\'t it be?" wondered Iris.

"I don\'t understand why it would not be either," said Jon.

"Because the internal space within my blood that is produced through the Blood Storage Skill is completely filled with plasma and giant blood cells. I don\'t even understand the full logic behind such a Skill, but it seems that it just shrinks all of you and deposited you inside of one of my blood veins… that\'s what happens to the Blood Servants," said Noah.

"O-Oh… Well, that is indeed quite awkward," said Iris.

"Wait, so we will literally be inside of your body then?" asked Arthur in surprise.

"I don\'t understand how it really works, but it seems that I can choose which area of the parts of my body you can be. And you can exit by opening a wound," said Noah.

"Eh? Do we really have to open a wound…?" asked Iris.

"My body is immortal, so I don\'t even notice nor am I annoyed by it," said Noah.

"I suppose it is fine then…" said Iris.

"Anyways, Noah-sama, do you know where s Clementina?" asked Arthur.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Arthur-sama, Clementina-san, and the Robots and Blood Servants came back in the morning, they were all exhausted and went to rest. Even the Robots felt like they had spent a lot of energy and needed to enter into a resting mode to cool down," said Timassa.

"It seems that they had done as expected, the exploration of that C-Rank Dungeon must have been harsh, let\'s give them the rest of the day to rest, afterward they can use the Cores they earned and get to our level of strength, or at least a bit like ours," said Noah.

"I agree, thanks for letting the rest, Noah-sama," said Timassa.

"It is nothing, the ones that work hard shall always be rewarded in my house," said Noah.

After finishing their hearty breakfast, which included meat, fresh blood, freshly baked bread, jam, butter, croissants, sweets, coffee, and more, the party finally decided to walk out of the manor.

Noah opened a large wound on his hand, as he let the Vampires hop in one by one, and indeed, it was as if they lowered their size every time they jumped inside of his very bloodstream.

The power of Blood Storage was truly mysterious, it seemed to combine Spatial Attribute despite the Skill being clearly Blood Attribute.

Noah began to consider that any element was able to wield the powers and capabilities of other elements as long as the one wielding such attribute had enough proficiency and mastery over it.

This thought was later confirmed by the Blood Progenitor himself, which was finally freed from his prison, he seemed to have slept the entire time.

"Indeed, it is just as you imagined, Noah. Enough mastery over an Attribute can grant you the ability to wield other attributes special capabilities through them… Your new Skill, the one about elemental gems, is a big example of it… Though, does it even matter? In this world, anyone can wield any element through those random Ability Cores. Although using them to gain Skill Points and get guaranteed Skills through the Skill Tree is a better option," said the Blood Progenitor.

"Indeed. Although I might end up absorbing a bunch of Random Ability Cores for the sake of seeing what I could randomly get… though, without proper Skill Fusion, I would just leave such Skills abandoned as I am more familiar with the ones I have used this whole time," said Noah.

"Specializing in a single trait is not a bad thing, through that, you know your weaknesses well, alongside your strengths. However, your Blood Attribute is unique as it can adapt and evolve into many forms, not even I have seen before. Although you specialize in Blood Attribute, you seem to be a jack of all trades and master of all through its use. And as you progress, I imagine that… you will keep getting even stronger, sadly!" said the Blood Progenitor.

"Sadly? Have you not giving up on taking over my body yet? Hmph, you were talking rather calmly there, I imagined that you had finally resigned yourself," said Noah.

"Resigning myself? What do you think I am, a chicken? I shall never! …Sigh. If you have any other questions just ask me. I prefer to speak with you than to sleep so much, it is twisting my perception of time," sighed the Blood Progenitor as he delved into sleep again anyway.

Noah walked through the rooftops of the buildings, reaching his school rather fast, the students seemed to be out on a break, so Noah decided to turn himself into mist and trespass through the walls of the buildings, inside of the mostly empty rooms.

Noah did not have any particular Stealth Skill, but Mist Form was good enough for him to do this type of "stealth".

Noah kept looking for Fernand, as he expanded his vampiric senses and started to look for the scent he remembered that this young man always had, the scent of a very expensive cologne he used because he was a rich kid, which to Noah smelled terrible.

Soon after, he finally found him.

Fernand was inside of his room, seemingly alone.

His lackeys had gone to get him some snacks, as they seemed to be more like his slaves at this point…

While the young man rested above a bed while watching some kind of social media through his phone, Noah decided to strike…


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